Forum Thread
About me
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → About meI’m also looking for Dark Gems please pm me

|| Art Collection || Mah Shiny Shop ||
(For me it says: hi, hello, hi !
I’m also looking for Dark Gems please pm me

|| Art Collection || Mah Shiny Shop ||
(Just testing some theories here)
My About Me is 362 characters long (346 without spaces)
My Art Commissions list is 1070 characters long (966 without spaces)
My Prized Pokemon was cut off at 427 characters long (383 without spaces)
There goes that theory x3
It might probably be a good idea to copy your About Me somewhere...
Riako's probably just adjusting some minor things about the custom layouts. :o
will probably add some, and also learn how to time
...e v e n t u a l l y
Did it happen to all your costum panels or only one? If so, which one (as shown below).

Which BBcode tags were used in this panel?
Was it just cut off at some point (start stayed intact) or were there just parts missing (end stayed intact).
Hope it doesn't happen again ^^
P.S.: It could've just been a misclick of Riako, so it could be that it's a one time thing & not a real bug
FR Elements and Familiars
I didn't see any changes or deletions from my other panels only on THAT custom panel..
I think that was the panel where it was previously used as the first "About Me" before the profile update.
I already updated my custom panel.. no abrupt changes so far. :B
So, maybe it's not really a major bug or just a random one-time thing? :O
But, it is kinda annoying that it happened.. especially if you didn't have the whole thing of your custom panel's BBCodes saved. :S
I think my profile BBCode got cut off starting at the "é" symbol.. :(
My other long panel [future hunts] has no spoiler-code and was unaffected, despite being longer than the affected About Me [which did have spoiler-code].
Could the spoiler-tags have anything to do with it?
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Nope, I don’t think so. My about me didn’t had even a single spoiler in it just like now but it was full of words but no spoilers, even then my while about me and Plushie Collecting Custom Panel was deleted.
It only affected my costum panels that had the right-code and the size-code. One of my panels got cut right before the size-code started, so the part before the size-code didn't seem affected at all. While my other panel (which started with a right-code) got erased entirely.
The center-code didn't have an effect in this tho.

• My Log •
For me, it got cut off right before the "é" in Flabébé. So, it basically said:
[center]I collect [b]Amelia[/b],
[b]Glameow[/b], [b]Sharpedo[/b], [b]Wynaut[/b],
[b]Litten[/b], [b]Flab
[b]Litten[/b], [b]Flab
Redoing it was possible without any further issues.
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