All i can say, shame on Riako. He clearly should have known that
this issue will happen one day. We got here fast growing community
but with that also come demand for faster service. Maybe it was ok
when 100 users in same time participated but right now there are
300+ and most likely quit a lot on que list.
Actually it is his foult since his the main person here in
Pokeheroes. It's not player foult who want to take part for this
event and facing this slow web page lag issue. The simalar issue
did happen in past and for me seems nothing was done about it.
The idea for event is really cool but i would personally suggest to
stop this event and deal with issue. Such events shouldn't be
organized at all because it ruins the gamming experience here.
Uldis don't be so harsh on Riako..\\r\\nBut I think it might be
necessary to lower the amount of clicks in this
situation(?)\\r\\nBecause in 30 minutes we have about 150-200
Normal Gems for Ditto collected:
1 561 / 10 000
To get:
& Event Megas
they should at leasdt change the prizes and giver everyone
something, with huge lags like this there is no way that people can
get 3000 clicks -_-'\r\n\r\ni'm clicking like crazy and pushing N
like i always do but it going so slowwwwwwwwwww :,(
Halen Is Right!Riako Is Trying To Make Us Happy!But...Most Of Us
Just Don't Get It ._.So Let's Just Go With It! C:(Even If We Don't
Get To 3k In 3 hrs xD)(Also It's The Players Fault 'Cause To Many
People = LAGGGGG) (I Guess)
lol are you serious.
We're currently trying a whole new SCE system. I saw
that people enjoy such events and therefore I wanted to improve
So far, this idea failed a bit, but it might get better in the
Apart from that, I'm sitting in front of my computer mostly more
than 8 hours a day, experimenting with server settings and
configurations just to improve the site performance a bit - the
next (much more expensive) server update for this month is already
being paid.
So do me (and some other users) a favor and stop complaining in
such a childish way. Maybe even consider going offline during this