What shiny[s] do you wish to order?:blipbug Quantity of shiny?:1 Choice of Payment?:pd Breeder of Shiny?:onikitsune _______________________________ ----------------------------------------------
What shiny[s] do you wish to order?: Pichu Quantity of shiny?: 1 (female preferred) Choice of Payment?: 50k pd Breeder of Shiny?: Nexanda _______________________________ ----------------------------------------------
What shiny[s] do you wish to order?: Blipbug Quantity of shiny?: 4 Choice of Payment?: 8 star pieces Breeder of Shiny?: ONIKITSUNE _______________________________ ----------------------------------------------
ChikoritaMining Accepted are you sure you want 4 of them? I'll
put you on the list please put up private trade with selected
payment with required pokemon :3