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Pokemon Highschool Rp (Closed)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokemon Highschool Rp (Closed)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Wed, 04/06/2014 23:41 (10 Years ago)
New School has Opened For Pokémon And Drama will happen,will you become popular and make friends or become a outcast? Username:XxShinyRayquaza Rp Name:Auraora Group:Popular Pokémon:Gardveior Personiality:She is friendly sometimes but sometimes stubborn (The groups are emo,popular.outcasts,Normal,couldnt think of much to do with the plot and other things DX)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 00:08 (10 Years ago)
Username:wildpuppy1605 Rp name:Chip group: outcast pokemon: minccino. Personality: she wears big glasses, loves to read and is shy most of the time
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 00:59 (10 Years ago)
(Accepted elts start ) Auraora walked to her locker then her friends came "Do you every wonder why there are outcast.."Auraora said to herself then got her purse out of her locker
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:03 (10 Years ago)
Chip was getting ready for class. Then decided to read a book called The Fault in Our Stars.

(I love that book XD)
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:08 (10 Years ago)
The bell rang and Auraora went down the hall then seen Chip and sighed "Hey friends look its a outcast!"One on Auraora's friend said then Auraora looked at her friend with a angery face
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:13 (10 Years ago)
Chip looked up "u-um h-hello...." she said shyly holding her book closely to her chest.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:15 (10 Years ago)
Auraora's friend went away "Sorry for my friend being mean,there mostly like that but I have to go to class now bye!"Auraora said to chip then went off to math class
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:18 (10 Years ago)
Chip started to calm down then started to walk to math class.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:22 (10 Years ago)
Auraora got out her notebook when she sat down in her chair in math class "What is 12x3?"The Teacher said Auraora did the problem in her notebook then heard people talking about someone and wondered who they where talking about
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:26 (10 Years ago)
Chip quickly knew the problem, then wrote it quickly on her notebook. After that she decided to sketch a butterfly.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:29 (10 Years ago)
The bell rang and Auraora got up and went to her locker and wondered where her art book was then the hall was full of people talking and looking in there lockers before the bell was going to rang
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:29 (10 Years ago)
Username: xman3425
Rp Name: Ronny
Group: Outcast
Pokémon: Sneasel
Personiality: He is a prankster who always stays on the quiet side and tries not to get caught and he tries to make hardly any friends due to him being quiet and he loves to read most of the time

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:30 (10 Years ago)
(Accepted you can start posting xman! :D)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:32 (10 Years ago)
Ronny ran through the hall and got his stuff and left immediately to the next class and his Sneasel came up to Auraora and knocked her stuff down on purpose and running away very quickly.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:33 (10 Years ago)
When the bell rung, Chip went to her locker and putted her notebook away. Then decide to eat her peanut butter crackers for a snack, hungry and all.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:35 (10 Years ago)
Auraora picked her stuff up and got her art book then went to art class and sat down "I Wonder why that person was a jerk"Auraora said to herself as the teacher went into the class
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 191
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:38 (10 Years ago)
Chip quickly went to gym class. Then ran 3 laps. Tired she drank out of her water bottle then saw the group of popular girls talking in the hallway
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:40 (10 Years ago)
Ronny sat down and his Sneasel was in the pokeball
"Now for my prank to work" Ronny said in his mind because he put tacks and glue all over the teacher's seat " Oldest prank in the book"

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:41 (10 Years ago)
Auraora got out of art class then seen chip and waved "Hello chip!"Auraora said then seen the popular girls she didn't like much then they seen us and went over to us
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Thu, 05/06/2014 01:43 (10 Years ago)
Ronny walked out of his class and saw the popular girls
"Sneasel you know what to do" Ronny said as his Sneasel walked over to the popular girls heading towards Auroara and Chip. Sneasel ice beamed their over hair-sprayed hair and ran and laughed while Ronny ran and hid laughing too.