Wes looks at Rose: Not while I draw breath. Now, who here is
comfortable with stealings others Pokémon? (Holds out 2 Snatch
Devices) Because we are going to have to snatch the Shadow Pokémon
from other people.
Rash nods, "so the rest of us run or fight... but really we run
becuase we can't do anything againt those... legendaries, who are
jusy way too overpowered now..."
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is
wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
always gotten there first, and is waiting for it..." -Terry
Wes: Because. In order to make a Pokémon shadow, you’d have to
torture it, beat it, make it lose everything, and treat them like
dirt. I would rather snatch them from that, so I could treat them
with care, so that the Pokémon isn’t violent for the rest of its
Rose looked at the Snatch Devices. *I want to help these pokemon,
but how would stealing them help at all* she thought to herself,
wondering if she should have spoken up to take one.
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is
wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
always gotten there first, and is waiting for it..." -Terry