Rose walked with her Leafeon at her side. "This was a great day for
a walk, dont you think girl" she asked with a smiled. She giggled
when Leafeon nodded and said "Leaf" excitedly. "Then lets see where
this path takes us. Race you up the hill" she said before she took
off. Rose laughed when Leafeon passed her with ease, knowing it was
going to happen with the Leafeon being quicker than her. She slowed
down when she reached the top. "What the-" she said as she saw a
strange building. "How did this get here" she asked aloud, eve
though her Leafeon wouldnt know the answer. "Lets go check it out,
but first, your being put away. Return" she said as she held
Leafeon's Pokeball out. Once the Pokeball was tucked away she
slowly walked into the building. "Hello?"
Rose stiffened up hearing a reply. "W-who's there" she asked as she
slowly walked in, closing the door behind her. She looked around
before she pulled a flashlight out of her backpack. It was rather
dark where she was as it looked like all the lights were broken.
*Monta Would Be Walking Infront. While Neida. The Alolan Ninetales
Would Be Following Behind. And Phi Would Be On her Shoulder*
"Im Just Going To Stay Quiet For Now... And Say.. Im A Pokemon
"Got Sent Here By The Ranger Station For A 'Shadowed Problem' They
Just Said Go Here. Follow Anyone That Goes In And Scribble In A
Note Book. Also take Pictures"
"Ok! Everyone get in a nice group! Tallest in the back! Shortest in
the front! Make sure to get my good side!" Rash said, dramitally
posing for a picture.
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is
wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has
always gotten there first, and is waiting for it..." -Terry
Rose looked around before she started walking forward carefully.
*This place is weird* she thought as she kept going. She heard
voices growing louder as she walked, and soon, she saw figures. *I
wonder who they are.* "H-hello" she asked as she kept herself in
she shadows with the flashlight shining on the ground.