Forum Thread
Shadows of the Past... (Pokemon XDGoD SignUps)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Shadows of the Past... (Pokemon XDGoD SignUps)All the normal rulz (No goddmodding, bunnying etc)
Lv Cap (except for me) 30
Only I can Put TBRP’ed in my Form
Don’t take control of the story, because I already planned one out.
My Character
Name: Wesley Hunter.
Nickname: Wes
Personality: TBRP’ed
Sakura (Espeon) Lv 45 HI: Shell Bell A: Synchronize
Quick Attack
Shadow Ball
Double Team
MoonDrop (Umbreon) Lv 45 HI: Silk Scarf A: Synchronize
Shadow Ball
Take Down
Body Slam
Last Resort
Digi (Porygon-Z) Lv 40 HI: Focus Band A: DownLoad
Tri Attack
Zap Cannon
Hyper Beam
History: TBRP’ed
Nickname: Snake.
Appearance: Black hair with a green stripe, green shirt, black pants, pale face with red gloves,.
Personality: Kind, shy, gets angry easy.
chari (charizard) lvl 30
flame trower
gyara (gyaradose) lvl 30
dragon dance
ice fang
venusaur lvl 30
razor leaf
seed bomb
leech seed
sludge bomb
history: jake came to orre to be a Pokemon researcher, and to work for the professor to collect as many Pokemon as he can to research.
Appearance:right here
Personality: Friendly,calm, chatty.
Night Daze
Throat Chop
Sucker Punch
Hyper Voice
Shadow Ball
Fient Attack
Fake Out
Sucker Punch
Iron Tail
Dark Pulse
Dream Eater
Shadow Ball
Perish Song
History:Since she was young,Chloe has always admired Pokemon and loved them. The way she met Mdinight was when she was 8, Chloe was exploring outside in the rain when she found a shiny eevee being cornered by a bunch of water types who were boosted up because of the rain. As a young girl she became quite worried and shooed the water types away. Chloe ran with the eevee in her arms to pokecenter. When the eevee woke up,she thanked the young girl and went home with her. They eventually became friends. When Chloe was finally ten, chloe skipped the starter pokemon because she was confident she could manage. At night, Chloe and the eevee was having a battle when the eevee began to evolve. Through all the friendship,eevee became umbreon and chloe named her Midnight. She found her other pokemon on a breaking journey.
Yael Naim
00:00 ●━━━━━━─────── 03:42
⇆ㅤㅤㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ↻
Nickname: Aria
Appearance: Here!
Personality: All over the place. Even she is unable to predict how she will feel at any moment.
Pokemon: Siren (Brionne) Lvl 28
Moves: Sing, Surf, Disarming Voice, Aqua jet
History: She went to the orre region to find work as a performer, and hopefully catch more pokémon.
Other: She loves drawing
Art Shop
Avatar made by me!
Appearance: Pale skin, deep red hair, Wears Black goggles and a bandana around his face. wears camo top and trousers
Personality: Comes of as cold and cruel but is kind, caring but is scared of people. there's no challenge he isn't willing to try.
(Shiny, Buzz) Crobat lv.30
Leech Life, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Bite
(Missy) Mismageus lv.27
Confuse ray, Will-O-Wisp, Hex, Night Shade
History: Came to Orre as a Bounty hunter from Unova, after being ratted out by one of his partners
but managed to escape by boat eventually reaching Orre wear he took up work trying to help people while staying in the shadows.
Nickname: Rash
Appearance: This Dude
Personality: As his nickname suggests, can be rash at times, usually nice, willing to meet new people and make friends, very talkative, and very friendly. He hates people who act like jerks, and he will usually tell them off, somtimes getting him into fights.
Susano (shiny Frogadier)LV:30
Quick Attack
Water Pulse
Zekken (Honedge): LV: 29
Shadow Sneak
Aerial Ace
KuniKuzhi (Gabite)LV: 28
Dual Chop
Take Down
Sand Tomb
History: A pokemon trainer from the Kalos region. Ever since he was a little boy, he was fascinated by pokemon. He spent countless hours and days, researching pokemon, going out to find them, waiting for the day he would receive his first pokemon. One day, while exploring near the nearby forest, he came across an uncharted pond. He watched in utter fascination at the pokemon there. He would go everyday since he discovered it. One day, he found an abandoned egg at the edge of the pond. He waded out to get it. As he held the rgg in his hands, it hatched into a shiny froakie. Ever since that day, Susano and him were best friends. When he came og age, he decided to have an adventure in the Kalos region. When he was done with that, he came here to this region
Name: Aish Hātodo
Nickname: Ai. She Hates That Nickname And Will Most likely Start Chasing Who Ever Said It Down.
Appearance: She Has Waist length Straight Black Hair. She Often Has A Hair Clip At the Front That is One of Her Pokemon. She Wears Over Sized Sweaters, And Ripped jeans. And Wears Black Boots. Her Socks Are Black And Up To Her Knees
Some Other Accessories Include: A Variety of Scarfs. All Sorted In Color Gradient. Random Hair Ties On Her Arms. And A Loose Silk Jacket Over Her Over Sized Sweater. Her Sweaters Are also Sorted By Color Gradient.
Personality: She's Normally Calm And Collected. But Can Be Wild And Reckless Too. Reckless Mostly When Out On Adventures. And Calm When Shes Training Or Talking. Shes A Bit Weird.
Reuta (Primarina) (M)
Ability: Torrent
- Moonblast
- Energy Ball
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
Tundra (Aurorus) (F)
Ability: Refridgerate
- Ice Beam
- Blizzard
- Thunder
- Earth Power
Akura (Roserade) (F)
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: Yes
- Dazzling Gleam
- Energy Ball
- Extrasensory
- Poison Jab
Phi (Talonflame) (F)
Ability: Flame Body
- Fly
- Flame Charge
- Roost
- Acrobatics
Neida (Ninetales-Alola) (F)
Ability: Snow Warning
Level 30
- Ice Beam
- Moonblast
- Dark Pulse
- Extrasensory
Monta (Lycanroc) (F)
Ability: Sand Rush
- Accelerock
- Stone Edge
- Fire Fang
- Crunch
History: Born In Sinnoh's Hearthome City. Moved To Alola. Got Her Starter And Most of Her Pokemon. Then Moved To Here. To Become A Better Trainer. And Also To Help As A Pokemon Ranger
Other: Shes A In Training Pokemon Ranger. Shes Been Training For Over A Year Now. Shes Also A Pokemon Trainer. And Shes One Of the Only Pokemon Rangers That Has A Team