Forum Thread
A Unique Professor for Emera Town
Forum-Index → Suggestions → A Unique Professor for Emera TownI would like for Emera Town to have its own unique Pokémon Professor.
Please not that nothing about the town, game, or gameplay will change with this suggestion. I simply want to replace Rowan with a unique professor.
> In the Pokémon games/anime, Rowan "has a stern personality that makes him seem intimidating and mean, but he is actually very kind and patient" (from Bulbapedia). However, this does not sound much like the Rowan that we know from Emera Town. Our Rowan is sort of goofy, a sore loser, and a bit tricky sometimes. He has his own unique personality and story, so why not give him a unique identity to match?
> Emera Town has plenty of unique individuals who live and work here! A few examples are Leah the Mermaid, Greg the Gem Collector, Rambo Rumble, Delilah the Furfrou Stylist*, and Lorelei the Gardener**. I think the addition of a unique professor would be wonderful for the feeling of a town community.
> Almost every fan game I have ever played/seen has a unique professor to go with their unique region, and I would love to see Pokéheroes/Emera Town do the same.
So what do we do about it?
> In order to minimize the amount of work Riako has to do when recoding for a new professor, I suggest that we simply replace Rowan. All of the places that Rowan's name/image appear, we switch with the new professor. His personality, stories, dialogue, all of that can stay exactly the same, but we will have a unique person just for this town and website.
> Here is a compiled list of tree*** names not yet taken by main-series or side-series official Pokémon games. (I do not know if these names are in use by any other fan games.)
- Larch
- Tilia
- Hawthorn
- Cedar
- Cypress (used on GPX for their professor)
- Fir
- Mulberry
- Spruce
- Tulip
- Aspen
> If you have a name suggestion, please feel free to let me know and I can add it to the list, or if you think one should be removed, tell everyone why. If you visit my userpage, these ten are currently on a poll so we can see which names are popular.
> I am currently working in my spare time (it's pretty limited) on some concept art for this professor, but I would love if others could suggest things or even submit some possible art of their own.
* I am aware that there was a Delilah in the anime who owned a Furfrou, but she looks so extremely different from our Delilah in Emera town that they can be safely considered two different people.
** I am also aware that there is a Lorelei in one of the Elite Fours, but based on appearance, I think that, like the two Delilahs, these two are different people.
*** Here are images of the tree listed on this post and my poll in case you wanted to see.
Larch (image from Wikipedia)
Tilia (image from Wikipedia)
Hawthorn (image from Wikipedia)
Cedar (image from Wikipedia)
Cypress (image from Britannica)
Fir (image from The Spruce)
Mulberry (image from Wikipedia)
Spruce (image from Wikipedia)
Tulip (image from Arbor Day)
Aspen (image from Wikipedia)
Tilia (image from Wikipedia)
Hawthorn (image from Wikipedia)
Cedar (image from Wikipedia)
Cypress (image from Britannica)
Fir (image from The Spruce)
Mulberry (image from Wikipedia)
Spruce (image from Wikipedia)
Tulip (image from Arbor Day)
Aspen (image from Wikipedia)
EDIT 1 - Added that the Lorelei from the anime and the one from Emera Town are likely different people based on their vastly different appearances.
EDIT 2 - Mentioned that GPX uses the professor name Cypress already.
(I apologize if this has been suggested before. I looked, but couldn't find anything.)
People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.
Mrinja, we may have characters with zero development at all, but that doesn't mean they're not unique to Pokeheroes. I feel if we have our own unique professor,
I feel like with Rowan, he has a mean vibe to him at first and then it proceeds to being nice, etc. Which, as stated, doesn't really fit in with the Pokeheroes vibe. We would want to welcome new players, not scare them off [if this was in terms of the pokemon anime.. hufff].
Also, I feel like Tilia would be a suiting name for the possible new professor
There is why:
As you can see, they are very different.
I added this to the first post
My problem with having a character that already exists is that you are then limited to what that character is like. It really irritates me to see characteristics of a fictional character changed in order to fit someone's idea of them because you lose the character. Our Rowan is so unlike Rowan that I can't picture him as such. That's why I think we should have a professor unique to our region here :) I also love LeChatBox's idea that our Emera professor should specialize in event Pokémon, which only appear in Emera Town, aka Pokéheroes.
[Sidebar, but I think that if this were implemented, it’d be a great way to bring the community more together; we’d get a chance to vote on the possible professors or there would be an art contest or something, where people can submit their own professors. Would be neat.]
But yeah! Even if Rowan is no longer PH’s professor, we don’t have to do away with him. He’d be like Oak, who sometimes visits (Monday?) and brings with him quests, or even random anecdotes from his travel to other regions. That would open up several possibilities for more features on PH – but I’m getting way ahead. My point is, it would make sense for a new region (Emera) to have its own professor. Cause there’s no confining reason for Rowan having to be Emera’s professor, right? It easily could’ve been Birch, Elm, etc. instead.