Forum Thread
>Star V.2: Kanon Design Shop <
Forum-Index → Fanmades → >Star V.2: Kanon Design Shop <
Hello, to my new shop,
But! I´m missing design a little bit and I though... Why not?
Also, why Kanon? Just look at the girl in the banner: her name is Kanon, from Bandori and I love her. <3

Before we can get started, I want to explain my situation.
1.-Hi, I´m Hana, from Spain! So... my English isn´t perfect and my time zone is +2.
2.-I´m a student and I need to do my finals this month and the access to the university on June. I will put my time in each design as always but I will be
And now, some easy rules to follow:
[1] Only two requests for each user. You only can request again if I gave yours.
[2] If I have a lot of request I will close the shop until I finish.
[3] Fullfill the form.
[4] I can refuse to do any request that I don´t want to do, i.e.: the image isn´t good, I can´t do something that I like, you didn´t do the form... so, PLEASE, let me first check your post! I will accept o deny and then we can proced.
[5] Do not worry, if I refuse you can: edit your post (please, tell me!), post again, or talk via PalPad.
[6] Send the money when I say that I accept your request.
[7] You don´t need to put that I did the work, just do not say that it was made by you please.
[8] Any question? Tell me! I don´t bite!

Oooh, our lovely BIG banners... What I can say? I love making those. What is the difference? The shape. We have two different styles for you, my client.
Style 1 Style 1 || Style 2 Style 2
The price for "style 1" will be 3500 PD and "style 2" will be 3000 PD.
/Note\ If you need something more simple for any thread, ask me, we can talk.
Do you want any? Please, fullfill this small thing:
"But Hana... You make signatures BIGGER than banners..." and you will have all the reason! So now, the difference between them will be the size. Signatures will be smaller, with less extrange shapes.
Style 1 Style 1 || Style 2 Style 2
The price for "style 1" will be 2500 PD and "style 2" will be 2000 PD.
Do you want any? Please, fullfill this small thing:
Small, beautiful images that represents ourselves! I suggest to not put any text on these, or only your nick or something short.
Style 1 Style 1 || Style 2 Style 2
The price for "style 1" will be 1500 PD and "style 2" will be 1000 PD.
Do you want any? Please, fullfill this small thing:
Gif!! We all love gif!! Do you love gif? I love gifs. But not always are the best option... i.e. we have a limit (250 KB) here for avatars and not always have a good quality... Basically, I will be very picky.
Despite that, I can try, and If I can´t I will tell you without problem.
Style 1 Style 1 || Style 2 Style 2
The price for "style 1" will be 4000 PD and "style 2" will be 3000 PD.
Do you want any? Please, fullfill this small thing:
Why not text in those? Like as I said before, I suggest the same: do not put any text on these, or only your nick or something short. It´s a bit problematic
Sorry for the incovenences!
I think, that´s all! Thank´s for visit me and hope I can see you again!
-Style: 1
-Image: Cure Gelato
-Text: I love the 80s music
-Something else?: nothing else

-Style: Which ever you have more inspiration for (I'm very indecisive)
-Something else?: You have such lovely creations, you should up your prices

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Hello again, Sens! Everything is correct, thanks you! You can pay now! <3
Hello again too for you, Sissy! And thanks for the comment. I will think about it >//< About the request, everything is correct so you can pay now!
Oh, handsome Ren-- I will love to make those request lol. You can pay now! Thanks for request <3


Sorry for the delay ;v;!
Choose your favourite, and if you wan´t any change tell me! I tried things >.<

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Sorry for the delay, long long week for me... I hope now are better? If you need anything tell me without problems-- I don´t mind ~