Forum Thread
art 4 sale (sebastiann) - open
Forum-Index → Fanmades → art 4 sale (sebastiann) - openmainly looking to trade art for shinies, will take nugget/pd offers tho ;p (feel free to offer other items too)
here are examples of my art;
no set price.. i like offers owo
might draw multiple things .v.
i prefer doing doodles, sketches and shoulders-up, they're the quickest
pokemon im interested in:

chingling, goodra, ribombee, drifblim, rotom, palkia, sableye, mawile, clefable, pyukumuku, dewpider or any spoopy looking & or bug pokemon
not all HAVE to be shiny, it's just an idea of what i like. i love bug pokemon
rules yo
-dont ask for too much & pls dont rush me it makes me nervous, i am a student and i do things so i dont have that much time, though i can get art done pretty fast. the fastest option would be either a sketch or a doodle (kinda like a chibi with coloring and shading).
-I will draw MOST animals/pokemon, maybe humans (but probably not). Ask if you're curious. comment "mantis" if you've read this, to confirm you understand my rules.
-Payment sent after half of it is done (Meaning I will send you the lineart, you pay, I finish. If it is a sketch, pay beforehand). I will send you a progress
-idc what you do with my art. im not very protective of it, so i do not sign my artwork. i just ask if you do not claim it as your own. i wont go out of my way if you do, though. just be a decent human lol
-no inappropriate things. i am underage (16). the most i will draw is gore, but please notify me elsewhere for that. either my deviantart or my discord. bee#0401
-discount if u let me draw buggos i love them so much
Rhoosaurus done paid
aaaaaaaaaaaaa done paid
ImperialHound done paid
Koushi done paid
-Ignis- done paid
Liirah done paid
Nymphrasis done paid
Sansica nd
anyone in here? owob for a shiny goodra mimikyu and eevee!!
(possibly not kit :”D she has too much art)
any style is fine!
i love mantis theyre so cute would plural mantis be manti :thonk:
would you be up for doing a doodle or a standard drawing (honestly any is fine those are my favs) of one of these babes?
//I can't decide between them, so it's up to you if you'd be up for doing one of them
Northwest or Southeast or Susouri
I could offer shiny Banette, shiny Furret, and 200k pd bc i don't feel like those two shinies are enough ;v;
ImperialHound can do, read rules first tho ;v;
I can offer a shiny Scizor + 400k for something (any style you like) of anyone here!!
Also Mantisss!

mantis qvq
I'm afraid I don't have any spare shinies atm but I could offer 500 nuggets if that's okay with you? .o.
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Liirah Of course :> and that's fine!
Nymphrasis Sure ;o you have very nice buggos