Budew: "oh hello yes I am..."
(voice trails off)
Chompy: "um... ok lets get you out of here its no to safe."
Budew"yes, yes..."
Chompy: "right, lets go."
(whispers to sakri)
Chompy:"keep an eye on her ok?"
"So.. Lets See If We Can Extract The Power From The Stones.. Then.
We Could Make it Into A Single Stone Then. If We make It Into a
Necklace Or Something It Should Work. But Other Stuff To."
"Huh? What's this?" :Aria looked at a little box buried under the
rest of the stones: "De-evolution stones? What are those?" :Aria
asked, and looked at the others:
(That is definitely my new favorite line. Do you mind if I have it
in my signature?)
"I guess I'll try it out!" :Aria untied the fire stone from her
neck and opened the box: "Woah... Pretty!" : She touched one, and
light seemed to start being sucked into the stone. When it was
done, and the light level in the room was back to normal, Aria was
an Eevee again: "Wow, cool!"
"Hmm.. I Think If We Put The Magical Elements Of The Stones Into A
De- Evolution Stone. Then You Could Be Able To Change Forms. Like.
So You Change Form. Then Once Done The Stone Takes The Power
Dewdrops watches this from a distance, having just woken up in the
middle of a forest and overheard the commotion. She still has no
real idea of what's going on and that she is now a popplio
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
"So. Should We Go For Our First All together Mission? We Are Signed
Up For A Mystery Dungeon Team Now"
*Aish Would Suggest, Then.*
"Or We Could Do Other Junk.. Lets Seee... The Limit For A Mystery
Dungeon team is 3... Blah Blah. Pine Apples... We Could get a
Rescue Mission In town On The Boardd. Pine Apples"