Forum Thread
Just another fine Homestuck
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Just another fine Homestuck>Enter name.
Your name is ____. This is your 13th BIRTHDAY. A number of ____s are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for ____. You have a fondness for ___, and is an aspiring ____. Your chumhandle is ____.
God tier:
Strife Specibus:
Your name is ____. This is your 13th BIRTHDAY. A number of ____s are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for ____. You have a fondness for ___, and is an aspiring ____. Your chumhandle is ____.
God tier:
Strife Specibus:
>Enter name.
Your name is ____. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of ____s are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for ____. You have a fondness for ___, and is an aspiring ____. Your trolltag is ____.
God tier:
Strife Specibus:
Your name is ____. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of ____s are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for ____. You have a fondness for ___, and is an aspiring ____. Your trolltag is ____.
God tier:
Strife Specibus:
Accepted characters and my form:

Username: BlackSD
Your name is KAGE TOSHIO. This is your 13th BIRTHDAY. A number of SHRUIKENs are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for CHEESE. You have a fondness for PLAYING THE PIANO, and is an aspiring NOVELIST. Your chumhandle is kantankerousMusician.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit
God tier: Heir of Space
Description: Black, messy hair with 4 spikes. No glasses, green eyes.
Strife Specibus: Violinkind, Violin bowkind.
Other: 7ypes like 7his.
Username: DeadMau5Pyro
Your name is DRENDRA FELCATH. This is your 13th BIRTHDAY. A number of SWORDs are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for DRAGONS. You have a fondness for MECHANICS, and is an aspiring FIGHTER. Your chumhandle is arcoirrisGatos.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit.
God Tier: Mage of Blood.
Description: Wears sandels most of the time. Has a mechanical tail, colored black and her blood color. Has rainbow suspender's.
Username: Cynderrocks78
Your name is ALEANA MIEMA. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of SCALEMATES are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for DRAWING. You have a fondness for ELECTRONICS, and is an aspiring GAMER. Your trolltag is AscendingDreamer.
Prospit/Derse: Derse
God tier: Sylph of Space
Description: Long Black hair, Blue Blood, Black shirt with a blue headphone symbol, Blue eyes, Dark Blue sweat pants, Candy Corn Horns like Karkats only a tiny bit larger, Wears a jacket like Vriska's, Black and Blue shoes, Talks Lik3 This. =3, And She loves Candy :3
Strife Specibus: Katanakind.
Username: Terezi_Pyrope
Your name is TEREZI PYROPE SAYOMI FLYSSA. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of SKETCHES are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for DRAWING. You have a fondness for MUSIC, and is an aspiring GAMER. Your trolltag is pyrokineticCat.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit
God tier: Knight of Mind
Description: Medium black hair, somewhere between Teal and Cerulean blood, black sweater that covers her hands most of the time with the japanese symbol of pain, jeans, her horns are a mix of Kanaya's and Vriska's, black shoes. "What do mew want furom me? I'm just a high8lood trying to make a lyfe."(Cat puns, fish puns and b is 8 )
Strife Specibus: bowkind/riflekind
Other: I'mdrawingherlater
Username: NES-Flashback
Your name is MAKRI. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of rocks are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for OBSCURE HUMOR. You have a fondness for ANIMATION, and are an aspiring CARTOONIST. Your trolltag is seeingFallacies.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit
God tier: Seer of Space

Strife Specibus: Scythekind
Other: As fOr hIs qUIrk, All Of MAkrI's vOwEls ArE In cAps.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Your name is DRENDRA FELCATH. This is your 13th BIRTHDAY. A number of SWORDSs are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for DRAGONS. You have a fondness for MECHANICS, and is an aspiring FIGHTER. Your chumhandle is arcoirrisGatos.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit.
God Tier: Mage of Blood.
Other: Wears sandels most of the time. Has a mechanical tail, colored black and her blood color. Has rainbow suspender's.

(I'm not sorry. C: )
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
>Name: Do something
Lorem Ipsum Dolor etc, etc.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Your name is ALEANA MIEMA. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of SCALEMATES are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for DRAWING. You have a fondness for ELECTRONICS, and is an aspiring GAMER. Your trolltag is AscendingDreamer.
Prospit/Derse: Derse
God tier: Sylph of Space
Description: Long Black hair, Blue Blood, Black shirt with a blue headphone symbol, Blue eyes, Dark Blue sweat pants, Candy Corn Horns like Karkats only a tiny bit larger, Wears a jacket like Vriska's, Black and Blue shoes, Talks Lik3 This. =3, Her Strife Specibus is Katanakind, And She loves Candy :3
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
>Kage: Jump on bed.
Why would you do that? It's a completely idiotic and useless thing to do.
>Kage: go outside and throw a few shruikens at annoying birds.
You hit a bird. But it was your dad's parakeet.
>Kage: cover up evidence of murder.
Fail. The tail sticks out.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Your name is
Prospit/Derse: Prospit
God tier: Knight of Mind
Description: Medium black hair, somewhere between Teal and Cerulean blood, black sweater that covers her hands most of the time with the japanese symbol of pain, jeans, her horns are a mix of Kanaya's and Vriska's, black shoes. "What do mew want furom me? I'm just a high8lood trying to make a lyfe."(Cat puns, fish puns and b is 8 )
Strife Specibus: bowkind/riflekind
You search for your Ipod but find it nowhere, funny, you remember leaving it on the table the other night..
>Aleana: go outside.
You hated going outside most of the time but decided to do so, you walk outside and see something Glinting in a bush.
>Aleana: inspect bush.
You search the bush and find your Ipod. What was it doing there?
>Aleana: Retrieve Ipod.
You bend down to grab your Ipod but a spider falls onto your hand.
>Aleana: Freak Out.
No No, just stay calm... WHAM! you smack the Spider off your hand, Vriska would be mad if she found out but you didn't care what your best friend would do about it. its just one spider right? You grab your Ipod off the ground.
>Aleana: Inspect Ipod.
There are numerous cracks in the Ipod, but it still works.
>Kage: hide body with legs.
Oh, hi dad. What? Your parakeet has disappeared?
>Kage: use distraction to push body into bushes with feet
Dad, my feet sure are itchy. Well, good luck with finding your bird!
>Kage: hurry into room and pick up Violin.
Your Stirife Specibus was a present from grandad, who hoped you would become a musician. You don't like the violin much, but it works for smashing weirdos.
>Kage: open weird file with the 'press enter' thing.
A weird green cursor appears.
>Kage: select yourself
You can't select yourself! You kick the cursor and it flies around the room, depositing the CRUXTRUDER on the bed and the TOTEM LATHE next to your desk.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
KM: Lol hi
KM: I migh7 be banned from my compu7er now
KM: I acciden7ally killed my dad's bird
KM: and messed up 7he decor with some weird machines
KM: look, I'll jus7 go and pop the lid off 7his one and-
kantankerousMusician ceased being trolled by ascendingDreamer.
>Kage: look at weird thing that popped out of the machine.
It seems to be some kind of weird circle thingy. Your cursor tells you it is the KERNELSPRITE. You may prototype the sprite as you want.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Your name is MAKRI. This is your SIXTH SOLAR SWEEP. A number of rocks are scattered across your room. You have a variety of INTERESTS. You have a passion for OBSCURE HUMOR. You have a fondness for ANIMATION, and are an aspiring CARTOONIST. Your trolltag is seeingFallacies.
Prospit/Derse: Prospit
God tier: Seer of Space

Please Note: The symbol on his shirt is for 'Baka'. It means 'fool', 'idiot', ect. Needless to say Makri is a goofball.
Strife Specibus: Scythekind
Other: As fOr hIs qUIrk, All Of MAkrI's vOwEls ArE In cAps.
>Kage: grab other thing out of the CRUXTRUDER.
what other thing? There's only a pumpkin near your bed.
>Kage: grab pumpkin.
What pumpkin? You realize that there is a small blue pillar also in the CRUXTRUDER. You grab that, and a SHURUIKEN is shot out of the room. You really should change your FETCH MODUS, it's the height of the technology era.
>Kage: prototype Star Trek poster.
You prototype it, and the KERNELSPRITE has... Captain James. T. Kirk's head in it? Oh sorry old cap, you say, and prototype a shruiken too. It seems that because of the shruiken, the captain has become a ninja warrior.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
This is quickly becoming boring. Yes...even for you. Off to your computer then? Yes. Off to chat with friends. As if you have any...
>Makri : Just go bother someone.
You sigh and log on. This is going to be pointless.
There's a LOT of stuff around YOU. You decide to GRAB a BOW from your collection and go downstairs.
==>Sayomi: Confront Cheetahsis
You TRY to dodge the sleeping LUSUS and try to go out.
==>Sayomi: Slip on blood from dead corpses that Cheetahsis ate
You ACCIDENTLY slip on someblood but you managed to place your hands before actually falling. You look at her and phew, she's still sleeping.
==>Sayomi: Go outside
You see alot of MIST and TOWERS around you and you think you are in your LAND. It actually is LAND of MIST and TOWERS. You see alot of DEMON CATS around you. You think you'd better get your iGlasses from your room.
==>Sayomi: Notice that you already have them
You are even WEARING them. You rap a few words and your SCANNER pops on your hand.
(I think I'll stop fur now.