scroll up from here and click the icon In the middle and it will
take you to the other role plays all you gotta do is scroll down a
little bit and you will see dragon kings and dragon lords rp
well why. he is my character.
fine.........I will leave the rp but as I'm still iin the dragon
universe. I would leave that place and stay as a human forever
oh yeah............fine ill still do the rp, but not as much. I
have other stuff to do, but ill have enough time to do the rp
well, ill go to the rp........
If I can then it'll be
Name: Queldra the Eternal fire
Gender: Male
Dragon Type: Fire
Lord or King: Lord
Power: Can change form to fire, breathe fire and when he goes
berserk he can make stuff spontaneously combust and changes color
of flme to be utter when it gets more angry. And obvi can eat
Dragon Form Pic or Description: Think of igneel from fairy take but
a bit bigger and a bit more lithe.
Human form: Hair changes to his tttude but usually red. Very
outgoing and kinda rude, loves to eat but hates fish for some
reason. 6 foot skinnier side but has great muscles doesn't care
about why he puts on and has a small stripping problem
Maybe like dragon dies to me or something idk