Forum Thread
School Idol Shiny Shop! || OPEN!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → School Idol Shiny Shop! || OPEN!

NICO NICO NII~ Hiya!! Welcome to TURBO and Moone's School Idol Shiny Shop! Here, we will be selling shinies and maybe mega-ables~ It all depends on what we're hunting! We're here to spread cheer with our shinies, and hopefully earn some profit as well! We're going to start off with a short introduction of each hunter, before we commence with the current hunts and prices of the shinies... I hope that's okay!!! UwU

Now that we have those introductions out of the way... let's sail into the shiny section of this shop! Here we'll be listing all of our available shinies for users to purchase! Remember, I'm going to be hunting all the cute mon's~ TURBO... Hm... I wonder what he might be hunting next! This guy... He's unpredictable! But that's why we love him, right TURBO? ;D
Without further ado... Here come the shinies!!!

|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 120k PD
❦ 80 nuggets
❦ 120 normal gems
❦ 185 grass gems
❦ 2 Star Pieces
|| S l o t s ||
❦ N/A
❦ N/A
❦ N/A
❦ N/A
❦ N/A

|| Future Hunts ||
❦ Sunkern
❦ Deerling (Winter)
❦ Cottonee
❦ Deerling (Fall)
❦ Frillish
❦ Chikorita
❦ Tepig
❦ Oshawott
❦ Bounsweet
❦ Sentret
❦ Pachirisu
❦ Goomy
❦ Litleo
❦ Sunkern
❦ Deerling (Winter)
❦ Cottonee
❦ Deerling (Fall)
❦ Frillish
❦ Chikorita
❦ Tepig
❦ Oshawott
❦ Bounsweet
❦ Sentret
❦ Pachirisu
❦ Goomy
❦ Litleo
|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 325k PD
❦ 215 nuggets
❦ Any Map (except Full/New Moon, although any would do...)
❦ 325 Bug, Ice, Psychic, or Normal Gems
❦ 650 Fire, Flying, or Electric Gems
|| S l o t s ||

|| Future Hunts ||
❦ Nidoran (m)
❦ Nidoran (f)
❦ Taillow
❦ Turtonator
❦ Skarmory
❦ Shuckle
❦ Bellsprout
❦ Sewaddle
❦ Kecleon
❦ Chimchar
❦ Piplup
❦ Pidove
❦ Nidoran (m)
❦ Nidoran (f)
❦ Taillow
❦ Turtonator
❦ Skarmory
❦ Shuckle
❦ Bellsprout
❦ Sewaddle
❦ Kecleon
❦ Chimchar
❦ Piplup
❦ Pidove
|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 310k PD
❦ 205 nuggets
❦ 620 fighting gems
❦ 510 psychic gems
❦ 2 maps of any kind
|| S l o t s ||
Note: Moone gets 1x Crygonal slot for free~
❦ rebel001 || x1 || 310k PD
|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 150k PD
❦ 100 nuggets
|| S l o t s ||
❦ 4everBlackeyed || x1 || (150k PD)
❦ rebel001 || x1 || 150k PD
|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 225k PD
❦ 150 nuggets
|| S l o t s ||

|| Future Hunts ||
❦ Dratini
❦ Sentret
❦ Aipom
❦ Froakie
❦ Pumpkaboo
❦ Staryu
❦ Zorua
❦ Venonat
❦ Dratini
❦ Sentret
❦ Aipom
❦ Froakie
❦ Pumpkaboo
❦ Staryu
❦ Zorua
❦ Venonat
|| Next Hunt ||

|| P a y m e n t s ||
❦ 35k PD
❦ 35 bug gems
|| S l o t s ||
Form for Buying Shinies
[b]Hello!!! I'd like to buy a shiny![/b]
[i]Shiny of choice[/i]:
[i]Payment Option[/i]:
[i]Any Specific Gender?[/i]: (costs 50k PD more if a rare gender)
[i]Anything Else?[/i]:
[i]Shiny of choice[/i]:
[i]Payment Option[/i]:
[i]Any Specific Gender?[/i]: (costs 50k PD more if a rare gender)
[i]Anything Else?[/i]:
Username: 4everBlackeyed
Shiny of choice: Rhyhorn
Payment Option: PD.
Any Specific Gender?: No preference. ~
Anything Else?: Yes, could it please have an everstone? I'm willing to pay that 100 pd extra if you wish. And also, thank you very much ^^
We have a new breeder everyone! Azzy-Sunne! She's my sister from another mister, and I'll be adding her info in the first post in a little bit! Welcome Azzy onto our breeding team! <3
Also, we are accepting TWO MORE BREEDERS for our shop! Please send a PRIVATE MESSAGE indicating that you would like to join this nice little shoppe~ Thank you everyone!