Forum Thread
A Guide to Obtaining Plushies
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The Pikachu plushie is obtainable as a gift after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.
First Pikachu can be obtained after spending 1000 DP
Second Pikachu can be obtained after spending 2500 DP
Third Pikachu can be obtained after spending 5000 DP
Fourth Pikachu can be obtained after spending 10,000 DP
Fifth Pikachu can be obtained after spending 25,000 DP
Sixth Pikachu can be obtained after spending 50,000 DP

Shiny Ditto is found in Professor Rowan's Lab.
On occasion, the Ditto image in the top corner will change into a shiny Ditto.
Clicking on it will provide a random chance to obtain the Shiny Ditto plushie.

The Pokémon Minior (Meteor) is now available as a special Plushie at the Dream World Shop!
Every time you buy a Minior Plushie for a friend, you automatically receive a colored Minior (Core) for your own collection! There are seven different colors available - the one you receive is chosen randomly. This is not a time-limited event.
Obtainable after spending a specific amount of Dream Points.

21/Feb/2018 to 04/Mar/2018
No longer obtainable

03/Jan/2018 to 16/Jan/2018
No longer obtainable

Shiny Crabrawler Plushies were the first obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points.
27/May/2017 to 30/May/2017
No longer obtainable

Shiny Crabrawler Plushies were the first obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points.
27/May/2017 to 30/May/2017
No longer obtainable

Shiny Stufful Plushies were the third obtainable event plushie of May/June 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points.
04/Jun/2017 to 07/Jun/2017
No longer obtainable

Shiny Breloom Plushies were the first obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points
14/Mar/2016 to 18/Mar/2016
No longer obtainable

Shiny Cubone Plushies were the second obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points
19/May/2016 to 23/May/2016
No longer obtainable

Shiny Sharpedo Plushies were the third obtainable event plushie of May 2016 by spending a total of 1,000 Dream Points
24/May/2016 to 28/May/2016
No longer obtainable

Manaphy and Shiny Manaphy plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP
Normal Manaphy plushies required 250 Dream Points spent.
Shiny Manaphy plushies were the 5th Manaphy plushie obtained in a row - requiring 3,750 Dream Points spent.
07/Mar/2016 to 27/Mar/2016
No longer obtainable

Victini and Shiny Victini plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP
Normal Victini plushies required 500 Dream Points spent.
Shiny Victini plushies were the 5th Victini plushie obtained in a row - requiring 7,500 Dream Points spent.
01/Apr/2015 to 30/Apr/2015
03/Jan/2016 to 23/Jan/2016
No longer obtainable

Rayquaza and Shiny Rayquaza plushies were obtainable after spending a specific amount of DP.
Normal Rayquaza plushie required 500 Dream Points spent.
Shiny Rayquaza plushie required 7,500 Dream Points spent.
06/June/2014 to 30/June/2014
07/June/2015 to 30/June/2015
No longer obtainable
Obtainable through the Advent Calendar.

Limited Plushie
No longer obtainable

10/Dec/2014 to 26/Dec/2014
10/Dec/2015 to 26/Dec/2015
10/Dec/2016 to 26/Dec/2016
10/Dec/2017 to 26/Dec/2017
No longer obtainable

No longer obtainable.
Obtainable by exchanging Halloween Candies through the Halloween Event

1,000 Candies for a Normal Giratina plushie.
10,000 Candies for a Shiny Giratina plushie.
16/Oct/2014 to 01/Nov/2014
20/Oct/2017 to 01/Nov/2017
No longer obtainable

Shiny Cottonblu Plushies were the first of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a total of 500 Dream Points.
08/Feb/2017 to 10/Feb/2017
No Longer Obtainable

Shiny Heartomb Plushies were the second of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a total of 750 Dream Points.
11/Feb/2017 to 13/Feb/2017
No Longer Obtainable

Shiny Spring Mareep Plushies were the third of the Shiny Event Valentines Plushie line in February 2017 by spending a certain amount of Dream Points.
14/Feb/2017 to 14/Feb/2017
No longer obtainable

Obtainable as one of the three gifts Shaymin can give you during the Summer time Shaymin event. Shiny Shaymin plushies were obtainable for every 5 Shaymin plushies collected.
01/Aug/2017 to 31/Aug/2017
28/Jul/2016 to 04/Sep/2016
30/July/2015 to 10/Sep/2015 (Normal Shaymin only)
23/July/2014 to 25/Aug/2014 (Normal Shaymin only)
Mew Event

A normal Mew plushie required 500 Dream Points to be spent. After obtaining a Mew Plushie, users were able to obtain a Mew egg when visiting the Ancient Cave after July 17th, 2017. Shiny Mew plushies were also obtainable every 5 Mew plushies.
01/July/2018 to 16/July/2018
01/July/2017 to 16/July/2017
01/Jul/2016 to 15/Jul/2016
17/July/2015 to 05/Aug/2015
01/July/2014 to 14/July/2014 (Normal Mew Only)