Forum Thread
The Weirdest Dreams You've Had
Forum-Index → General Discussion → The Weirdest Dreams You've HadWhat's the weirdest dream you've ever had (that you can remember)?
Tell us all below, and don't judge others about what kind of dreams you've had. All PH rules apply.
If you don't want to say what your dreams are about, it's ok. I'm not forcing you to post here.
Have fun!~
Anyways... the weirdest =/= creepiest dream I've ever had was definitely this one where... well... let's just say I was playing PMD before I feel asleep that night.
Then the dream started by me waking up in some weird cave. Probably a mystery dungeon, lol. But it was the freakiest crepes ever. There was nobody/nothing else there besides me. But then suddenly a Mega Charizard Y came up behind me. It was all goofed up in the cliche creepypasta style; black eyes with red pupils, body covered in scars and blood, blah blah.
That's all I can remember though. I don't know what happened after that. If it killed me, or what it did. But the weirdest =/= creepiest part is that I can remember every little detail about the dungeon and the Charizard's appearance. Nothing else.
So I guess I'll go with the weird bird one that I've had recently.
So I wake up one morning in a different house (one I've never seen before. It was a ranch style) and I was told by the mail person that it was my new house because my parents passed away and left it to me. This guy gave me a weird look as if I was stupid before walking away. I wandered around the barren house for a while before deciding that it needed ANIMALS!
So I got in this bright red car (tiny little thing that I would never own in real life) and drove to town. I entered this store that was absolutely COVERED in lights flickering and shining and just being really bright and started to walk through it. I stopped at the bird section and watched the conures for a bit, then walked off. I looked at the cats for a bit, and wandered around the shop before winding back at the conures. So I checked the pricing of this one conure that I fell in love with, it was $1,000 out of my current budget. I went and talked to the store owner and managed to talk the price down, then left (holding the bird, I might add) to go and get the payment for them.
I don't know how, but somehow I wound up in a warehouse full of birds with my supposedly "dead" mother by my side walking around. They were inside glass cages and there were birds of all different types. I stopped and stared at one of these cages that was full of humming birds. They were in bad shape and were falling dead one after another. Getting creeped out by this, I turned and ran, the conure still in hand, until I got outside, crashing into a glass door on the way. And that's where I awoke.
There were a lot of birds every step of the dream, but I don't know what most of them were, so I can't give a very good description >.<
He chased me around the house and made weird faces so I locked myself in the washroom.
I don't remember what happened after that but I think he burst through the door and I woke up.
I was in my house all alone, playing my IPad then I heard footsteps upstairs.
Well, I went upstairs to investigate and found nothing.
I went back downstairs, just to hear someone scream upstairs
I ran upstairs and saw a trail of blood leading to my parents bedroom
I followed the trail and went inside the bedroom.
The door closed all of a sudden and when I turned around,I saw a woman hanging on the ceiling
I woke up to find out it was still 3:30 am then I went back to sleep
The next dream was a nice one.

So i was going to take a plane trip to the worlds longest waterslide with my girlscout sisters. But for some reason i was the hybrid rp charactor from my hybrid rp on pokeheros . So we were talking about modifications to the seating and im like i need more room for my wings. So that happend and when we were on the airplane it was spining around in circles in the air for some reason and then someone got on top of the plane somhow and broke some windows we made an emerggancy landing then my family had taken over control of the plane and we finished the journy
(I dont know why i have such weird dreams like this)
I was driving a white minivan down a road slippery from the rain pelting down from the sky.
I was too short to reach both pedals because I was-get this-a gingerbread person.Something that was along the lines of a bubble with legs and a top hat was chasing my car so I drove faster. Another gigerbread person was flying around in the wind so I pulled it into the car. As soon as I did,the bridge I had been driving on-with no side rails-had a sudden sharp bend and that was where I remembeed I couldn't drive.The car barreled over the side,closer and closer to the choppy grey waves...

It started in this weird green and black place, and everything was made of squares. I had a flashlight that (for some reason) shot nerf bullets. There was a red minivan, and the people driving it were chasing me. When I got closer I realised it was a giant toaster! They stuffed me into it, but I escaped and saw someone I knew, and we ran away and then got hit by a bus.
It was weird!!
I dreamt that I went to a summer school class that taught knitting and farming for some reason. I cant remember the rest unfortunately. :/
I was in this palace type thing, and there were inanimate objects, like a clock, plates, etc. alive, and there were animals as well. But they could talk! Anyways, the animals, inanimate objects and I had dinner, and then they got mad at me for no reason! So, somehow, I started to fly ;-;... And I got out of there A-OK!
I had a violent dream once also... But since its not PG-13, I'll keep it to myself ^^ I'll share a little info though.
I was in my house, I heard some dude, he attacked me, and I got out safely, but he didn't ^^ It was much more violent than that how ever XD

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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It involved Kyo and Yuki from Fruits Basket. They were actually a lot like them, but not actually them. I'd talk to them about the characters and their similarities.
At one point, "Kyo" and I were sitting in a restaurant and I was blushing so hard I could feel it and I hid my face.
At another, "Yuki" did something so a curse was put on him that he fell in love with the next female he touched, which happened to be me as he saved me from falling. When he caught me, that's when I suddenly knew he had the curse, and I said that "We", meaning "Kyo" and I had done it.
I also remember this strange town, where "Yuki" was at some point.
May I also state that I've been daydreaming and building on all this since I got up today? XP

I remember having a dream that I was locked in a house with a bunch of girls in this old woman's house. We were all terrified of her cause she was wayyy crazy and she made us do household chores and stuff for her.
So, she tell me to go into the kitchen. And so I go and she's following me, right? Well she hands me a tomato and says "Do something with this" and just leaves me there. Like, what am I supposed to do with a tomato?
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I woke up like I was having a birthday. Everyone was having a good time until a boy stole a gift. Right after that a flash came up and I awoke in an airship (at least that's what I call them). I saw my friends and asked them what was going on. They didn't reply; instead, I fell and the airship went downwards. It lasted for a second; after that I woke.... and... yeah. The dream was only 2 minutes long.... it was fairly short.
Also, I tend to hallucinate. So I recently hallucinated there was a giant spider in front of me and I screamed and my LG came in and was really confused. I've also hallucinated my dog was under my dresser, a giant pink-and-yellow bee was trying to cuddle with me, among other things.
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