Forum Thread
• Depraysie's Academy for the Gifted - Sign Ups•
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Welcome to Depraysie’s Academy for the Gifted! We highly suggest you check out the main thread
before you sign up. There are much more details for the rules and important info, this thread just summarizes both things.

RP Rules [Breaking will result in one strike, three strikes and you'll be out.]

Get permission to seriously
injure/romantic relationships from the other person you are RPing
No godmodding
Characters must be ages 14-18
Minimum 3 sentences
Don’t rp as your own crush/familiar
This is a LGBT+ friendly RP
Keep genders and wizards/familiars even (The witch and familiar assigned to each other can’t belong to the same person)
You can have as many characters as you think you can handle
Use brackets () [] {} when out of character
Do not roleplay until we have accepted your form. We have the right to decline your form for any reason
Include everyone and don’t leave anyone left out
Please keep drama/violence PG-13, and fade-to-black when necessary
No godmodding
Characters must be ages 14-18
Minimum 3 sentences
Don’t rp as your own crush/familiar
This is a LGBT+ friendly RP
Keep genders and wizards/familiars even (The witch and familiar assigned to each other can’t belong to the same person)
You can have as many characters as you think you can handle
Use brackets () [] {} when out of character
Do not roleplay until we have accepted your form. We have the right to decline your form for any reason
Include everyone and don’t leave anyone left out
Please keep drama/violence PG-13, and fade-to-black when necessary
School Rules [Can be broken]

A witch and a familiar are forbidden
from engaging in romantic relationships among each other
No boys in girl’s dorm building and vice versa
Fighting, whether physical or magical, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate suspension/expel
Using magic during exams is forbidden unless the exam is about magic
No boys in girl’s dorm building and vice versa
Fighting, whether physical or magical, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate suspension/expel
Using magic during exams is forbidden unless the exam is about magic

There are four different types of
Pyro AKA Fire type
Aqua AKA Water type
Terra AKA Earth type
Aero AKA Air type
Familiars are animals that are servants to the witch/wizard. They have two forms, a human and an animal form. Usually, familiars are assigned to a witch/wizard and will also have classes to go to while their witch/wizard in class. Romantic relationships between familiars and their owners are frowned upon and against the school rules.
There are different grades, ranging from F to SS.
Pyro AKA Fire type
Aqua AKA Water type
Terra AKA Earth type
Aero AKA Air type
Familiars are animals that are servants to the witch/wizard. They have two forms, a human and an animal form. Usually, familiars are assigned to a witch/wizard and will also have classes to go to while their witch/wizard in class. Romantic relationships between familiars and their owners are frowned upon and against the school rules.
There are different grades, ranging from F to SS.

Age: (14-18)
Grade Level: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Average Grades: (F to SS)
Type: (Pyro, Terra, Aqua, or Aero)
History: (Optional)
Age: (14-18)
Grade Level: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Average Grades: (F to SS)
Type: (Pyro, Terra, Aqua, or Aero)
History: (Optional)

Age: (14-18)
Grade Level: (Freshmen - Senior)
Average Grades: (F - SS)
Animal: (If Familiar)
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):
History: (Optional)
Age: (14-18)
Grade Level: (Freshmen - Senior)
Average Grades: (F - SS)
Animal: (If Familiar)
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):
History: (Optional)

Eleanor Callaghan
Age: (14-18)
Grade Level:
Average Grades: (F to SS)
Eleanor has long, curly flame red hair that she swears is impossible to tame. She wears black ripped jeans, purple high tops and an orange t-shirt with a purple hoodie with a star pattern. She occasionally has clips in her hair. Her ears are double pierced, usually with spiky rainbow earrings in them. Wears bracelets sometimes. Her skin is tan, covered head to toe in freckles, and she has earthy green eyes.
Eleanor tends to be very cheerful, upbeat, but has a tendency to find the bad options and outcomes in situations. She cares greatly for the earth and always tries to better her magic, no matter the hijinks that gets her into. She's definitely memorized the wall of the dean/headmaster's office. Eleanor often picks fights with people but they never turn physical. She's very good at lying and outsmarting people, leading her to win the vast majority of arguments she gets in.
History: (Optional)
Mikayah/Kai Sothe
Age: (14-18)
Grade Level:
Average Grades: (F - SS)
Animal: (If Familiar)
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):
Human Form
Mikayah is short, maybe 5'3. She wears glasses because her vision is downright awful, and has straight black hair to her mid-back, with thick bangs. Wears a gray plaid skirt, black tights, black high-tops, and a black long sleeve shirt. She is on the more pale side.
Familiar Form
As a familiar, Kai is a simple, black raven. She is smaller than average, and very good at hiding in cracks among walls and other things. Not much else to say-
Mikayah can be described as slightly reclusive and independent. Not 100% sure why she ended up in this school, she has low self-confidence. Witty, just not good with time management and class. Tends to be friendlier to people she recognizes.
History: (Optional)

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade Level: Junior
Average Grades: As and Ss
Sexuality: pan with a plan my dude
Type: Pyro
Appearance: Tall and lanky, he stands at about 5'8", with a head of pure white (slightly spiky but it's the fluffy kind) hair (most of it is dyed; natural hair color is brownish red) and electric blue eyes and freckled tan skin. Lynx is always seen wearing sunglasses (which he claims is because he's cool, which he really isn't) and a teal scarf. Since he's always wearing winter clothing other than the sunglasses, people don't really see him and think "hey that's a fire wizard". He says it keeps people on their toes, especially when he sets their butts on fire.
Personality: Lynx is flirty, cheerful, funny, and clever, though sometimes airheaded. That's everyone's first impression, at least, and that's the face he goes for. Despite being talkative, he actually never reveals much about himself at all. He's much more cold and calculating than anyone ever gives him credit for, and logical to a fault. While he does care about people, and would lay his life down for them, there are only a select few people who he feels that way for.
He wears sunglasses because it's harder for people to read him that way. If you can only see part of someone's face and only hear their voice, really, it gets a lot more difficult to figure out what they're thinking. Lynx also happened to dye his hair white because only part of it went white from trauma/shock, and hid it because that's just the easy way out. And despite his flirty and friendly disposition, he despises physical contact and lashes out if touched without being warned.
He's clever, definitely, cleverer than most people assume, but he can be cruel and insensitive, and is honestly a bit of a coward when it comes to his own feelings and the feelings of others. Lynx takes the easy way out most of the time because the hassle isn't worth it to him.
History: I won't talk about it at length, but it will be mentioned/referenced.
Name: Riley Summers
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade Level: Senior
Average Grades: As and Bs
Animal: Crane
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme): Despite his animal form being rather tall and graceful, he's pretty much the opposite in human form. He's about 5'6", with pale skin from staying inside 25/8, and messy black hair. His eyes are brown, but in the right lighting, can seem yellow.
He's just a normal crane in animal form.
Personality: Riley is quiet. That's almost his entire personality right there. He doesn't like talking at all, and avoids social interaction at almost any cost. If you try talking to him, he either stares at you blankly or he gives monosyllabic responses. He's not trying to be rude, he's just. Super uncomfortable with you.
That being said, he's actually pretty nice, he just. Doesn't like people.
Sexuality: bi and ready to fly
Will make my characters and you can accept if you like them.
What familiars are allowed? Are mythological creatures allowed since they are magicians? Or do we use non-fiction creatures?

Name: Alexander Dragonkin
Gender: Male
Age: (14-18 ) 17
Grade Level: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Senior
Average Grades: (F to SS) A's and S'
Sexuality: Pansexual
Type: (Pyro, Terra, Aqua, or Aero) Pyro
Appearance: Here!
Personality: Alexander is the perfect example of a 'Hot tempered leader'. He is often getting in fights, arguments, and conflicts because he is quick-witted so he always snaps back with a comeback or a rude statement, he's blunt with his words so he has no regard for other's emotions based on a situation, usually brutally honest but can be as deceptive as a snake. He's hot tempered so he can be easily angered. He's often reckless in his ethic but he knows the right answer. He's definitely intelligent but you can barely tell. Although he has all these qualities, he's also a good leader. He gives other people a chance, even when his ego is trying to take over. He is cooperative with friends and loves to help the people he's close to.
History: (Optional) Tbrp

Name: Leone Naemhi or "Leo"
Gender: Male
Age: (14-18 ) 16
Grade Level: (Freshmen - Senior) Sophomore
Average Grades: (F - SS) SS
Animal: (If Familiar) Lion
Appearance (Human and Animal Form) Human Form
Animal Form
Personality: Leone is a kind hearted, helpful person. He often shows his kindness to everybody around but he can be sharp toward anybody he sees as an enemy. He likes to help anybody who needs it, even if it is painstakingly difficult to cooperate with them. He is very intelligent, often having the best grades in his class, but he is extremely cautious. He is often honest believing "honesty is the best policy" but he can lie for the greater good. He is often rooting for the good side and doesn't like to partake in evil or malicious actions. He is very athletic and is seen as a role model to his younger peers.
History: (Optional) Tbrp
Sexuality: Bisexual

Name: Alyssa Aeris
Gender: Female
Age: (14-18 ) 17
Grade Level: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Junior
Average Grades: (F to SS) B's and A's
Sexuality: Bisexual
Type: (Pyro, Terra, Aqua, or Aero) Aero
Appearance: Here!
Personality: Alyssa is a cooperative person. She is often loving and compassionate. She loves to shine bright in Academics but is a bit over average in Athletics. She is amazing at drawing, literature, and more artistic things because she loves using her imagination, artistic mindset and her creativity. She is often lazy at home but can be driven or motivated. She is quite honest and loves to talk to other people. A bit of a "social butterfly" at most times. She is really clumsy though.
History: (Optional) Tbrp

Name: Jamie Cylene Jackson
Gender: Female
Age: (14-18 ) 16
Grade Level: (Freshmen - Senior) Sophomore
Average Grades: (F - SS) A's and S'
Animal: (If Familiar) Peregrine Falcon
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme): Human Form
Animal Form
Personality: Jamie is a very sharp-witted person. She is often clowning or teasing other people and loves comedy. Sometimes her comedy doesn't surface at the right time and can be awkward. She can be extremely serious if times are dire, intense or anything else. She is often in the middle of conversations, getting information out of people through deceptional means, and blackmailing them. She likes to have leverage or and advantage in everything she does, be it athletic, artistic, or intelligence and her ego often causes conflicts for her. She is a bit of a "try-hard" because she is always doing her utmost best and stretching the limits.
History: (Optional) Tbrp
Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female
Age: 15/16
Grade Level: Junior
Average Grades: Anywhere from a C to an A
Animal: A cat
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme): Human Animal
Personality: She tends to be shy, kind, and gentle. When teased or bullied, she tends to react with hitting the one who teased her, but in any other time she tries to find a peaceful solution first. She can be quite loving, but if you get her mad, she might start spewing profanities at you. Aria loves reading, and so will often be seen with her nose in a book, even when in a social situation. Whenever she is around people that she does not know all that well, she feels very uncomfortable and awkward.
History: (Optional)
Sexuality: Unknown, as she has never felt very strong emotions for anyone.
Title: ~Done~

Name: Noel Mas
Gender: Male
Age: (14-18) 14
Grade Level: (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) Freshman
Average Grades: (F to SS) A
Sexuality: Gay
Type: (Pyro, Terra, Aqua, or Aero) Terra

Personality: Noel is a introvert who usually just draws, he dislikes conflict and usually never will ask questions due to his fear of being said no to. Noel hates when people are mean or dislike him. Noel is very comedical and nice. His favorite subjects are Biology and Botany.
History: (Optional)
Name: Kitsune Bark
Gender: Male
Age: (14-18) 14
Grade Level: (Freshmen - Senior) Freshman
Average Grades: (F - SS) B
Animal: (If Familiar) Fox
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):

Personality: Kitsune is a chill kid, his personality is alike to Soul Evans from Soul Eater.
History: (Optional)
Sexuality: Gay
Avatar by Me
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Grade Level: Sophomore
Average Grades: anywhere from a D to a B, rarely A's.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Type: Aqua
Appearance: Lillian has red hair that goes down midway to her back, and bright blue eyes. She stands at 5'4" and prefers for it not to be mentioned. Normally wears a simply pale-sandy brown turtleneck with a darker skirt.
Personality: Lillian is a very calm person, and doesn't get bothered easily by people. She tries her best to keep others calm as well, but normally she can't. Behind closed doors she's a bit more emotional, and at times she struggles to hide it.
History: Lillian grew up in a small village with her mother, and she often stayed by herself, sitting calmly with her mother or sitting alone. Her life was mostly peaceful, with a handful of friends here and there. She enjoyed walking on her own, of course, going out into the woods frequently.
Eventually she and her mother had to leave the village, to get closer to good schools for Lillian's education.
The rest to be rped.
Name: Jonas Brown
Gender: Demiboy (he/they)
Age: 17
Grade Level: Junior
Average Grades: Usually C's and belows, occasionally gets a B
Animal: Swan
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme): As a human, Jonas has soft pale blonde hair, though he refuses to let people touch it, and gray eyes. He stands at 5'10. Often wears a simple white tank top with a black overcoat, on top of casual blue jeans.
As an animal he's just a normal Swan
Personality: Jonas is easy to please, with a ego that can be considered over-inflated by some and normal to others. He isn't very emotional, and it's a struggle to get under his skin, but he also has slight trouble when it coems to getting him angry over making him feel down. He struggles with focusing as well.
History: to be rped, mostly through small hints.
Sexuality: Asexual, Homoromantic
Finished my forms. I hope they're acceptable
Angelica Blackless
Grade Level:
Average Grades: (F to SS)
Can be shy when she first meets someone but can warm up quickly if she thinks you are kind. she has a quiet voice but will speak out if needed.
Mystic Savanna
Grade Level:
Average Grades:
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):
She is lively a absolutely loves to talk and meet new people. She can be a bit loud and speak fast at times but only when she's excited.
Finally finished, haha.

Darlene Massimo
15 years old
Grade Level
Average Grades
Darlene stands at 5’6 with a slim structure. Her face is rounder than her peers, along with her having extremely pale skin. Her almond-shaped eyes are a simple, dull blue color. She has blonde, shoulder-length hair, which is usually kept in a small ponytail. Her usual outfit consists of a black & white striped shirt, paired with black denim overalls and black sandals.
Darlene is reserved, usually not speaking unless she is spoken to. Usually, when she is spoken to, she tends to be sound aggressive due to the fact that she struggles when talking to people, whether the friends or strangers. With her friends, she's extremely overprotective. She usually tries to stop them from doing dangerous things and cares about them deeply. On her free time, she is usually just reading books, napping, and/or studying on non-school related subjects.

Kenya Tesfaye
Grade Level
Average Grades
Kenya is rather tall, standing at 5'10, paired with a lanky figure. She has dark, long brown hair with simple bangs. Her large, chocolate brown eyes go with her dark skin. Her legs and arms have zebra-like stripes that are lighter than her skin. She usually wears a brown, long-sleeved turtleneck dress, black stockings, and sneakers.
As for her animal appearance, she looks like a normal okapi. Dark brown fur, turning into a zebra-like pattern on her four legs. Her tongue is a large, dark color, similar to a giraffe's. She has small, blunt horns coming out from the top of her head.
Kenya is constantly moving and talking. She enjoys starting up conversations, usually feeling energized after having one. Her outgoing personality tends to cause her to trust others near immediately, whether they're bad or good. On face value, she seems to be feeble-minded, from her actions to her personality, but she's surprisingly extremely intelligent. She values the fact that she was able to have a good education, she wants to make herself and her family proud that she's made it so far. She enjoys socializing with anyone, studying, and drawing.
Kenya Tesfaye
Grade Level
Average Grades
Kenya is rather tall, standing at 5'10, paired with a lanky figure. She has dark, long brown hair with simple bangs. Her large, chocolate brown eyes go with her dark skin. Her legs and arms have zebra-like stripes that are lighter than her skin. She usually wears a brown, long-sleeved turtleneck dress, black stockings, and sneakers.
As for her animal appearance, she looks like a normal okapi. Dark brown fur, turning into a zebra-like pattern on her four legs. Her tongue is a large, dark color, similar to a giraffe's. She has small, blunt horns coming out from the top of her head.
Kenya is constantly moving and talking. She enjoys starting up conversations, usually feeling energized after having one. Her outgoing personality tends to cause her to trust others near immediately, whether they're bad or good. On face value, she seems to be feeble-minded, from her actions to her personality, but she's surprisingly extremely intelligent. She values the fact that she was able to have a good education, she wants to make herself and her family proud that she's made it so far. She enjoys socializing with anyone, studying, and drawing.
Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Grade Level: Junior
Average Grades: Mostly B's, though he can score exceptionally high if a subject really interests him.
Sexuality: Bisexual, slight preference for boys.
Type: Terra
Appearance: He has halflong curled hair and light eyes. He is kind of short and slender. (Somewhat like this.)
Personality: Theo is always calm, but not quiet. He feels a connection to everything around him and has a hippie-ish attitude. He is laid-back and easy to talk to. He is not so good at making choices, because he tends to look at everything from every point of view.
History: Before he figured out about magic, he used to live on a farm with his parents.
Name: Kai Browning
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade Level: Sophomore
Average Grades: A's and B's.
Animal: A big black dog.
Appearance (Human and Animal Forme):
As a human, he is of average length and an average weight. He shaves his hair really short and has dark, kind eyes that are in contrast with the rough look the haircut gives him. He is usually wearing dark clothes and big boots.
His animal form is a big black dog with yellowish eyes, almost like a wolf but not completely.
Personality: He acts tough but is soft inside. He is kind, but he doesn't show it because he is afraid of getting hurt. He is smart and funny but mostly keeps to himself.
History: Will add later.
Sexuality: Straight.
!! @Everyone !!
I'm just going to put some reminders for you all:
- When you're providing names for your characters, please add their first and last name!! :>
- Your character's wizard/familiar will belong to a different person. I'm seeing some people that aren't aware of this so I'd like to clarify that this is apart of the rules, so please make sure you've read them all!!
- We will palpad you whether your form is accepted or not.
**Edit: Updated the front page w/ accepted characters.

Name: Adelaide “Addi” August
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Grade Level: Freshman
Average Grades: B’s and C's
Sexuality: Bisexual
Type: Pyro
Appearance: A small and thin girl, standing at 4’11”. She has a tan complexion, thick, brown hair that reaches just past her shoulders, and large, brown eyes. Her hair is usually kept in a large hairpiece, and sideswept bangs cover the majority of her forehead. She wears a drapey, faded pink T-shirt with a white infinity scarf, a black skirt and dark brown boots.
Personality: Fairly quiet, extremely cautious, and slightly neurotic. She dislikes the fact that she’s a Pyro since she’s well aware of how hated her type is. She only uses her powers when she has to, like a school assignment, and dislikes using them altogether. Her goal is to make some new friends, but her cautious personality prevents her from trusting and warming up to people easily.
History: Addi comes from a fairly wealthy family that could afford the tuition to Depraysie’s Academy. (More TBRP)
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Grade Level: Freshman
Average Grades: B’s and C's
Sexuality: Bisexual
Type: Pyro
Appearance: A small and thin girl, standing at 4’11”. She has a tan complexion, thick, brown hair that reaches just past her shoulders, and large, brown eyes. Her hair is usually kept in a large hairpiece, and sideswept bangs cover the majority of her forehead. She wears a drapey, faded pink T-shirt with a white infinity scarf, a black skirt and dark brown boots.
Personality: Fairly quiet, extremely cautious, and slightly neurotic. She dislikes the fact that she’s a Pyro since she’s well aware of how hated her type is. She only uses her powers when she has to, like a school assignment, and dislikes using them altogether. Her goal is to make some new friends, but her cautious personality prevents her from trusting and warming up to people easily.
History: Addi comes from a fairly wealthy family that could afford the tuition to Depraysie’s Academy. (More TBRP)

Name: Zion Azriel
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade Level: Sophomore
Average Grades: C’s and D's
Animal: Arctic Fox
Sexuality: Pansexual
HUMAN: A fairly short boy, standing at 5’6”. He has short, messy, dark brown hair with pale, freckled skin and green eyes. He wears a dark red sweatshirt with khaki jeans.
ANIMAL: A fairly small, pale gray arctic fox with a soft, bushy tail.
Personality: Sarcastic and often tired. He has a bad habit of not getting enough sleep. He dislikes attending Depraysie’s Academy due to the somewhat rigorous program and how far away he is from home. He tends to underestimate himself as he doesn’t see himself as gifted or worthy of attending a school like Depraysie’s Academy. While he is loyal to his wizard, he doesn’t feel particularly close to them.
History: Zion’s mother sees his education as extremely valuable and a priority, so she chose Depraysie’s Academy for him. His hometown is very far from Depraysie’s Academy. (More TBRP)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Grade Level: Sophomore
Average Grades: C’s and D's
Animal: Arctic Fox
Sexuality: Pansexual
HUMAN: A fairly short boy, standing at 5’6”. He has short, messy, dark brown hair with pale, freckled skin and green eyes. He wears a dark red sweatshirt with khaki jeans.
ANIMAL: A fairly small, pale gray arctic fox with a soft, bushy tail.
Personality: Sarcastic and often tired. He has a bad habit of not getting enough sleep. He dislikes attending Depraysie’s Academy due to the somewhat rigorous program and how far away he is from home. He tends to underestimate himself as he doesn’t see himself as gifted or worthy of attending a school like Depraysie’s Academy. While he is loyal to his wizard, he doesn’t feel particularly close to them.
History: Zion’s mother sees his education as extremely valuable and a priority, so she chose Depraysie’s Academy for him. His hometown is very far from Depraysie’s Academy. (More TBRP)

Name: Ginevra Winfaal
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade Level: Senior
Average Grades: B’s
Animal: Otter
Sexuality: Homosexual
HUMAN: Tall and fit, standing at around 5’8”. She has very short, dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a white sweater with jeans, boots, and a small, owl necklace.
ANIMAL: A typical, brown otter with soft fur.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, although highly sensitive and a little insecure. She worries about the little things frequently and is a little dependent on others for support, especially her wizard. However, she loves spending time with friends and is open to making more.
History: Ginevra has been bullied before she came to Depraysie’s Academy, but she doesn’t like talking about it much. (More TBRP)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Grade Level: Senior
Average Grades: B’s
Animal: Otter
Sexuality: Homosexual
HUMAN: Tall and fit, standing at around 5’8”. She has very short, dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes. She wears a white sweater with jeans, boots, and a small, owl necklace.
ANIMAL: A typical, brown otter with soft fur.
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, although highly sensitive and a little insecure. She worries about the little things frequently and is a little dependent on others for support, especially her wizard. However, she loves spending time with friends and is open to making more.
History: Ginevra has been bullied before she came to Depraysie’s Academy, but she doesn’t like talking about it much. (More TBRP)
Faeryn Pondwater
Grade Level:
Average Grades:
Usually S's and SS's, mortified even when just getting an A.
Faeryn is a 5'0", thin asian girl, with sleek, straight, red tipped black hair that reaches down to the small of her back. Her eyes are a warm brown and are almost exclusively accompanied by a playful, yet mysterious smirk. She mostly wears leather skirts, combat boots and a rose printed black bomber jacket, making her look less like a top student and more like a delinquent. People often think she's a fire or earth witch, so when she shows off her air powers, it really... blows them away.
Though she looks mean, and maybe even dangerous, Fae is actually a big sweetheart, and would rather talk to another student than gossip about them. She's a huge know-it-all and loves showing off her wide spread of knowledge, though this caused her to come off a little arrogant... Okay, very arrogant. Though she'll never admit it, she has a tendency to think she's better than other people, and it does show, from small conceited remarks to proclamations of how amazing she looks today, Fae is very, very vain. Though that doesn't mean she's a bad person, she still is very friendly and happy to grace anyone with her presence. Behind her vain facade is a deep insecurity. If anyone ever questions how true her self praise is, she'll simply wave it off quickly. She avoids talking about her past the best she can, in fact the only thing she'll ever mention is her life post joining the school.
- Kind
- Friendly
- Very smart
- Scholarly
- Arrogant
- Vain
- Insecure
- Secretive
- Mysterious
History: She doesn't talk much about her past, though it may come up in the rp.
Name: Navneet Hagashida
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Grade Level: Sophomore
Average Grades: B
Sexuality: Straight
Type: Aqua
Appearance: Navneet looks pretty average. He stands about 5'6 and always wears a pair of jeans. He has a fancy watch on him every time and usually prefers to wear a casual tee. He has bruises on his left arm right near his joints and on his back which he hides. His clothes are not necessarily of the same color always but he prefers wearing black and blue. At night, he sleeps in a pair of shorts and tank top usually but when really tired he can be seen collapsing with his usual outfit.
Personality: Navneet is the guy who gets involved in every matter, whether he likes it or not. He doesn't really try his best at anything except what he enjoys, and studies are definitely not on the list. He doesn't really want to improve his grade and he is always seen either listening to music, reading a novel or eating food. He is very analytical and can hold his temper for a long time. To those who he is close to, Navneet is known to talk a lot but he is very silent to the outside world. Navneet cannot easily share his secrets and isn't really affected by pressure.
History: As Navneet was growing up, his parents taught him all the basics of water magic. One day, a bully asked him to produce some water to wet the nerd of their class. Navneet refused and even reported the incident to the faculty resulting in the bully receiving detention. After that day, Navneet was always bullied but he endured it for quite a long time. One day, they stole his wand and when Navneet politely asked for it, they teased him and threw the wand into the trash bin. Navneet got pretty angry with this action and started a fight, which resulted in bruises that still didn't go away. Navneet has kept his distance from bullies from that day and hasn't shared his past with anyone
We'll be starting the roleplay soon! ;v;
We're just waiting for Kaitti to finish her second character and then we'll be all set! If you're not done with your form then that's perfectly fine! We will still be accepting forms, but I feel like we have enough people to start! :>
Also, if your character has not been assigned a wizard/familiar when we start, then that's perfectly fine as well! You can pretend your character has a wizard/familiar until someone's character fills that slot. :>
The following characters have been assigned so far:
Darlene Massimo (Kaitti) to Kai/Mikayah Sothe (towoma)
Eleanor Callaghan (towoma) to Aria Blaarjiscarf (Littlegamer34)
Lillian Waters (Jinmoth) to Ginevra Winfaal (ariella-)
Felix "Lynx" Zhang (tomomo) to Zion Azriel (ariella-)
Theo Greensleeve (4everBlackeyed) to Riley Summers (tomomo)
Navneet Hagashida (Hagaru) to Jonas Brown (Jinmoth)
Jason "Jace" Sutton
Grade Level:
Average Grades:
D's and C's

(he used to get into a lot of fights,,,)
Jason is somewhat grouchy, mostly due to his introverted nature and his displeasure to be surrounded by the faces of those he barely knew, or didn't know at all! He mostly prefers his natural forme over his human one, though it's fairly difficult to remain in it when surrounded by buildings suited for humans. Jace generally tries to stay close to his wizard, not just for his own comfort but because he prefers to be around if he's ever needed. Despite his prickly exterior, Jason is a kind guy at heart, sure he can be blunt but he does truly care! If befriended, Jace is a friend for life, and a fiercely loyal one at that.
He's not one to talk about his past, like ever. There might be hints though!
Bi Ace bab
You may now start roleplaying!
I'm soo sorry for the long wait! Life kinda got in the way for both of us, so don't worry, we're not dead! Since we can't have you guys waiting any longer we'll let you start roleplaying. :>
A few things to note before you make your first post:
- Your posts must have a MINIMUM of 3 sentences! This roleplay is more literate, so we won't allow any one-liners. If you have writer's block then we understand, but please try your best!
- As always, please don't roleplay if you're not done with your form or we haven't accepted it. :>
- We'll be starting in the early morning, right before class. :>