Forum Thread
The Viridian Rage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Viridian RageSome rules:
You may not have a legendary Pokémon, unless permissioned by me. And no, you may not take other legendries, as there are only one of each (With the exception of the legendary dogs, as two people may play as them.).
Only create as many characters as you can handle.
You can NOT kill other people period.
No godmodding.
Please try and use grammar, and make more than three simple sentences.
The password is Pokémon.
I truly don't want too much OOC, so please try and only make OOC if you are not sure about something, or if you need a recap.
Please try not to spam.
To ensure you read the rules, the password is your starter.
Age: (Anywhere from 8 to 99)
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Optional)
Accompanied Pokémon:
Age: (Anywhere from 2 to 10, so you don't get too strong.)
Personality: (Optional)
History: (Optional)
Please edit out the password when you are rejected or accepted.
Title: Accpeted
Name: Zap, Icy, and Blaze.
Age: All of the are 10.
Gender: All mixed genders.
Personality: To be RP'd
History: To be RP'd
Pokémon: Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres
Password: --
Other: NO one can take these >:O
Name: Ash, and Professor Oak.
Age: Ash: 14 Oak: 49
Gender: Both boys.
Personality: Everyone knows them if you watched the Anime.
History: Same as above.
Appearance: Same as above.
Accompanied Pokémon: Ash: Pikachu Oak: Nidoqueen
Other Pokémon: Ash: Butterfree, Pigdeotto, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur. Oak: Charmeleon, Wartortle, Ivysaur, Arbok, Ditto.
Password: --
Other: NO one can copy >:O And Oak finally got off his lazy butt and went and evoled his Nidoran Female.
People accepted:
- Oddballme- Zap, Icy, Blaze, Ash, and Oak.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: A calm but shy Flareon that hates battle but is not afraid to defend here friends
History: An abused Flareon that was finally released after he would no longer would fight for his abuser and ran away
Pokémon: Flareon
Password: Blaziken
Name: Drakal.
Age: 16
Personality: Laid-back, rebellious, a bit geeky and somewhat of a hidden genius.
History: She comes from a large family of dragon-type trainers and dragon-type masters... She wanders along every region trying to find cool things to stick by, and she just so happened to stop here.
Appearence: Tall. A bit overweight. Hair like the singer from Ramones. Wearing:
•Black T-shirt
•Leather Jacket with spikes
•Jeans with chains
•Dragonite footprint shoes
•Spiked bracelets
•Helmet with two bat wings.
Accompanied Pokémon: Led, Dragonair, Female.
Other Pokémon: Wolfgang, Bagon ?. AC/DC, Axew ?.RS, Gible?. Wagner, Deino?.
Password: ...Dratini?
Zap, Icy, and Blaze had set off to find Viridian Forest, whereas their favorite place to practice. Blaze remained the hardest, and last, to be there. Icy and Zap met up, and flew together. Then the unexpected happened... Zap (Because he's awesome) crashed (And destroyed) into the Tree Of Life, and now... Only the brave heroes (us) can save the Kanto region. (Yes, it spreads.)
"Gurl, I dunno. Kanto's different since they destroyed that... What was the face? Tree of Like or something...", Drakal said to herself.

Age: 12
Gender: Male
Personality: Monty is a happy kid, wise beyond his years. Despite the fact he's gullible and a loud mouth, he also has a good heart and good seance of compassion. He's not very like able, unless you get to know him.
History: Monty actually hails from Sinnoh, but moved to Kanto only recently. His Pokemon is from Sinnoh because of that. He found a fossil and took it to a scientist on a field trip to a museum. The scientist revived the Pokemon from the Skull fossil, and that's how Monty got his Cranidos.
Here :3
Accompanied Pokémon: Cranidos
Password: Squirtle
Name: Smash
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Personality: Smash is stubborn, hard, and ignores other Pokemon. When he's not with Monty of course. Smash adores Monty, and is giddy when they get to battle together.
History: He was revived from a fossil. Not much else.
Pokémon: Cranidos
Password: Squirtle