Im just doing this to complete the tutorial, but hello. Im Jay, a
nonbinary pansexual person just trying to avoid the real world
while browsing tumblr for something (who knows what it is) and just
waiting for death to someday claim my soul. I have two snakes, Onyx
- my male milk snake, and Zypher - my male asian vine snake (yes he
is venomous!) Feel free to message me, although I can be shy to
people I don't know.
Call me Jay. I use they/them pronouns.My favorite generation is gen
III, and my favorite pokemon is probably Dunsparce, Arbok, or
Ariados. I don't have a profile pic yet, until I draw one and take
a good picture of it, and somehow manage to get it to 150x150.
My PSN is Iridescent.Snake
XBOX live is WhiteW0lf72
Steam is WhiteW0lf72