Forum Thread
Pokésona Park
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Pokésona Park
Welcome to Pokésona Park!
(The above image is a Work in Progress and will be updated when it's finished)
"Welcome to the park" a strange griffin creature chirps as you walk up to the thread.
"This clan is a sanctuary for Pokésonas to introduce themselves and to have fun."
He swishes his tail and looks around some, noticing a few confused faces in the new group.
"Oh, did I forget to explain things again? Sorry, please read the sign below. Maybe that'll clear things up~"

What are Pokésonas?
A sona is something that represents who you are without being you. So a Pokésona is a Pokémon that has been altered to represent who you are. They are not fakemon (Pokémon that don't exist in any form in the games), but they can be fusions, unrealistic coloration, new markings, etc.
But isn't Navuso a Fakemon?
Actually, Navuso fits into the definition provided above. He's a fusion between three species: Skitty, Natu, and Vanillite. He most relates to Natu, so when I do something to represent him in the games or on the site it's either Natu or Xatu related.
Isn't a Pokésona just an Original Character?
Now here is a good question. Most Pokésonas are Original Characters, yes. However not all original characters are Pokésonas. The key thing to a Pokésona is they represent you. Characters can represent anything they want to.
Can one person have more than one Pokésona?
This is another tricky question. Technically, yes, one person can have multiple Pokésonas that represent them at that current moment in time. They can also have a range of Pokésonas, taking a new one when the old one no longer represents them. However, for the sake of the club, I'd like to only have one Pokésona per person. This means if you have more than one, please pick the one that you feel best suits you.
A sona is something that represents who you are without being you. So a Pokésona is a Pokémon that has been altered to represent who you are. They are not fakemon (Pokémon that don't exist in any form in the games), but they can be fusions, unrealistic coloration, new markings, etc.
But isn't Navuso a Fakemon?
Actually, Navuso fits into the definition provided above. He's a fusion between three species: Skitty, Natu, and Vanillite. He most relates to Natu, so when I do something to represent him in the games or on the site it's either Natu or Xatu related.
Isn't a Pokésona just an Original Character?
Now here is a good question. Most Pokésonas are Original Characters, yes. However not all original characters are Pokésonas. The key thing to a Pokésona is they represent you. Characters can represent anything they want to.
Can one person have more than one Pokésona?
This is another tricky question. Technically, yes, one person can have multiple Pokésonas that represent them at that current moment in time. They can also have a range of Pokésonas, taking a new one when the old one no longer represents them. However, for the sake of the club, I'd like to only have one Pokésona per person. This means if you have more than one, please pick the one that you feel best suits you.
The Griffon Pokésona gives a yawn while waiting for you to finish the information above. Upon seeing you look back to him, a smile forms on his beak.
"So, do you know what a Pokésona is, now?"
>> Yes
>> No
"Good~ Now for the rules, since we need some regulation to this thread, right? If you break the rules too many times, Shadow and Xat will escort you out."

1. ALL PokeHeros Rules apply to this thread.
2. In order to post a second time, 4 or 5 days, minumum need to pass. This means DO NOT double post!!! (Use the edit post button instead.)
3. While you are allowed to post images of your sona, if the image is large, put it within a spoiler tag. (Sprites don't need a spoiler tag)
4. Respect the thread staff.
5. Respect other users.
6. More rules to be added if needed
2. In order to post a second time, 4 or 5 days, minumum need to pass. This means DO NOT double post!!! (Use the edit post button instead.)
3. While you are allowed to post images of your sona, if the image is large, put it within a spoiler tag. (Sprites don't need a spoiler tag)
4. Respect the thread staff.
5. Respect other users.
6. More rules to be added if needed
"Now, in order to get entry into the park, you need to post the entry form and wait for approval from the Park Staff. Once you're accepted, you are free to participate in the park activities. As we are just now gathering our friends, the activities will be added as more users join."
The Form:

Your Nickname:
Sona Name:
Any art?:
Other information:
Your Nickname:
Sona Name:
Any art?:
Other information:
[b][u]Your Nickname[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Sona Name[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Any art?[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Other information[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Your Nickname[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Sona Name[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Any art?[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Other information[/u][/b]:
The Pokésonas currently playing in Pokésona Park:

DemonShade - Navuso, Shade, Kit
Navuso Kit
Tailnet (Nat or Kit) - Ref
Lilwan -
Shadow -
~To be decided~
Power - King Skarmory
StarScream -
Flaafy-Chan - Chibi,Neo,Ash,Flaaffy
Neo(n) - (Temp) Ref
Noammac - Mewster, Ender Mew
knowlage - Ref
DeadMau5Pyro - Nina, Mau
Nina - ref
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen - Cynda, Cynnamon, Halen
Lantana - Ref
Lucariolite - Mega, Shadow
(Shady) - Ref
Liirah - Lii
Amelia -
Ref || Ref 2
Angell -
Ignis - Ref
Finhawk - Fin
Steven (Steve) - Ref
CometandAqua - Comet, Aqua
Copper - Ref
DemonShade - Navuso, Shade, Kit

Lilwan -

~To be decided~
Power - King Skarmory

Flaafy-Chan - Chibi,Neo,Ash,Flaaffy

Noammac - Mewster, Ender Mew

DeadMau5Pyro - Nina, Mau

CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen - Cynda, Cynnamon, Halen

Lucariolite - Mega, Shadow

Liirah - Lii

Angell -

Finhawk - Fin

CometandAqua - Comet, Aqua

PokéSona Park is now recruiting users for an art shop to create Pokésonas (Or new characters) for users who are interested.
For the above announcement, the thread has been made! It will be opened to order on the third of June.

Fin's Steve (posted in form)

Flaafy-Chan's Neo(n) (Posted in form)
Lii's Amelia by others: Link
A Reference is an image of your sona, but seeing as how you said he's almost level 400 and you have him in your party, I just used an image of Shiny Skarmory for him. (Actually, I used his sprite from your party)
Art can be by you or by other people. It's just an option if you have more images to show more of your Sona :3
Your Nickname:Chibi,Neo,Ash,Flaaffy
Species:Pikachu-Raichu aka Glowchu
Sona Name:Neo(n)
Reference:...To be added...
Any art?:

Other information:
•Name: Neo(n)
•Age: 12
•Gender: Female
•Height: 1' 05''
•Color: Cyan
•Type: Electric/Electric
•Ability: Lighting Rod
•Nature: Careful
•Natural attacks:
-Thunder Shock
-Play Nice
•Special attacks:

Your Nickname:Mewster or Ender Mew
Species:Mew (of course), sigilyph, Alakazam
Sona Name:Mistery knowlage
Reference:Mew because (its a long story) i am part a cat, Sigilyph because i am protecting things that are ancient and have feelings and memories for me, and Alakazam i realy smart :B i am loving to read and learn (Math, Physics and more).
Any art?:

Other information:i realy BUT REAELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love cats.
And i am a little bit new at pokemon world
Nommac : You have been added to the park. Welcome~

Your Nickname: Nina/Mau.
Species: Nidoqueen
Sona Name: Nina The Nidoqueen
Reference:Just a lavenderish Nidoqueen. Wearing glasses also, She seems to have another form. But I don't think it will be necessary here.. <w>
Any art?

Other information:Uhhhhh. Hai how are you? o3o XD

(I'm not sorry. C: )
Title: Help!
Bidoof: Please don't post unless you are joining. In future, you can PM the person who posts what you want to know how to do. Most users will help you without getting mad, but if you post off-topic in the clan it's a wasted post. I will PM you the answer and I request that you not post in this thread unless it's to join or to participate in the thread itself after you join.
Your Nickname: Cynda, Cynnamon or Halen.
Species: Cyndaquil.
Sona Name: Violet Lantana.
Reference: I love orange and purple and the name is a reference to these flowers... Violet Lantana Also, Cyndaquil ish the best Mon in my opinion.
Any art?:

Other information: This looks like an interesting little club .3.