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Weird Dreams You’ve Had?
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I know it's weird but there really is an explanation. At the time, I had a lot of bear nightmare's with bears chasing me. One time when me and my mom were at my grandma's house (same one as the one in the dream) and my grandma had/has a LOT of dogs and they were all chasing me and I couldn't get them to stop and my grandma told me to stop running from them because they think I'm playing and I guess little me connected that with the bear nightmare's because they stopped after that cuz I didn't run from the bear I guess??? This is what I think anyway, lol.
~Yoosung yells~
~Saeran ran away~
~Jihyun died~
~Rika lied~
~Does Jumin Han is gay?!~
I had a dream of living as a mafia boss.
I was young and was always fascinated by mafia bosses. They order around people like it's nothing. This day I was good mafia. I was bringing down a organisation responsible for something j don't remember. I had a animated version of myself in my dream doing all these kinds of weird tasks. Until finally, I don't know how I felt the urge to pee. I went into a bathroom, in the dream.
Please keep in mind before judging me this dream took place when I was like 7 years old.
So like. A really interesting story involving a world where instead of ocean there was just forest etc going on down following the general terrain of under-the-ocean in our world, a magic-based transhumanism sort of thing (using secondary bodies like in James Cameron's Avatar, except you design the bodies yourself with magic), and sapient species doomed to never actually meet in-person with the bodies they were born with due to air pressure differences in their native habitats...and for some reason the area it started in was an entire village populated entirely by Toriel recolours.
Or an interesting dream involving flying biodomes, a castle, and environmental restoration efforts in the underground goblin country, except randomly Asriel Dreemurr was there and supposedly 'Prince Edward". Also, Moana songs showed up, as did my mother's parrot.
Recently in the middle of a dream involving lion-based aliens in a semi-fantasy sort of story-the lionpeople had a gender ratio of 80% women and the males were relegated to guard duty most of the time, with a matriarchal government and adventuring and guardwork considered a dirty but necessary job like garbage collecting is in our culture, there was randomly, in the crowd in a scene in an inn, Frisk from Undertale in like, a fusion of Sir Aaron's clothes and a dress.
Other chaos has included randomly a dream remake of Pokemon Colosseum, which I have never played, which included things like being able to choose to play as Wes or Rui (which changes their backstories and in fact the plotline of the entire game) and a fully up-to-date pokedex; a dream which had Mum driving her car into someone which was apparently so out-of-character that the dream just gave up and became about time travelling demigoddess Moana instead which then random got a pyramid-horned photorealistic badly corformed unicorn which did not fit in the scene at all and was just completely ignored by the plot of the dream; a dream involving my year 9 science teacher taking the class on a school trip that involved flying on leaves that randomly switched to having Zapdos flying around and Jake from Animorphs cameoing as a whale; and a dream involving someone growing neon green apples trees that were growing absurdly fast (like, 'picking them is a full-time job the entire year' ) and he was so desperate to get rid of the apples that he made a boat out of the seeds.
Another weird dream: running from randomly-unable-to-shapeshift David from Animorphs using magic crocs Dogeressa, who was randomly my aunt, gave me that allowed me to teleport anywhere I could see.
Also, David was really fast for some reason. And there was a train that went to the beach?

”Mysterious… surprising… and law-defying… Isn’t that right?”
Another one when I was 9. Me and my mom were at a museum and the people working there were wearing old timey clothes. We went outside and a giant shark came out of a manhole and ate us, but it turned out that it was a mini museum (which was way bigger on the inside). The person who was controlling it was hiding in the bushes (i know so cliche). He was actually a teacher and the shark was for a project. Somehow I stole the control device and I think it ended with him being eaten.
I have a strange mind.
So it was Ash's first day as a trainer I think. He was slightly smarter.
Pikachu got lost and was on the ocean in the middle of a storm while some Vikings were fighting. The girl Viking ended up against the dad Viking and called down lightining which hit the water.
Pikachu woke up in a baby crib in (Ash's? Oak's?) house. (I think there was some kind of pairing between Oak and delia) Oak wouldn't let Delia in the house to check on Ash and Pikachu. Ash found a poison Oak accidently left in Pikachu's crib. (see Ash's smart)
And I think that was all..
I don't freaking understand my mind.