I have a bit of a suggestion to the people who work on maintenance
for this game. I think there should be a time limit for the GTS.
Like I've seen stuff that's been in there for months and no one can
really offer on it and get the stuff since the user has either been
banned or doesn't play anymore. I think it should cap at 1 month,
if something hasn't been offered on and traded successfully after a
month it should be booted out. It's a great way to reduce clutter.
Especially for those who are looking for specific items and
unacceptable items are also there. It'd be much nicer to have
everything relatively fresh and new.
Life Finds A
"To a Canary; a Cat is a monster. We're just
used to being the Cat."
I like the idea, but no support.
If it's been there for a month, it'd probably already be removed by
the owner so they can put it up again. If it HAS been there for
over a month, and the owner of the trade is banned, the user will
most likely not offer, plus, it's sorted by date, and so the most
recent offers are first.
Plus, this would be in the trading
section, not the other suggestions.