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The Power Within (Pokemon rp)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Power Within (Pokemon rp)The rp has been posted: The Power Within RP
All Pokeheroes Rp rules apply, except we are a little accepting of slightly over powered characters.
1. Sob stories are allowed, but when they are too dramatic and your character becomes useless, that's when I draw the line.
2. No legendarys without permission. Mythical pokemon, yes, but no Arceus or Darkrai.
3. No killing other characters without permission. This is a rp where there will be death, but not too graphic.
4. Have at least 2 OCs. At least one character per person will die, guaranteed.
5. Memorable villains are with Zoal or a future character far ahead. If your planning on making a lone villain, you better make them memorable in a way that's a plot twist or just fun to go along with
6. Romance is allowed but nothing inappropriate. There are kids watching.
7. Keep OOC at a minimum. If you have major questions, palpad me or @ArcticSteelz
8. If your character is like 8, no matter the type advantage, they won't win a fight with one of the adults. Its practically imposible considering the childs lack of experience that the adults have.
9. The moves are for the main moves they use. Here, pokemon can use whatever move as long as they can learn it so you don't have to choose movesets. The four moves are there to represent the moves they use most
Special abilities/quirks:
Alliance: Are they siding with team gemstone/part of it or allied with Zoal?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Characters~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Team Gemstone
Name: Uki
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Type: Dragon/Flying
Species: Noivern
Moves: Boomburst, Dragon pulse, Dark void, Hurricane
Item: Life orb
Special abilities/quirks: She is an experiment, injected with DNA of darkrai when she was an egg. Darkrai, isn't happy with her existence.
Name: Mystic
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Type: Rock
Species: Lycanroc (Midnight)
Moves: Swords dance, Stone miss (edge), Fire fang, Sucker Punch
Item: Focus sash
Special abilities/quirks: She wears a torn up lab coat, because she's a scientist, specializing in robotics, building malware
Name: Malware
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Type: Normal
Moves: Shadow ball, Discharge, Recover, Conversion
Item: Normalium Z
Special abilities/quirks: Shes a robot with a soul.
Name: Zukun
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Type: Psychic/Flying
Species: Xatu
Moves: Psychic, Heatwave, Dazzling Gleam, Roost
Item: Life orb
Special abilities/quirks: He stands on the hill right outside of team gemstones camo gazing at the stars and sun
Zoals alliance
Name: Doom
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Type: Dark/Fire
Species: Houndoom
Moves: Nasty plot, Fire blast, Dark Pulse, Protect
Item: Houndoomite
Special abilities/quirks: His eyes are a cloudy pale blue, because he's blind. He attacks from a distance, but is not to be brushed off
Name: Disaster
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Type: Dark
Species: Absol
Moves: Swords Dance, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Play Rough
Item: Absolite
Special abilities/quirks: Dooms younger sister gives off the impression that she is a nice pokemon, but in reality she is cold and calculating, raised under Zoal and her brother, Doom. She had a chance to take a different path from Doom, but she fell from the light.
Age: 19
Gender: Tries to keep it anonymous, but is female.
Type: Ghost-Fairy
Species: Mimikyu
Moves: Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Toxic, Hone Claws
Item: Lum Berry
Special abilities/quirks: Can unlock a small burst of energy to protect her "child"
Alliance: Team Gemstone
Name: Jiri
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Type: Steel-Psychic
Species: Jirachi
Moves: Protect, Psychic, Helping Hand, Heal Pulse
Item: Focus Sash
Special abilities/quirks: When in pain, can teleport to safety.
Alliance: Team Gemstone
Name: Eclipse
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Type: Dark-Psychic
Species: Malamar
Moves: Superpower, Poison Jab, Psycho Cut, Foul Play
Item: Life Orb
Special abilities/quirks: Ability Contrary, everytime it use Superpower, for example, it grows more powerful.
Alliance: Zoal
Name: Gerul
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Type: Psychic-Fairy
Species: Gardevoir
Moves: Psychic, Moonblast, Grass Knot, Future Sight
Item: Gardevoirite
Special abilities/quirks: Skilled at telepathy, so rarely speaks.
Alliance: Zoal
I'll go advertise right away!
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Type: Dark
Species: Absol
Moves: Perish Song, Slash, Dark Pulse, Throat Chop.
Item: Absolite
Special abilities/quirks: After Intense training, Soul is now able to sense incoming physical attacks (Works about 78% of the time) but in return is weaker to Special attacks.
Alliance: Zoal
Gender: Genderless
Type: Bug/Ghost
Species: Shedinja
Moves: Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Silver Wind, Final Gambit
Item: Safety Googles
Special abilities/quirks: After being expermented on several times his Hp rose to 5 (Poison wont kill them on the first turn)
Moves:Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Iron tail, protect
Item:King’s rock
Special abilities/quirks:N/A
Alliance:Team Gemstone
Moves:Tri Attack, recover, conversion, zap cannon
Special abilities/quirks:Seen as the healer
Alliance:Team Gemstone
Moves:Psychic, Swift, role-play, Shock Wave
Item:Wise glasses
Special abilities/quirks:Seems to have his own agenda...
Moves:Night slash, Sucker punch, low kick, Extrasensory
Item:Dread plate
Special abilities/quirks:Leader of his team
Alliance:I wonder
Moves:Flamethrower, Psychic, Grass knot, Toxic
Special abilities/quirks:Able to change her Stick into a sword made out of fire
Alliance: Zoal
Click these bois, If you want
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Type: Normal
Species: A shiny eevee
Moves: Iron tail, Wish, Sand Attack, and Swift
Item: An everstone, worn as an accessory on her bow
Special abilities/quirks: None
Alliance: Team Gemstone
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Name: Tamago
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Type: Fairy
Species: Togepi
Moves: Sweet Kiss, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun
Item: Normal Sash
Special abilities/quirks: Weak but surprisingly useful, often used as an adorable distraction.
Alliance: Team Gemstone
Name: Kyun
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Type: Grass (Grass/Flying in Sky Forme)
Species: Shaymin
Moves: Energy Ball, Magical Leaf, Synthesis, Dazzling Gleam
Item: Miracle Seed
Special abilities/quirks: Is able to switch between formes but has a 30 minute time limit before he switches back. He's usually with Tamago since he promised to take care of him.
Alliance: Team Gemstone
Name: Raichi
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Type: Electric/Psychic
Species: Alolan Raichu
Moves: Physhock, Thunderbolt, Electric Terrain, Focus Blast
Item: Aloraichium Z
Special abilities/quirks: Wears a light blue bandana that has little stars on it.
Alliance: Team Gemstone

Moves:Thunderbolt, Engery ball, Dazzling Gleam, Hypnosis
Special abilities/quirks:
Alliance:Team Gemstone
Age:thousands of years
Moves:Wring Out, Energy Ball, Ancient Power, Pain split
Item: Leftovers
Special abilities/quirks: His own villain, but will still go after Team Gemstone
Alliance: his own boi
Click these bois, If you want
Name: Nova
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Type: Fire
Species: Litten
Moves: Crunch, Swords dance, Fire fang, Shadow Claw
Item: Charcoal
Special abilities/quirks: the dark grey is pitch black and the red is blood red. Sly and manipulative. Villain on her own terms.
Alliance: herself
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Larvesta
Moves: Bug Bite, Flame Charge, Morning Sun, Zen Headbutt
Item: Lum berry
Special abilities/quirks: They used to be a member of the Forest kingdom, a kingdom ran by Queen Emerald, the decidueye. They are allied with Team gemstone technically but they don't live with them and If they try invading the kingdom they will fight back.
Alliance: Team Gemstone