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Forum Thread

Addition to safe mode

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected Addition to safe mode
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 14:12 (7 Years ago)
If we have safe mode enabled in the settings, we would not be able to release/put on auction-a legendary, mega, mega-able, shiny, shiny mega or a shiny mega-able accidently, maybe a pop-up to ensure while putting on auction, but we will not be able to release them at all untill the safe mode is on.

I know that suggestions related to this are already made but don't know if the same suggestion has been made before. Please don't end up saying we can prevent them from releasing accidently by putting them at battle team/rumble/etc., what if we have more shinies/megas than the total space by calculating the battle team space and rumbling? I know it can we prevented by GTS also but it will be a too huge process.

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Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,668
Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 14:42 (7 Years ago)
Releasing is unaffected by Safe Mode. You will always get the prompts when you try to release a pokémon.

As for when it comes to putting it up for auction [or other prompt-actions]... What's the use for removing the opition, that caused "Safe Mode" to be optional in the first place? Users wanted to be able to put pokémon up for Auction, without having to go through the same "are you sure" questions over and over again.

If having Safe Mode off is going to remove the ability to do it to begin with, we might as well go back to how it was before and give the prompts regardless.

So, no support from me.
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Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 550
Posted: Thu, 18/01/2018 05:48 (7 Years ago)
I 100% agree with what catlady said so no support