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Forum Thread

Midnight's Non-Shiny Center

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops Midnight's Non-Shiny Center
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 25/12/2017 06:24 (7 Years ago)
"Hello! I am Midnight, owner of Midnight's Shiny Forest. Now as many of you know, getting shiny pokemon leave many trainers and breeders with non-shinies and my trainer is no different. So we have talked together and have decided to make this adopt center for the non-shiny pokemon. Basically, my owner will put how many non-shiny pokemon she has and if you need one all you have to do is fill out a form telling me so and I will tell her. Now then you need to know some rules of this center first."

All PH rules apply
~Don't spam
~Be patient and kind
~Fill Form completely to order
~If pokemon are not claimed in a month they go on either AH or are released.

"Now then before you ask, there is no price for these pokemon. This is our way of giving them a home and helping the PokeHeroes community out. Now then under this is going to be a form and the pokemon we have."

QuotePokemon we have
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Unown I X117

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Ledian X1
Swadloon X1
Vulpix (Alolan) X1

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Illumise X1

Midnight I to adopt a pokemon!
How many you want:

"Now that that is all settled, I hope you get the pokemon you want!"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 25/12/2017 06:51 (7 Years ago)
Midnight I want to adopt a pokemon!
Username: AllyCat02
Pokemon: Unown I
How many you want: 1
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 25/12/2017 06:57 (7 Years ago)