Forum Thread
War of Kanto and Sinnoh
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → War of Kanto and Sinnoh1.No double posting, there is a edit sign you know.
2.All of the PokeHeroes Rules cursing and spamming.
4.Morethan anything have FUN!!!
Kanto Form:
RP Name:(can be your username)
Pokemon:(Maximum 6 Pokemon but only 1 legendary allowed. NOTE: if 1 player already has 1 of the legendaries you cannot use that on your team anymore.)
Sinnoh Form
RP Name:(can be your username)
Pokemon:(Maximum 6 Pokemon but only 1 legendary allowed. NOTE: if 1 player already has 1 of the legendaries you cannot use that on your team anymore.)
My Form
Kanto Form:
RP Name:Aura
History: he had the ability to sense aura and found a riolu in her hometown of kanto the riolu was like her starter and she tries to become an aura guardian.
Pokemon:1st Lucas,2nd Flame,3rd Sky, 4th Laxus,5th Hunter, 6th Haunt

The RP will start when a person will join Sinnoh
(note: The first person other than me Will Receive a special Axew or Buizel Plushei just PM me which one you want:P :D The Promo Has now Ended)

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Username: JingHeng124
RP Name: Flare
Gender: Male
History: Having his father be one of the strongest Water-Type Trainers and his mother one of the strongest Grass-Type trainers, he aims to be one of the strongest Mix-Type trainer, despite the name Flare.
Pokemon: Hirosido the Charizard, Karudakso the Flygon, Dishonita the Scizor, Daisaki the Amphoros, Sironamuto the Glaceon and Zalukodish the Omanstar.
PS: The Axew would be nice!

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Aura:WHAT?!!!!! No this cannot Be Happening!
Lucas:(Lucas can talk through Telepathy) My Home Region and Hunter's Home Coming for War!!
Aura: I know It is hard but we will just stay On Mount Moon For a while until This is Over
Lucas: Fine.........(He puts On His Hat and Holds His Staff) Lets go (he Never stays in his Pokeball he only does When we need to heal)
He Had already collected all kanto,jhoto and hoenn She was supposed to go to sinnoh......... But war started.

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Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
RP Name: Sage
Gender: Female
History: Sage has always wanted to be a Pokémon trainer with her egg that was brought from a different region.
Pokemon: Blastoise,Kadabra,Machamp,Wheezing,Golem,Egg.
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Kanto form
RP name: smilewerewolf c:
gender: female
history: she just was a pokemon trainer. gastly was like her starter. All her pokemons were found abandoned in a box. she invented a translator pokemon in a collar.
pokemons: gengar, charizard, alakazam, zigzagoon, pangoro and mightyena all with a translator collar
RP Name:(can be your username) Pokelover
Gender: female
History: She, pokelover who had an ability called dimensional screen she reads a book and her ability is that if she touches something/someone she gains the ability to see into the future or the past however she see's a pikachu catches it. Her lucario trains it. As an aura gurdian. then she spots a manaphy egg on the ground...........
Pokemon:(Maximum 6 Pokemon but only 1 legendary allowed. NOTE: if 1 player already has 1 of the legendaries you cannot use that on your team anymore.) Lucario,buizel,espeon,braviary, pika the pikachu, manaphy egg

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
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(So...I guess it started already?Well,here goes...)
Misaki was sitting in front of the TV in her room with Al and Luu when suddenly...
"Today,there will be a war between Kanto and Sinnoh in just a few hours"The announcer said.
"Huh?WHAAAT?!A WAR?!ARE THEY SEEDOTS?!"Misaki said out loud in her room.
(Also,the word 'Seedot',I was referring to 'Nuts' XDD)

"Come'on Karudakso, we're going to find our friend, Aura (Can this friendship be arranged?), he and his awesome Lucario can help us. Maybe, Lucas has probably sensed it and have gone off to places like Mount. Moon or some place like that. Damn, he probably has even went to Mount. Silver just to battle Red, and won!!! Such a powerful Lucario he has.
Watches TV: She couldn't belive it?! a war?! * turns tv off *
Gets book and a bag, Lucario! we need to find aura and fast!
mind ( what the?! i've conquered 6 gyms already!)
on the way there her egg hatches

Aura:So i defeated Red now What?......
Wait did Red just disapear without a Trace Weird....
Flame: Charrrr(I do not Know What About some Training?)
Lucas: hey Aura Flame said We should just Train.
Aura: Ok then Maybe Flare Will Visit (Xtransiever is allowed)*Tries to call Flare*
What? no Signal? I guess i am on a mountain.What The?! A wild Megnanium?! Well then Sky You can do this!
Sky: Roar!!!!!(This should take just a Fly)
Aura: Sky Use Fly!!!!
Sky: Roar!:) (You just Read my mind)
(Knock Megnanium out. Sky Gained A level Sky Reached Lvl 50!)

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"ARRRRRRRGH!!THIS IS GOING INSANE!!!!"Misaki raged as soon as she saw the riot.
Thinking:"Okay Misaiki....Calm down....Take a deep breathe...."
Misaki took some breathes and calmed down."Okay Al,Luu.We don't have any choice but to....Run..."Said Misaki and sneakily went to the right of her house.

Well everyone is LvL 50 Now Might Go visit the PC.
Come on Hunter Lets go fly to the Pokemon Center.
Hunter: Crow Crow ( Well then It has been a while since we did fly)
(Arrives at PC and Gets Healed)
Lucas: Aura, I Think We should fight in war.
Aura: ARE YOU MAD?!!? It is your Home Region And Hunter's too!
Hunter: Honchhhcrowww ( I Ran Away because i was Used like a slave!)
Lucas: Me and Hunter Ran away From Home because we were used as a slaves!

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