Forum Thread
Mage High school
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Mage High schoolAll ages will be 14
You can have crushes on other characters, if you want, just put it down on your form. You can't have one of your characters have a crush on one of your other characters, though. You don't have to put crush on your form.
There will be two race choices: humans and Nekos(can turn into cats)
You have to palpad me if you want your character to have a super Magic ability.
For Girlfriends/boyfriends both people have to agree.
Pets can be like extremely small dragons that are small enough to ride on your shoulder, cats, birds, and stuff.
Your Magic power can pretty much be anything, and they can only have two if they're prodigies or were trained by their grandpa or dad or someone to have a second.
Magic power:
role(student for non-owners):
my forms-
name: Rai
Magic power: Lightning
appearance:wears a black cloak with a yellow lightning symbol thing on the back
description: can be extremely fast, is shy and quiet, but just full of energy when fighting, and full of energy other times. And, that will become his personality.
pet: a yellow cat
girlfriend:palpad me if you're interested
special Magic ability:Legendary Black lightning, which makes him do a super powerful strike of lighting that branches out a lot, that starts out as a light black and continues to become more Black which makes it hard to dodge.
magic power: Shadows and Ice
appearance: wears a black cloak, long black hair like Sasuke's hair in Boruto, has crimson hair too. Tall and muscular.
description:prodigy, he is extremely quiet, and acts really smart, and is really smart.
pet:a black shoulder Shadow dragon
girlfriend:palpad me if you're interested
name: Kirito
appearance:muscular, tall, has long Crimson hair.
description: He is full of energy half the time while the other half the time is really quiet.
pet:a shoulder Storm dragon
girlfriend:palpad me if you're interested
name: Sesu
magic: Rain and hand to hand combat
appearance:muscular, average height, weighs less than average. Black eyes, Crimson hair
description: Extremely extremely quiet and shy, anti-social and introvertive, tries not to look into the eyes of other people.
pet: A small black cat
race:Neko, has cat ears on his head, can see in the dark, and has claws that are inside of the tips of his fingers(when they are inside of his fingers, his fingers look completely human.)
special Magic ability name:Akuma Sesu, which gives him amazing power.
name: Kasai
magic: hand to hand combat and he uses Fire
appearance: wears a Red and Black Samurai armor type thing. Long black hair.
description:Serious most of the time.
special Magic ability: Hand to Hand combat Warlord mode
name: Suna(japanese for Sand, according to google translate.)
magic: Sand
appearance:wears Red clothes, and has a gray clothing to hold the Sand gourd across his back
description:really really serious, all the time
(This character belongs to ToshiroHex, now)
name: Jiraiya
magic:Wind and Lightning
appearance: see Jiraiya in Naruto
description: wise personality
Has Sage mode
name: Mr. Headmaster
magic: Fire
appearance:see Genryusai Yamamoto from Bleach
description:has sage mode, super super wise, and quiet.
Magic power:Fire and Lightning(cause he’s a prodigy of course)
appearance:He wears a black trench coat and a cowboy hat basically everywhere. His hair is really long.
description:He was trained in elementary school and middle school to use fire, and he trained by himself in the woods for a while consistently to gain lightning.
crush(optional):pal Pad
pet(optional):A small dragon with healing powers.
role(student for non-owners):Student
Magic Power: Air and Nature (Can tranform into animals and control plants)
Appearance: 5'6, hazel eyes, black hair
Description: Kind-Hearted, Short-Tempered
Pet (Optional): A baby rainbow dragon (Can control nature and air like me)
Crush (Optional): Open
Role (Student for non-owners): Student
Special Magical Ability: Frenzy Plant (Like the signature move of venusaur)

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Magic power:holy
description:She's a mute and carries a notebook around, to communicate and all. Miaya tries to not be a huge bother to anyone, due to her past abusive family.
role(student for non-owners):student
name: Haruka Shouta
gender:Male, but often mistaken as a female for his small frame.
Magic power:illusion
description:Haruka can't be bothered with people. He's lazy and dozes off every 5 minutes. He is often mistaken as a female for both his name, small frame and choice of clothing. Haruka is also quite the stubborn person.
crush(optional): open/ pal pad
role(student for non-owners):student
Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Gender: Female
Magic power: She can see glimpses of the future, but she blacks out for about an hour every time she does so. In this time, she usually forgets what she saw. The more powerful the vision, the longer she is unconscious. It is usually random when she gets these visions.
Appearance: Working on it
Description: Tbrp
Crush(optional): Rai
Role(student for non-owners): Student
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Magic: Has the ability to tattoo runes on himself using a stele
I forgot the rest sorry hold on
Gender: male
Appearance: wears straight black combat gear, with seraph blades strapped to thighs, thin white scars all over his body, has light blonde short hair with eyes as black as pits
Description: arrogant, over confidant teenager who just happens to be really smart and have deadly aim.