Forum Thread
Genders Exclusive Pair Breeding
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → Genders Exclusive Pair BreedingHowever, there are some gender specific pokemon that come in pairs.
Nidoran (F)/Nidoran (M)
In the main games both pokemon eggs can be found while breeding the female of the pair, even withut the male, for example, a Volbeat and Ditto can result in either Volbeat or Illumise. Is that the same here or are they classed as separate species and cannot lay each other's eggs?
Nidoran F and M Will produce either - While if you breed it with a ditto it will be one or the other
Ditto + Nidoran M = Nidoran M ONLY
And the same for the other pokemon besides Latias and Latios
They are legendary - They do not breed together even with a ditto just like the games you can have those though summon items only.