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Everywhere At The End Of Time

Forum-Index Diaries Everywhere At The End Of Time
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 14:41 (7 Years ago)
i think im funny but im actually not
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 25/11/2017 22:34 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sun, 26/11/2017 07:12 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Mon, 27/11/2017 04:12 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Wed, 29/11/2017 01:25 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Tue, 05/12/2017 07:04 (7 Years ago)

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:49 (6 Years ago)
((saburo voice)) bye bye~☆

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Tue, 30/10/2018 13:55 (6 Years ago)
note to self;
-DFTUAY rq. dont be lazy and upload it.
-incomplete rq you made in your feeds. you started it you clean up the mess.
-give out your dc group to close people in any cases you suddenly disappear from this site again
last updated;30/10/18

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Thu, 01/11/2018 15:23 (6 Years ago)

-Ike- finally admitted to being kawaii best day of my life

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 16:12 (6 Years ago)
note to self;
-upload. that. DFTUAY drawing!!!!! is it too hard to do so??????
-save money for useless stuff such as that goshdarn gorillaz album you saw today
-start distributing discord invites y o u
-cut your goddamn hair

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Fri, 14/12/2018 10:26 (6 Years ago)
note to self: a list of things that ill list out and then eventually forgot or procrastinate;
-zodiark, ultima and chaos left
-would say "discord distribution", if i know who else to give to (p sure i gave them all? Some could be left out and thats not nice)
-disgaea cursed memories' item world pirates guide
-why did i think that making Adell level 30 a good idea while everyone else is level 17-22

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Mon, 24/12/2018 05:28 (6 Years ago)
quick notw to self cuz im dumb:
-pork soda
-i dont love you
-kids qith guns

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Wed, 26/12/2018 04:40 (6 Years ago)
notes to self once school reopens:
-take two extra subjects (japanese and art, granted if im in either science or accounting stream)
-audition for drama
-help out with bicara berirama
-exit band for good (if luck is on my side)
-will add more once i remember cuz i have a peabrain as of now

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 23/03/2019 13:22 (5 Years ago)
quick notes to self (also rip formatting;;; ) : -change username; -jojolion ch 10 (i think???cant remember); -blurry accounts pic hw thing; -read leftenen adnan ch 36 for bahasa malaysia presentation (or smth, again cant remember); -plushie thing you used to do?? idk throw in a random mha chara or nichijou, give to that someone before 21/5 (i think? goshdarn im such a peabrain); -definetely pester upperclassmen to watch jojo yep yep; -uuuHHH ask art teacher when to see hm to rq additional art subject; -will add more as i go

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Thu, 28/03/2019 13:33 (5 Years ago)
Harvest moon light of hope stuff:
Named: Ren(dog), PostedNote(chicken), Derek (chicken), James (Cow), Keith (Sheep), ChellieKasane (chicken), M4dm3n (donkey)

Names remaining: Crys, Mika, Swad, Wayne, Fud, DiamondsInTheDirt

[Names arent in list will be added later as i either dont remember my own friends' names or i forgot them;;;]
Soleil loves (heart) ores, seashells, gems; hates (scribbles) animal fur
Gareth loves Fluorite, gema;hates fish (in general?), ores
Dean loves flowers (in general); hates green peppers
Cyril loves (cooked? idk not sure) fish; hates ?
Gabriel loves cooked fish(?), building materials(?); hates ?
Edmond loves ?; hates sweet things

seashells and poinsettas* are universal gifts
*exception of Michael as he hates flowers

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Fri, 05/04/2019 05:46 (5 Years ago)
gonna lay these down, in fear that id get im trouble if i write it down somewhere

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i question why we have this toxic relatiomship. what hapoened to you? did i do smth to offend you? i dont know. too tired to think abt it

you out of all ppl should understand that i actually care even if i dont look like it. oh yea diff schools. forgot, course youd think im a selfish prick after being frens with all those inconspicuos ppl mmyeah? try asking my fren whom you met once, shell explain everything you wanna know abt us. especially that mm, suicide threat. p obvious that im done w your bs when you threatened me again for the last time. im tired. why is it always abt you? i have my own happiness too. since youre too egotistic p sure you wont utter a word wih me nor apologise.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 06/04/2019 07:02 (5 Years ago)
notee to self (rip formatting pt 2) : >oh hE Y YOU FORGOT TO PUTT THE PIC YOU SENT ON DISCORD TO SSTASH >get a chocolate cow in hm loh when your bro comes back home with the switch > buy splatoon 2??? idk ill wait out for a few months. ninjala seems promising. >jjba pt 5 boutta end in 8 or so ep but i aint sure. watch orange, your lie in april, violet evergarden and finish gintama i guess. >change usernamessss. thinking that i should go back to my old handle considering that i use that handle on most social medias >create new da cuz youre uhhh a weeaboo back then and you suck (but now youre a major weeaboo???) >drAG YOUR FRIENDS TO JOJO HELL. conVinCE that the baras do not ruin the show (but APPARENTLY based on elitists, they do??? mhmhmh ok)

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Tue, 09/04/2019 14:47 (5 Years ago)
ah yes we gonn do this again

>when the heck am i gonna ask the art teacher? who the heck knows
>ask shimsham which hosp shes staying in. im still gon a sock the heck outta her when she comes back
>a b b a chio. d a n c i n g q u e e n. only s e v e n t e e n

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Fri, 12/04/2019 09:59 (5 Years ago)
>>>official letter to headmistress!!! in malay no less!!! how effed am i???? some things gotta be done for your futuuure!!!<<<

>uragirimono no requiem piano sheet
>the entertainer liano sheet

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Fri, 19/04/2019 05:59 (5 Years ago)
-send ori official letter to hm's office,
-ledger, art text book and cash book
-complaint letter abt a probate, give to kirah
[[[-watercolor paper]]] ;; -intrusive thoughts ;; -psychosis

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?