Forum Thread
Pokemon Moon Nuzlocke
Forum-Index → Diaries → Pokemon Moon NuzlockeHello yes I am Sylv an I will attempt a nuzlocke oh boy
-Any Pokemon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the PC permanently.
-The player may only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. Shinies do not apply.
-Players must also nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
Current Location
Verdant Cavern

Ability: Torrent
Nature & Characteristic : Bashful, Mischievous
Met at: Iki Town
Moveset: Pound, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Disarming Voice
-Is shy, hard to talk to new people at first
-Once you befriend her she will love you forever
-Prank master
-Likes to trap random pokemon in her bubbles. She has probably killed some.
Ability: Strong Jaw
Nature & Characteristic : Docile, Scatters things often
Met at: Route 1
Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Pursuit, Sand Attack
-Very obedient
-Messy at times
-Fur is 100x more soft than a regular yungoos

Ability: Magnet Pull
Nature & Characteristic : Bold, Thoroughly cunning
Met at: Trainer's School
Moveset: Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Thunder Shock, Magnet Bomb
-Smart af
-Can get himself out of tough situations easily
-Gets annoyed by Cleo and Grimm's shenanigans
-A great helper
Ability: Pickup
Nature & Characteristic : Lonely, Likes to run
Met at: Route 2
Moveset: Scratch, Fury Swipes, Bite, Fake out
-Likes to be separte from the group
-HATES other cat pokemon
-Likes shiny things

Ability: Levitate
Nature & Characteristic : Naughty, Alert to sounds
Met at: Hau'oli Cemetery
Moveset: Mean Look, Spite, Lick, Curse
-Is almost never serious (unless battling)
-Best pals with Cleo
-Likes to make others laugh
-Can turn almost invisible making it hard to see him

Ability: Inner Focus
Nature & Characteristic : Hardy, Likes to thrash about
Met at: Verdant Cavern
Moveset: Absorb, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite
-Likes to act like Lunala
-Tries to be scary but she is just too heckin cute
-Probably has a crush on Grimm but she is very shy about it
-Did I mention she was cute

Ability: Synchronize
Nature & Characteristic : Serious, Sturdy body
Met at: Hau'oli City
Moveset: Teleport
-Can out smart anyone
-Really hates Grimm
-His psychic powers are weak so he s t a n d
-No fun :[
Cause of death: Was switch training, annnnnnd Pursuit happened

Route 1
So i started the thing
I killed Hau at sanic speed so that was fun (Y)
My first encounter was a Ledyba but Cleo killed it :[[
But I did get an encounter on the second part of route 1 (by Kukui's house) and many people consider it another area so yeah
I got my Rotomdex and stuff and I'm ready to go

Route 2/Verdant Cavern
ok so a lot of stuff happened
I caught an Abra, Magnemite, Alolan Meowth, and Gastly
the Abra died 5 minutes after I caught him lmao
and I beat the first trial too wahoo

I'm finally working on refs so that's a start
I caught 3 new Pokémon too, a Cutiefly, Petilil, and Alolan Diglett
I'm using the Cutiefly on my team and he is rad
Also I battled Hau and Venus almost died but all is good
And shoutout to pickup it's a 10/10 ability