Forum Thread
Darkest hour - A ruined world: 1x1 between GH and CM
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Darkest hour - A ruined world: 1x1 between GH and CMPlot:

Due to some events in the past, the
world has been completely paralyzed, and Dialga has been taken down
by a much stronger force. Without order, chaos runs rampant, and
the world has little hope of ever going back to normal. All gates
to the past have been destroyed, and it is up to two brave pokemon
to put an end to this threat, or die trying.

Amber (Aerodactyl) ~ GhestriHoundoom
Amber is a rather secretive Aerodactyl that dislikes the darkened world he lives in. He has heard of the many threats that exist, and is alarmed at possibly facing them. He tries to get away from danger if possible, unless he has a friend close by. He has the possibility of Mega Evolving, but only if he has a partner close by, he is holding the Aerodactylite, and he is in the northern half of the region (the half closer to the mysterious crystal), and, unless he is extremely close to said crystal, he cannot Mega Evolve if any of his allies have Mega Evolved during the battle or if he Mega Evolved in the same battle, even if they have changed back to their original forms.
Circuit (Ampharos) ~ CarpetMonster
He is an extremely shy Ampharos who has an Ampharosite to Mega Evolve at will. However, he cannot do this while holding an item other than Ampharosite (e.g. Pecha Scarf), or if an ally is currently Mega Evolved or if he or an ally was Mega Evolved earlier in the same battle (if applicable), so he is not always able to do this. He can also only Mega Evolve in the northern half of the region, closer to a mysterious crystal; if he is extremely close to the mysterious crystal, however, he can Mega Evolve regardless of whether or not his partners have also done so. Upon Mega Evolving, he is still extremely shy, but is stronger.
Let me know if there's anything else i should add! ^^
"Oh, hello! I didn't see you there!" Suddenly, a Sawsbuck appeared to materialize out of nowhere.
Circuit jumped several feet back when Sawsbuck appeared. "I-I... I could say the same f-for you..." he said with a nervous laugh.
"Oh! Sorry for startling you! That was Camouflage," Sawsbuck replied apologetically. "Would you like to buy a scarf?"
"Y-yes, please," Circuit replied. He wasn't sure why he had thought that buying the scarves himself rather than giving Aerodactyl the money was a good idea in the first place - he was still trembling from Sawsbuck's sudden appearance - but there was no point in backing out now. "U-um, what kinds of scarves do you have?"
"Oh, all kinds," Sawsbuck said cheerfully. "Aura Bows, Pecha Scarves, Persim Bands, No-Stick Caps, Defense Scarves, Focus Bands... I can probably give you anything you need. Is there any particular effect you're hoping for?"
"U-um, one moment, p-please," Circuit requested. He hurried back to Amber. "What kind of scarf do you need? Sawsbuck says that she can probably give us anything we need... I think I am going to get a Pink Bow, since that's the one that matches my Aura and will have the greatest effect on me, or possibly either a Pass Scarf, if we can afford it, or a Coalition Scarf. What do you need?"
"Certainly," Sawsbuck said cheerfully. "That will be

"How much

"Yes," she replied cheerfully. "It'll cost 3300 without the Pink Bow. Is that acceptable?"
Circuit turned to Amber. "I think if we take turns with the Pass Scarf and the Coalition Scarf, we'd still be able to do fairly well... Should we do that?"