Forum Thread
Different [accepting]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Different [accepting]Before you could process what was going on and if it was a prank, the girl speaks. 'As you may know, everyone is different, but some differences aren't normal... These differences aren't like being double jointed or sleep walking, these are much bigger than that. They are more like something from a comic book.
Multiple limbs, psychic powers, fire manipulation, the list goes on and on. If you're thinking that this a lie, you've been lied to by the ones you love thinking that they were keeping you safe by keeping it hidden from you, but little did they know... you have one of these differences.
So if you are seeing this you have been chosen among others, much like you, to be something much like a hero from a comic. Go to the address that I am about to send you and leave right after you get it. There won't be a need to pack anything because I have everything you'll need.
I'll be waiting.'
And with that the video ends and an address pops up on the screen. You do as the girl said and left immediately after you write it down. In order to not wake your parents you leave out the window of your room. Once on the ground you slowly make your way to the address.

- PH rules apply
- Rp rules apply
- As many characters as you wish, as long as you can handle them
- One power per character
- Can we try to have diverse powers? Create your own, if you wish (just don't make it OP)
- Your character just found out they had powers so no one should be in full control of their powers
- The age should be in the teens
- There can be romance but do not make it the focus please
- More rules will be added if necessary
- Rp rules apply
- As many characters as you wish, as long as you can handle them
- One power per character
- Can we try to have diverse powers? Create your own, if you wish (just don't make it OP)
- Your character just found out they had powers so no one should be in full control of their powers
- The age should be in the teens
- There can be romance but do not make it the focus please
- More rules will be added if necessary
~My Forum~

unknown but goes by Z
born leader, but has a bit of a temper. She will not hesitate to do something about someone that is a rebellious little brat.
She has odd eyes, the left was completely black, even the white, with a blood red dilated pupil that seems to shine. The right is like a normal human eye but the iris is the same blood red as the left eye's pupil. She has jet black hair and her skin is so pale it's almost white. She wears a black tank top, black shorts, and black combat boots. She has three scars over her left eye and large scars on her arms and legs.
She calls it "Living Nightmare" which is more than enough to explain it. A shadow like substance, that is blacker than black, that is just under her skin and the only place it is visible is at her left eye or if she is wounded. it helps her if she helps it as in, the shadow like substance slowly heals any gash, cut, or bruise. If she breaks a bone it takes control and attacks the thing that hurt it's "host."
unknown but goes by Z
born leader, but has a bit of a temper. She will not hesitate to do something about someone that is a rebellious little brat.
She has odd eyes, the left was completely black, even the white, with a blood red dilated pupil that seems to shine. The right is like a normal human eye but the iris is the same blood red as the left eye's pupil. She has jet black hair and her skin is so pale it's almost white. She wears a black tank top, black shorts, and black combat boots. She has three scars over her left eye and large scars on her arms and legs.
She calls it "Living Nightmare" which is more than enough to explain it. A shadow like substance, that is blacker than black, that is just under her skin and the only place it is visible is at her left eye or if she is wounded. it helps her if she helps it as in, the shadow like substance slowly heals any gash, cut, or bruise. If she breaks a bone it takes control and attacks the thing that hurt it's "host."
Maggy-Sean Casey
Honest to the point of being blunt, stoic, very snarky. Harbors a soft side.
not my art
- has light freckles
- wears a black pleated skirt
- grey tights
- blue high-tops
Weather manipulation, but the strength depends on her mood.
PP me

Alexander Jonathan Dennei
He's short tempered and fiery. He's extremely introverted. He is quiet and cold to most until you make him angry. He will spout angrily and loudly, and he often gets emotional when he yells. When he's quiet, he's usually thinking about everything that could go wrong, since he has some pretty high anxiety. He is very hotheaded.
Alexander obviously got the short end of the stick height wise, standing at 5'3". He has pale blue eyes and black hair. His hair is short, parted onto the side to the right. He is skinny and thin, and very lanky and weak looking. His body looks like some sort of expensive, fragile china doll... One touch and he'll crack or break. He has the freckles his siblings didn't receive, dotted all over his body in large amounts. He is extremely feminine looking, with light and graceful features.. Long eyelashes, button nose. He wears a grey shirt, jeans, and grey hightop converse. He wears a white jacket over it, but that's not as usual as the outfit as a whole. He has a black septum ring in his nose.
He grows wings from his shoulderblades. The wings are about his height, and his bones are thin so that his wings can lift him. He breaks easily due to this, and is extremely fragile.
He has a boyfriend named Marius
-works as a camp counselor during summer
-very gay
-angsty boi
Alexander Jonathan Dennei
He's short tempered and fiery. He's extremely introverted. He is quiet and cold to most until you make him angry. He will spout angrily and loudly, and he often gets emotional when he yells. When he's quiet, he's usually thinking about everything that could go wrong, since he has some pretty high anxiety. He is very hotheaded.
Alexander obviously got the short end of the stick height wise, standing at 5'3". He has pale blue eyes and black hair. His hair is short, parted onto the side to the right. He is skinny and thin, and very lanky and weak looking. His body looks like some sort of expensive, fragile china doll... One touch and he'll crack or break. He has the freckles his siblings didn't receive, dotted all over his body in large amounts. He is extremely feminine looking, with light and graceful features.. Long eyelashes, button nose. He wears a grey shirt, jeans, and grey hightop converse. He wears a white jacket over it, but that's not as usual as the outfit as a whole. He has a black septum ring in his nose.
He grows wings from his shoulderblades. The wings are about his height, and his bones are thin so that his wings can lift him. He breaks easily due to this, and is extremely fragile.
He has a boyfriend named Marius
-works as a camp counselor during summer
-very gay
-angsty boi

Blake Joni Vanthe
Gender Neutral // Non-Binary
Blake is a quiet kid, mainly because they are mute, but also because they are super introverted. Blake is Alex's friend from childhood, and Alex seems to treat Blake like a sibling. Blake is extremely reliant on Alex, and they have a sort of interdependence. Blake is a very jumpy and sensitive person, and is extremely scared of blood. They can be kind and sweet, but they prefer to have Alex speak for them. They love photography though oof.

They can alter their appearance by touching someone with that aspect. If they touched someone with red hair, they would receive the red hair and nothing else. They can only take a few physical aspects from one person, but if they use all their strength, they can change into an exact look-a-like of that person.
Open / Palpad
Blake Joni Vanthe
Gender Neutral // Non-Binary
Blake is a quiet kid, mainly because they are mute, but also because they are super introverted. Blake is Alex's friend from childhood, and Alex seems to treat Blake like a sibling. Blake is extremely reliant on Alex, and they have a sort of interdependence. Blake is a very jumpy and sensitive person, and is extremely scared of blood. They can be kind and sweet, but they prefer to have Alex speak for them. They love photography though oof.

They can alter their appearance by touching someone with that aspect. If they touched someone with red hair, they would receive the red hair and nothing else. They can only take a few physical aspects from one person, but if they use all their strength, they can change into an exact look-a-like of that person.
Open / Palpad
Artsy, shy until you get to know her, and hates hurting others (pretty much the most of it, so the rest is tbr)
Shape shifting
She loves to bake
Her favorite animals are cats
She loves playing video games
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Gender: Female
Personality: Aeryn is generally shy around new people, but could talk a lot more after she's comfortable with you. She's mostly awkward, a bit clumsy, childish, and airheaded as she often goes on a dreamland, but could get serious if the time calls for it. She hates fights and mostly avoids them, and is generally nice to most people, but would absolutely kick you if you dared to hurt the people she cares and loves.
Appearance: Aeryn is shorter than most people she knew, only coming up to 5 feet. She has dark brown, almost black eyes, and the same colored hair. Her hair is medium short length, reaching below her shoulder slight, also curled slight on the ends, although she's often seen tying them up in a ponytail. She is often seen wearing a light gray shirt with teal hoodie on, dark blue jeans and black converse. She has a leather brown satchel backpack strapped on her back.
Difference/Power: Air manipulation.
Crush/Bf/Gf: None.
Also she should be around 16 years old here.
Personality:Darcy is the more quiet of the twins, choosing to think over act. Her weak point are dolls, she often forgets things easily but remembers them at the most random times. More of the personality to be develop along the roleplay
Appearance:The white one
Difference/Power:Living Ilusions creation -
Other: Has a twin sister - Danielle-
- Has a really deep obsession with dolls
Personality:Usual a cheerful person however can be really sarcastic when mad, whenever she´s not around her sister she often goes a little crazy. More of the personality to be develop along the roleplay
Appearance:The black one
Difference/Power:True Illusion
Other: Has a twin sister - Darcy
Gender: Female
Personality: Very quiet, often has trouble putting thoughts to words due to being painfully shy. She prefers to listen and observe when a part of a group, and has a good memory for names and faces. She writes and sketches in a journal, but prefers not to show this to others. (will develop more in RP)
Appearance: A little short at 5'0", has long, blonde hair that she likes to braid. Her eyes are a pale blue that often reflects the color or what she wears or whats around her. She likes to wear floral patterned dresses with leggings or stockings.
Difference/Power: Telepathy/Emotional manipulation - Still discovering more about her power - she can sometimes hear the thoughts of others, hearing snippets of thoughts or feelings. She can sense the emotions of others, taking on their emotions herself, and sometimes when her emotions are running high, it effects those around her.
Crush/Bf/Gf: open, bisexual
Other: Age is 18
Justin Dunham
Justin is a shy and reserved teenager, sometimes content to be left alone and observing from the sidelines. However, it does not take much to make him smile. Just talk about his favorite BL novels and series and he'll be sure to be chattering nonstop for a while or so.