Scarlet's eyes widened, ignoring Jin and the Starly. "Really? What
a coincidence!" she said, surprised. "Don't think I'll call you
crazy when the exact same thing happened to me! I don't remember
being a Sneasel.." A thought struck her mind. "What if.. all the
Pokemon here also experienced the same thing?" She looked at Jin.
"How about you? Did you have the same fate?" Scarlet excitedly
plushie thread: missing
please check out myart
Duo had landed in the cave. It seemed...pretty roomy! It had enough
room for all of them and was shaped just so everyone could see
light coming in through the entrance. Duo was happy with himself;
he just did his team a huge service. "THIS IS AWESOME!" He screamed
from the top of his little useless bird lungs.
Jin just stared blankly at her.
"Tis not a matter of if," Jin says slowly pulling himself to a
"Tis a matter of why and how." He continues holding against the
"Now let us make way to the shelter and talk more there."He
finishes, still hugging the tree for dear life.
Salv's eyes start to get sTrAiNeD as she realizes she
is with another Pokemon, and that she and the Sneasel had came here
the same way. She takes the time to step away from both the Sneasel
and Slakoth. Not noticing the Slakoth at all " Hahaha,
real... funny.... " She runs off into the entrance of a forest,
where she thinks she won't be found by the Sneasel and Slakoth at
" This is a dream, isn't it? I'm SURE it's a dream...
You feel a disturbing
something at the end of this signature. . .
(mind going into the cave @Ropets123? I'd rather the group all stay
together, if everyone's apart then the roleplay will just slowly
die since different people will have to be on at different times
and stuff. Hard to explain but trust me)
Duo began to lay down in the very back. It was...painful. It was so
hard and cold...but it worked. "I guess this isn't terrible..."
Scarlet's eye's darted to the Heracross who somehow she still
doesn't know her name who was running to the forest. "Hey!
Wait! I'm sure this isn't a dream.." she cried after the running
Pokemon. But soon she couldn't see her anymore. "It's no use.." she
said, half to herself. "C'mon, let's go after the others, Jin." and
helped Jin up.
(OOC: just say something about waking up in a field lol)
plushie thread: missing
please check out myart
Salv then realizes that she's alone and walks away from the forest,
seeing some of the others walk, fly, or whatever they travel with,
into a cave. She gulps as she realizes that it is not a dream at
all, and starts walking to the cave anyways because the forest
looks way more dangerous than a cave. Although she thought she
might find so many objects lurking in the shadows of both places.
You feel a disturbing
something at the end of this signature. . .
Nyx lumbered into the cave that the Starly found and looked around.
"Hey, this ain't too bad at all. Good work uh..." She trailed off
not knowing the Starly's name.
Duo tried to act cool. "Yeah, name's Du-" and them he fell through
the floor. Soon after, everyone else fell through as well. Before
they knew it, they were in a dungeon!
Kyushu jolted up, being unconscious for who knows how long. He
tried to stand on 2 legs, without prevail. He then looked down at
his feet and cried out, "Wh-WHAT?!?!"
Jin landed next to Duo with a thud and a groan.
"Always expect the unexpected." He rambled quickly before passing
out. Loud snores echo from him as he rolls in place.