Forum Thread
Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Legend of the Chrystanigh (Semi-Literate)Me? I believe it is the Chrystanighs.
Oh? You don't know who these Pokemon are?
Let me spin you their tale, then.
These Pokemon were great guardians before the humans learned how to imprison us. They were like the great deities servants, yet they were independent of their own actions.
Each Pokemon wielded a type completely different to their own. A dainty Bellossom could hold the devastating powers of fire. A Charmeleon could command the earth and bend it to its will. A Mandibuzz could manipulate the harshness of ice. Pokemon of every shape and size flocked to learn the secret, but it is never shared, never passed down.
Since the day Arceus governed the world, these Pokemon have been here to balance out any wrong and make the world right.
Among this group of noble and fearless Pokemon was one leader, any Pokemon who could control all eighteen types. This leader controlled all types, and made sure they were kept in check, kept from doing any wrong.
Any Pokemon could become a Chrystanigh. If they're heart was pure and they had the potential, the leader could issue them to the type they would best fit into.
Everything was fine - the world was at peace - until a Tyranitar came along. Driven by ambition, this brute rose through the ranks of the Chrystanighs, eventually becoming its undisputed ruler. Power drove him to become even greater than Arceus, and only the Gods' powers sent him to his grave.
Angered by this, and afraid other Pokemon would attempt to riot like this Tyranitar, Arceus ordered to kill off all Chrystanighs. Legend says all were wiped out, and any potential survivors are unknown. However, a Poochyena was able to escape his wrath. Orphaned and alone, yet still able to use her powers for good, she sought to talk with Arceus. He compromised that she could try to rebuild the Chrystanighs to their great glory once more.
If she succeeded, peace would reign over the land like it had for eons. Failure would result in death to all Chrystanighs, no matter the shape and size.
Determined to succeed, this pup set out to discover Pokemon with the potential she had.
Failure could not be an option.
1) Please don't god-mod or make a perfect character.
2) At least 3 - 4 sentences should be in your paragraph.
3) You may only be one legendary.
4) Please no fighting out of character or spamming.
The "Leaders"
Leader - Lunaro - A charcoal colored Poochyena with light gray markings on her face and legs. Red eyes add to her slightly intimidating demeanor. She seems unforgiving and ruthless as a leader when others first meet her. First impressions can sometimes be a bad thing though, since she can be very loyal to those she actually warms up to.
Currently knows: All types (Granted by Arceus)
First type learned: Flying
Second In Command -
Healer -
The Type Masters
Normal -
Fire -
Water -
Grass -
Electric -
Flying -
Rock / Ground -
Steel -
Dragon -
Ice -
Ghost -
Psychic -
Dark -
Poison -
Bug -
Fighting -
Fairy -
The Rest of the Chrystanighs
Warriors -
Solee - An Articuno who prefers to keep to herself. She tends to seem like the "silent, yet strong" type, and this is actually true. She seems devoid of any emotion, when she can be very caring towards others.
Currently knows: Flying, Ice, Rock / Ground, Grass (learning)
First type learned: Rock / Ground
Apprentices -
Gliz - A relatively normal Glameow, with a splash of white around her nose and mouth that stretches as a strip between her eyes, then forms a star upon her forehead. Her tail-tip isn't quite as fluffy as normal Glameow, and a red ribbon with an Everstone attached rests on her neck. She;s very laid-back, but can be extremely protective towards those she trusts.
Currently knows: Normal
First type learned: --
Bracken - A Treecko with a slightly smaller tail than most. He's a bit of a troublemaker and tend to act like a show-off.
Currently knows: Grass, Dragon (learning)
First type learned: Dragon
Endo - A Shiny Shuckle who's determined to show that he's not weak like his other counterparts. Those who rub them the wrong way will most likely end up battered and bruised.
Currently knows: Rock, Bug
FIrst type learned: --
Crystal - A little Zorua with a red bow upon her ear. She's a prankster, and is rather playful. She doesn't exactly trust everyone, even though she acts optimistic towards everyone.
Currently knows: Dark, Ghost (learning)
First type learned: Ghost
Damian - A Gallade who wears a dogtag necklace. He's the type of Pokemon who would prefer to be left alone, and tends to criticize people, but in a helpful way.
Currently knows: Psychic, Fighting, Dragon (learning)
First Type learned: Dragon
Krea - A young Suicune with bright silvery eyes. Being young, she's very innocent and straight-forward deity, with slightly timid side.
Currently knows: Water
First type learned: --
Aurum - An Aron with a golden hue to his armor. He seems thick-headed and too brash for his own good, but he is actually smart in his own way.
Currently knows: Steel
First type learned: --
Bella - A Latias with a red ribbon upon her neck. She's very cheery towards anyone, and isn't afraid to confront any Pokemon, big or small.
Currently knows: Dragon, Psychic
First type learned: --
Uriel - A Keldeo with a messy mane and tail, along with a scar on the side of his face. He's very courageous and brave, but he can easily hold a grudge against anyone who rubs him the wrong way.
Currently knows: Water, Fighting
First type learned: --
[color=blue]Flareheart[/blue] - A Torchic who's past is a mystery. He seems very eager to train as a Chrystanigh, and is determined to learn every type there is.
Currently knows: Fire
First type learned: --
Females With Young Offspring -
Elders -
Name: (Your character's name.)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Species: (What Pokemon are you?)
Looks: (Description. Picture is optional.)
Rank: (Everyone starts as an apprentice.)
Desired Rank: (What ranking would you like to have one day?)
Crush: (Got a special someone?)
Mate: (Update when needed.)
Kin: (Got any Family?)
Personality: (Tell us about yourself.)
History: (What happened to you before you came here?)
Other: (Add what type you're going to learn here if you are just joining.)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Species: (What Pokemon are you?)
Looks: (Description. Picture is optional.)
Rank: (Everyone starts as an apprentice.)
Desired Rank: (What ranking would you like to have one day?)
Crush: (Got a special someone?)
Mate: (Update when needed.)
Kin: (Got any Family?)
Personality: (Tell us about yourself.)
History: (What happened to you before you came here?)
Other: (Add what type you're going to learn here if you are just joining.)
Name: Gliz
Gender: Female
Species: Glameow
Looks: I've got your normal Glameow colors. However, the white around my mouth and nose actually continues as a strip up between my eyes, then creates a star on my forehead. The tip of my tail is less poof and mostly sleek. Oh! And I wear my Everstone ALWAYS. It's on a red ribbon around my neck~
- Faint Attack
- Sucker Punch
- Hone Claws
- Slash
Rank: Apprentice
Desired Rank: I would love to be either a Type Master or a Healer
Crush: Available~ *wink wink*
Mate: None
Kin: None
Personality: I'm pretty laid back most of the time. It's hard to get me really angry, but I swear, if you do you better watch your tail. When it comes to friends, I'm pretty protective, and the easiest way to see me mad is to hurt them. When I fight, I don't hold back. What's the point in doing something if you're not going to give 100%, right?
History: Er, I don't really like to talk about it, but it I really must... I use to live with a pack of Glameows. It was just a bunch of family groups, but we all wore everstones. Then something really terrible happened: There was a huge forest fire, and a drought made the fire spread really fast. The kits and mothers didn't make it out alive. Many were badly burned and didn't make it after. Those of us who did were too much in shock and mourning to worry about anyone but ourselves, and thus we all split up. Some gave up their unevolving oath and removed their everstones to go live the Purugly life, but stronger than they were before. I moved on to the deeper forest and kept training to stay strong. I don't want to let anything like that happen again if I can help it.
Other: Well, Dark type would be easiest, I think... But I'd really like to learn Water, or maybe Psychic.

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Accepted! I guess we could start.)
Little charcoal ears suddenly shot up over the tall brush in deep woodland, swiveling and darting from place to place. The head the ears belonged to poked out, eyes darting left and right. Lunaro's nose twitched as she scented the air, checking for danger, before emerging entirely. She set her crimson gaze upon the clearing she had come across. It was large, and spacious as well. The thick brush was a lot taller than most Pokemon, and would make a great hiding spot. Not to mention, there was a huge meadow just on the outskirts of these woods, giving more room to move if needed.
Lunaro smiled a little, slowly stepping into the sun dappled clearing. Could this be a good camp for Pokemon of all kinds? Lunaro surely thought so.
Name: Bracken
Gender: Male
Species: Treecko
Looks: Not much different than any other Treecko, really, although his tail is a bit smaller than normal.
- Pound
- Leer
- Absorb
- Quick Attack
Rank: Apprentice
Desired Rank: Type Master, I guess.
Crush: Nope.
Mate: Nope.
Kin: His mom and his brother, Thyme.
Personality: Being a bit of a troublemaker, Bracken likes to sneak up and play pranks on other pokemon. He's a bit of a show-off at times, and doesn't take well to being called a little kid. He's desperate to prove that he can take care of himself, not only to others but also to himself, as he's secretly terrified of ending up on his own.
History: Bracken had a fairly normal childhood. His family was in a line of Treecko/Grovile/Sceptile that wandered and explored all around the world. One day his father left to go on such a journey, although a much shorter one, as he didn't want to leave his family behind for long. However, he never returned. As such, Bracken and his older brother Thyme were raised mostly by their mother. Though he tried his hardest to be a good son, he felt inferior to Thyme, who was more patient and responsible and generally better at everything else than him (with the exception of stealth). When they were a bit older, their mom let them go explore the forest on their own in order to prepare them a bit for living without her. After just a few days, though, Bracken started to get antsy. Thyme always took precautions and, according to him, never let them have any fun. So one night, Bracken decided to play a trick on him by hiding in a fairly tall tree and then jumping out to give him a spook. While waiting for Thyme to notice that he was gone, however, he gradually fell asleep. When he woke up, Thyme was nowhere to be seen and since he had been keeping track of navigating, Bracken was completely lost... and all alone.
Other: Hmm, Dragon would be nice I guess. :)
Gender: Male
Species: Shuckle
Looks: I'm a shiny Shuckle. Pretty much sums it up. (I hope a shiny is okay.)
-Power Trick
-Stone Edge
-Gyro Ball
-Guard Split
Rank: Apprentice
Desired Rank: Second-in-Command, since no-one's spoken. If not, then Type Master, I suppose. (If not even that, then warrior.)
Crush: Oh heck no.
Mate: None.
Kin: None, as far as I know. I hatched alone.
Personality: I'm the blue shell you should be worrying about. I am the destroyer of worlds and galaxies. And I'm the one that lets Chuck Norris live. (Okay, maybe I exaggerate a bit...) It takes a lot of effort to get respect as a Shuckle, believe me. And I've worked hard to keep every bit of it. Although people still poke fun at me behind my back, when I find out their names, they shall pay dearly...
History: It's a hard life, being a Shuckle. People have underestimated me a lot. Before I became what I am now, when enemies attacked, most all I could do what tuck inside my shell and hope for the best. They said I couldn't take down an Emboar. They were dead wrong. When I learned Power all fell into place after that.
Other: Dark type is preferred. (If he can't be second-in-command, since Dark type master might be taken by Mituna, I'll settle for Fire, just PM me if I need to be Fire or another type.)
If a shiny is not allowed, I'll make him a regular Shuckle.
Also, I've never RPed with Shuckle, neither have seen anyone else do it, so I hope this will be interesting...
I'll be gone for a few days in the morning, so mind if he stumbles across the pack when I get back?

Gender: Female
Species: Zorua
Looks: Zorua with a Red bow in on it's ear.
-Shadow ball
-Fake tears
-Fury swipes
Rank: apprentice.
Desired Rank: Type Master
Crush: Not yet
Mate: No
Kin: No family
Personality: Loves doing tricks (illusion) and isn't serious much. Loves playing all the time but, knows when she should stop and if you try to ask her about her past she will change the subject. Doesn't trust people much but, will act like she does.
History: Hatched alone and was raised by a Ninetales that was killed by the Ninetales jealous "friend" when Crystal was kind of young. Crystal grew up tricking people for fun and ate from berry bushes.
Other: Ghost would be nice if that's okay

He had searched everywhere for Thyme, from the tall trees to the most out of the way bush and everywhere in-between. Where had Thyme gone? Bracken was supposed to give him a scare, not the other way around! Was this supposed to be giving him a taste of his own medicine?
"Thyme!" he called as quietly as he could, not wanting to attract attention to himself. "Come out! This isn't funny!" No response came. Bracken resisted the urge to facepalm. Thyme would never stoop so low as to pull such a trick on his own brother. No, after noticing Bracken was gone, he had probably gone off searching for him deeper in the woods. Thyme was likely almost just as panicked as he was. Almost.
He had to calm down. Bracken sat down against a tree, staring at the length of tall grass far across from him. The woods were only so big, right? Eventually Thyme would run out of places to look and retrace his steps. He would realize that the reason why he hadn't found Bracken was because he hadn't needed to look far in the first place. But how long would that take? Days? Weeks? Bracken took a shaky breath; this wasn't helping.
He knew that if they got separated, he was supposed to stay where he was and wait for Thyme to find him. It was supposed to make it easier for them to find each other. But why did it matter if it was going to take Thyme forever to come back to this spot anyway? Bracken stood up. At least if they were both looking, they it wouldn't take as long to run into each other. What was the saying? Two heads were better than one?
The tall grass rustled.
Bracken froze.
"Thyme?" he whispered. Forcing one foot in front of the other, he walked toward the grass.
The rustling stopped.
Bracken stopped as well, waiting for his older brother to come out. The grass didn't move. He stared at it and waited.
After a minute, he was starting to get uneasy. If it was Thyme, he would've come out by now. Bracken took a step back, turning around and hoping that whatever it was had not noticed him.
He heard the grass move again and couldn't help but look back. Poking its head out from its hiding place, an Ekans stared back at him.
Before Bracken could react, the snake darted out and wrapped around him. He yelped as its body constricted, forcing the air out of his lungs. Panic took over him. He used Absorb, but the Ekans didn't even flinch, instead tightening its coils. He tried to scream, but all that came out was a mute squeak.

Too ticked off by the new attacker to care about its prey getting away, it lunged towards "Thyme". Bracken used Quick Attack on its tail before it could strike, and it screeched in frustration. It looked back and forth between the two Treecko, trying to measure its odds and glaring at both of them.

The Ekans recoiled from the Fury Swipes, shaking its head and hissing at them again. Seeing that its Glare had not affected either Treecko, it decided to cut its losses and darted back into the tall grass, deciding it would be easier to find some Pidgey eggs to snack on instead.
Crystal smiled as the Ekans slithered away. HA, scared away as usual. They always run because they can't handle it. Crystal looked at the Treecko again and waved. She moved towards the tree and quickly climbed up. Her climbing looked more natural as a Treecko than as a Zorua. She sat on one of the branches and lay against the trunk.

Bracken breathed a sigh of relief as the Ekans retreated and looked up to see "Thyme" climb up a tree.
"Hey, wait!" he called, climbing up after the other Treecko. When he caught up, he was finally able to get a good look at him. He did a double-take; it wasn't Thyme at all! This Treecko was female!
"Uh..." he started, scratching the back of his head. He tried not to look disappointed, but he was sure it showed plainly on his face. "Thanks for the help back there."

"...Crystal?" he asked.