Forum Thread
☆☆☆ sky kingdom
Forum-Index → Diaries → ☆☆☆ sky kingdom0. about me
→ silver/axel/sol
→ 24
→ nonbinary transmasc
→ bi (loves all genders), polyam
→ loves: sonic, puyo puyo, spyro, pokemon, persona, danganronpa, your turn to die
→ other likes: kagerou project, xenoblade chronicles, klonoa, deltarune, spiderverse, digimon, mystery skulls, gorillaz, wings of fire
i. sonas

species: flareon
pronouns: he/him/his
toyhouse page
art by me
art by others

species: umbreon [shiny]
pronouns: he/him/his
toyhouse page
art by me
art by others
(see his toyhouse gallery, there's too many to post here)
ii. goals
→ fill my pokedex! mons i'm missing are here
help is appreciated but not necessary!
→ get a premium
→ buy all the key items i'm missing (will need 670k)
→ train up a fairy pokemon so i can use my map
→ get all badges (will take a long... long time)

character belongs to absoreon@pfq

character belongs to beetlebeep@pfq

characters belong to bravehearted@pfq

character belongs to eyubk@pfq

character belongs to me!