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the rainbow crystal (pokemon RP sign-up)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up the rainbow crystal (pokemon RP sign-up)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 11/09/2017 13:23 (7 Years ago)
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there once was a magical rainbow crystal which kept all the pokemon types in harmony
it was hidden and nobody knew where it was but one day an evil pokemon found it and smashed it, thinking it would give him all types and control over all types
he was wrong and all pokemon turned normal types but the legendary pokemon were immune so with the power of celebi they went back in time and stoped the evil pokemon but what he did was try to destroy it completely but that just made shards fly all over the land and then 18 regions where made each region had a type (fire region had all pokemon living there become fire types etc.) the new pokemon had slight changes and the legenderies decided it was best to guard the shards

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1.all PH rules apply
2.no godmodding
3.you can have up to 5 pokemon
4.if you faint you have to either sleep,be taken to a healer pokemon be given a revive/max revive, or be given a handful of berries
5.you can be a type swap pokemon if you lived in the new elemental area
6.all types can do spiecal things (ex. water pokemon can shoot out a smal amount of drinking water even if they dont have the move, ghosts can go through walls etc.)
7.the password is a variation of the word "drunk" (google it and make sure nobody has the same )

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pokemon name:
pokemon spiecies:
pokemon typing:
pokemon moves:
pokemon backstory: (optional)

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 11/09/2017 13:29 (7 Years ago)
here my form:
pokemon name:yellow
pokemon spiecies:zorua
pokemon typing:electric
pokemon moves:thunderbolt,quick attack,electro bolt,hidden power (dark)
pokemon backstory: he was just a little zorua when he heard of the great rainbow crystal and when he grew up he was hunting it down but got caught, he liked his new trainer and he learnght strong moves the trainer found out he had perfect EVs and he kept him but the thunder crystal glitched the region and all pokemon were freed
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 260
Posted: Sat, 28/10/2017 23:35 (7 Years ago)
[center]pokemon name:
pokemon species:
pokemon typing:
Fairy, and here she is!
pokemon moves:
Play rough
Dazzling Gleam
pokemon backstory:
She used to be a contest pokémon, and loved by many. When the crystal broke, she tried to stay with her trainer, but was kicked out. She now keeps her collar and soothe bell to remember her trainer by.

Art Shop


Avatar made by me!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Sun, 29/10/2017 00:40 (7 Years ago)

pokemon name: Dart
pokemon spiecies: Sableye
pokemon typing: Dragon/Ghost
password: borracho
pokemon moves:
-Shadow Sneak
-Dragon Claw
-Power Gem
pokemon backstory: Dart was an ordinary Sableye for the most part, until one day he came upon an aquamarine crystal. Thinking it was tasty, he popped it in his mouth, but suddenly, he turned into a dragon type, growing small wings out of his back and turning somewhat blue-ish. Scared, he stayed in the cave he lived in. His ability is Keen Eye.