Forum Thread
mal's diary pt 2
Forum-Index → Diaries → mal's diary pt 2
Hi and welcome to my Lottery! ♡ I'm imagine, though a lot of you know me personally as Mal. I'm the Wiki Admin after being a Wiki Helper for about two years and I also make new Staff Banners as well as fix broken Premium Banners. I've turned to the PokéHeroes community to help in my collection.
My first dog, Mattie, who initially belonged to my late grandfather was put down on September 12th of last year and I'm still mourning her. I originally planned to do a Shiny Mega Houndoom hunt to honor her, however I recently switched it to a Shiny Mega Absol hunt as I feel Absol itself as a Pokémon fits Mattie's personality better. With that being said, I need as many Dark Gems as I can get in order to start my hunt.
Pleasepleaseplease read everything below before posting so everything can run as smoothly as possible!

[01] - All PokéHeroes Rules apply.
[02] - You can post as many times as you like only if you are wanting to buy more tickets.
-→ If you were the last user to post, simply edit your post instead of double-posting.
[03] - Subscribe to the thread!
-→ I will not contact you outside of the thread, it's your job to know if it's okay to send the items.
[04] - You can only enter if you have all mentioned gems currently in your possession.
[05] - Once you enter your tickets, they will not be returned to you.
-→ In other words, all arrangements are final.
[06] - Absolutely no complaining.
[07] - The provided form should always be used. If you don't use it, your post will be ignored and you will not be added to the list.
[08] - Questions should only be asked to me directly through PalPad or PM.
[09] - Winners will be chosen through to ensure fairness.
[10] - You will have one week to claim your prizes.
-→ Failure to claim your prize in the allotted time will result in your prize(s) being redistributed.
[11] - If you are banned from my lottery after you've received tickets, you revoke your tickets without my needing to return your entry fee.
-→ If you are banned from PokéHereoes and the deadline is reached, you have 1 week to be unbanned before your place is redrawn.
[12] - The password is "thank u, next".
-→ To ensure you read the rules, put your favorite celebrity in place of the password.
[13] - Currently, the only deadline is 24 hours after I reach my goal of Dark Gems.

[01] - Fill out the provided form below.
[02] - 1 Dark Gem = 1 Ticket whereas 100 Dark Gems = 110 Tickets
→ The more you buy, the higher your chance of winning.
[03] - Once you get the okay from me and send me the gems, I'll mark you down for your tickets.
→ You must wait for my approval!
→ Please have something along the lines of "for your lottery" in the message because I'm kinda dumb & I'll probably forget or something.
[04] - Tickets are marked down in order of the Gems received.

I'll edit these as frequently as possible as I get more things for prizes.
1st Place will receive 1 Tier S Prize as well as 5 Tier A Prizes and their choice of 5 Tier B Prizes or 7 Tier C Prizes.
2nd Place will receive 1 Tier S Prize as well as 4 Tier A Prizes and their choice of 3 Tier B Prizes or 6 Tier C Prizes.
3rd Place will receive 3 Tier A Prize as well as 2 Tier B Prizes and 2 Tier C Prizes.

mal ♡ / nineteen / always tired /

obsessed w/ ariana grande if you didn't notice
short & sweet, my name's mal
i'm currently the wiki admin
& i make new staff/premium banners.
if you need help, don't hesitate to ask. ♡

I'm doing this quick little thing and hashtag post.
My first dog, Mattie, was put down back in September and I'm still mourning the loss. I originally wanted to do a Shiny Mega Houndoom hunt in honor of her, however I have changed that a Shiny Mega Absol Hunt because Absol itself as a Pokemon fits her personality better.
For every 5 Dark Gems you send me with the gift message "Mattie's Memory", you get one ticket in my lottery. If you share the hashtag below once a day, you get an additional ticket.
The prize is 1,000,000 PD for 1st place, 750,000 PD for 2nd place and 500,000 PD for 3rd place. You will also be able to pick a shiny from my Shiny Box.
I'm currently right above 10,000 Dark Gems, so this will end once I get 25,000.

By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Hipsterpotamus 4 tickets
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
ElementalAnime 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Lucky_LOL789 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
DeciduKnight 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Singlerose8 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
DrDoggo 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
CrystalAngel5 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
kytten 3 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
LunaRay 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Tommyboicat 3 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
TommyGunz 2 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
LeviOsaNotLeviosA 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
SilverDragonLK 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
cofagrigus 1 ticket + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
bloodline 25 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 10 Hours ago.
1 hashtag vvv
By Bino - 16 Days and 10 Hours ago.
3 rapmon
By Bino - 16 Days and 16 Hours ago.
4 chibitogepi
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
vvvv this is gonna be in a notepad somewhere soon
im just too lazy to do it rn
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
2 mommafae
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
ok jk obviously im bad at math
47 pauline
22 argentis + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
235 paul
Hipsterpotamus 4 tickets
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
ElementalAnime 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Lucky_LOL789 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
DeciduKnight 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Singlerose8 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
DrDoggo 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
CrystalAngel5 1 ht
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
kytten 3 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
LunaRay 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
Tommyboicat 3 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
TommyGunz 2 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
LeviOsaNotLeviosA 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
SilverDragonLK 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
cofagrigus 1 ticket + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 3 Hours ago.
bloodline 25 tickets + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 10 Hours ago.
1 hashtag vvv
By Bino - 16 Days and 10 Hours ago.
3 rapmon
By Bino - 16 Days and 16 Hours ago.
4 chibitogepi
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
vvvv this is gonna be in a notepad somewhere soon
im just too lazy to do it rn
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
2 mommafae
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
ok jk obviously im bad at math
47 pauline
22 argentis + 1 hashtag
By Bino - 16 Days and 21 Hours ago.
235 paul

The useful, visual guide as to what everyone in the staff does
Administrator [Admin]

Bossing around the rest of the staff
Moderators [Mods]
-Max, Bokuto, CatLady
Katakuri, SilverLugia456, SilverStar
Use the Banhammer on scammers and people who break the rules

Deal with reports
Delete, lock and move forum threads

Take care of the Support Center
Giltine13, Liirah, Temy
Create new Sprites, NOT Drawings, for the site such as for new Event Pokemon

Hime-Nyan, Koushi, Liffy
Create new Drawings, NOT Sprites, for the site such as for Plushies or Announcements

Wiki Helpers/Admin[istrator]s
Bino, Danuwa
Echo, Ephenia, Kimie
Edit & Update the Wiki Page with Past & Present, Valid Information

This guide is being updated by CatLady & Bino

heyo! ♡ I'm Bino/ Mal.
I'm just a boring nineteen year old.
I've been on the Wiki Team since 2015
& I make premium and new staff banners.
I'm down to chat or answer questions :3c

anyways, One of the reasons why we held Wiki Helper Applications so early on is because I've been planning on taking a little hiatus from PokeHeroes for quite some time now. Mentally, I'm not in the greatest state of mind and my health is also deteriorating on top of so many real life responsibilities like having two jobs, needing to find a new doctor with my stomach issues, getting dropped by my health insurance, and planning on starting higher education in the fall. I also need to better myself physically. I was also planning on going into the army but that's kind of like, not a plan anymore idk.
The initial plan was to do my Shiny Mega Absol hunt so I could honor my dog that I had to put down last year and then go on hiatus, but the hunt isn't necessarily working out as well as I had hoped it would, though I know I have no room nor the right to complain. Going through all my Dark Gems, mainly obtained by generous users donating them to me, meant that my Shiny Mega attempt for the most part failed and I would have to come back to it. This also meant it was time for me to say goodbye for a while.
During this time, if you have any site-related questions, they should be directed towards another staff member. I feel the Wiki is in good hands with the two new hires we've appointed, Danuwa & Ephenia as well as with our long-time Wiki Helpers, Echo & Kimie. Any Wiki Related Questions or concerns in the meantime should be direct towards them or in this thread.
New Staff Member Banners will still be made by me in the meantime. Premium Banners, however, won't be updated until I return. You can still report them all to me in this thread (viewable to Premium Users only) so I have an easier time catching what needs to be done after my hiatus.
if you would like to get in touch with me still while I'm on hiatus on PokeHeroes
→ Discord: mal#7277
→ Switch: SW-5657-5687-7674
→ Steam: hoelax
→ Paladins (PC): hoela
→ Instagram:
→ Snapchat: m4lekf

I'm the Wiki Admin and I make Staff & Premium Banners.
I enjoy playing video games, roleplaying & taking day long naps.
If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.
I consider myself friendly, though I can be a bit short-tempered.
I would really appreciate it if you didn't beg for my things,
nor would I like it if you spammed me with "Hi" messages.
Please come to me directly with your concern or with conversation.

In the post below, you'll be able to see what items I'm currently collecting in regards to Shiny Megas or Legendaries that I would like to hunt.
If you have any for sale, Pal Pad or Private Message me to make a deal!

Buying Price
- 100,000

- 66


Buying Price
- 400,000

- 266

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu
current team:

predicted team:


- thunderbolt
- splishy splash
- floaty fall
- iron tail/brick break

- calm mind
- psychic
- shadow ball
- recover

- flare blitz
- double edge
- crunch
- play rough

- toxic/mega drain
- petal dance
- sludge bomb
- moonblast

- double edge/thrash
- earthquake
- outrage
- iron tail

- flash cannon/double iron bash
- superpower
- ice punch
- self destruct

^ this is rlly ugly and i did it in like 2 mins :')
→ 19 aug - total of 033,145 interactions made during the day

→ 20 aug - total of 031,767 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 064,912 since the event began.

→ 21 aug - total of 065,094 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 130,006 since the event began.

→ 22 aug - total of 100,115 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 230,121 since the event began.

→ 23 aug - total of 001,169 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 231,290 since the event began.

→ 24 aug - total of 000,028 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 231,318 since the event began.

→ 25 aug - total of 000,010 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 231,328 since the event began.

→ 26 aug - total of 064,494 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 295,822 since the event began.

→ 27 aug - total of 100,684 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 396,506 since the event began.

→ 28 aug - total of 005,093 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 401,599 since the event began.

→ 29 aug - total of 000,006 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 401,605 since the event began.

→ 30 aug - total of 019,364 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 420,969 since the event began.

→ 31 aug - total of 100,005 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 520,974 since the event began.

→ 01 sep - total of 027,737 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 548,711 since the event began.

→ 02 sep - total of 042,975 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 591,686 since the event began.

→ 03 sep - total of 030,245 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 621,931 since the event began.

→ 04 sep - total of 003,162 interactions made during the day, a grand total of 625,093 since the event began.

→ 05 sep - total of ?????? interactions made during the day, a grand total of ?????? since the event began.

------ you did 65k in 4-ish hours so 8-9 should be enough to hit 100k
------ STOP spending it every chance you get
------ save for the next x2 day so you can get the vouchers to hatch superduperquick :-)
^ did this and in 18k ggc i got not a single voucher :')
------ pink shinies box
------ sort through shinies and move appropriately to uft/swt box
------ sort through ilymattie boxes... it's hard to hold on.

I'm the Wiki Admin and I make Staff & Premium Banners.
I enjoy playing video games, roleplaying & taking day long naps.
I'm obsessed with Ariana Grande & I love Lana Del Rey too.
I'm currently collecting pink shinies & Ultra Saddles.
If you have any of them for sale, message me to trade.
Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you didn't beg for my things.
If you need help, don't hesitate to ask.
I consider myself friendly, though I can be a bit short-tempered.
I won't respond if you spam me with "Hi" messages.
Please come to me directly with your concern or with conversation.

→ shiny smoochum (x2)
→ shiny darumaka (x2)
→ shiny vanillite (x3)
→ shiny gothita (x3)
→ shiny whismur (x3)
→ shiny drowzee (x2)
→ shiny nidoran [f] (x2)
→ shiny qwilfish (x1)
→ shiny bounsweet (x3)
→ shiny cleffa (x1)
when released, i will need to do:
→ vibe check pokemon (x3)
→ galarian corsola
→ galarian yamask
→ tea time
→ galarian zigzagoon

anime recommendations
to make a long story short, i posted a feed asking what anime i should give a shot and this is the list of them [and the user(s) who suggested it] once i give it a shot/finish it, i'll strike it out with a smol comment.--- recommended by Charmander123
→ Eureka Seven
--- recommended by Calamari & Menma
--- menma spoiled some of it already when i asked "what's it about" and she went on a 3 hour rampage so atm i'm less inclined to actually want to watch it.
→ Tiger & Bunny
--- recommended by Calamari
→ No. 6 ✓
--- recommended by Saph
--- I watched the first 2 episodes when I was like 15 and liked it but I never finished it.
--- review: overall, it kind of dragged on it felt like? it was still good, don't get me wrong, but i feel like they could've done a lot more. also disappointed that shion & nezumi only kissed like twice and the ending pissed me off to no end but i still cried :-)
→ Given ✓
--- recommended by Liirah
--- love it so far! excited for more episodes to air orz
--- recommended by reapu
→ Cowboy Bebop
--- recommended by reapu
→ Persona 5
--- recommended by Jackmaster1324

To make a long story short... I'm starting a pink shiny collection and I'll be offering some Shiny Slots in exchange for items I'm collecting or currency.
I usually base my prices off of Price Check with minor tweaks here and there.
Please read the rules and blahblahblah form at the end blahblahblahblahblah.
Last Updated: 01 September✨What I'm looking for✨
the bolded items are the items I'm primarily hunting.→ Ultra Saddles
→ White Powder
→ Lake Trio Vouchers
→ Pokédollars
→ Nuggets
→ Sky Pillar Maps/Emeralds
→ Marine Cave Maps/Sapphires

Exchange Rates
1 Nugget = 1,500 Pokédollars
1 Ultra Saddle = 300,000 Pokédollars
1 White Powder = 200,000 Pokédollars
1 Azelf/Uxie Voucher = 95,000 Pokédollars
1 Mesprit Voucher = 110,000 Pokédollars
1 Sky Pillar/Marine Cave Map = 180,000 Pokédollars
1 Emerald/Sapphire = 200,000 Pokédollars
1 Nugget = 1,500 Pokédollars
1 Ultra Saddle = 300,000 Pokédollars
1 White Powder = 200,000 Pokédollars
1 Azelf/Uxie Voucher = 95,000 Pokédollars
1 Mesprit Voucher = 110,000 Pokédollars
1 Sky Pillar/Marine Cave Map = 180,000 Pokédollars
1 Emerald/Sapphire = 200,000 Pokédollars
in order

→ ✘ imagine (x1)
→ ---
→ ---
→ ---

→ ✘ imagine (x2)
→ ---
→ ---
→ ---

→ ✘ imagine (x1)
→ ✘ Greggory_Lee (x1) / Passimian

→ ---
→ ---

→ ✘ imagine (x2; x2

→ ---
→ ---
→ ---

→ ✘ imagine (x2; x1

→ ---
→ ---
→ ---

Note that these prices are subject
to change without warning!*
They may also be altered per hunt in determining factors such as Genderless/single-gendered Pokémon.**
Prices are listed in Pokédollars. Please use my conversion(s) above if offering items.
Easy Rarity
Medium Rarity
Hard Rarity
Rare Rarity
Special Rarity
Starter Rarity
* - if you've already offered on a hunt and I've accepted it, you do not need to pay the difference in price.
** - All Genderless or single-gendered hunts will have a base price of 20% extra.
They may also be altered per hunt in determining factors such as Genderless/single-gendered Pokémon.**
Prices are listed in Pokédollars. Please use my conversion(s) above if offering items.
Easy Rarity

Medium Rarity

Hard Rarity

Rare Rarity

Special Rarity

Starter Rarity

* - if you've already offered on a hunt and I've accepted it, you do not need to pay the difference in price.
** - All Genderless or single-gendered hunts will have a base price of 20% extra.
✘ indicates I have not completed this user's request.
✔ indicates I have completed this user's request.
‡ indicates the user has prepaid on their request.
The form below must be filled out completely when ordering.✨YO, MAL! I'd like some shinies!✨
♡ MISC.:
✨[i][b]YO, MAL![/b] I'd like some
♡ [b]USERNAME[/b]: your username
♡ [b]POKÉMON[/b]: which hunt you'd like
♡ [b]PAYMENT[/b]: what you will be offering
♡ [b]PASSWORD[/b]: the password
♡ [b]MISC.[/b]: other junk that doesn't fit elsewhere
♡ [b]USERNAME[/b]: your username
♡ [b]POKÉMON[/b]: which hunt you'd like
♡ [b]PAYMENT[/b]: what you will be offering
♡ [b]PASSWORD[/b]: the password
♡ [b]MISC.[/b]: other junk that doesn't fit elsewhere

✨Shiny Hunt Log✨

Hunt Ended: 03 Sep 2019
Shinies Hatched: 01
Megas Hatched: N/A

Gem Cauldron Brewing
Below is a log of what I brew from the Gem Cauldron starting Sept. 23rd.Prior to this log, I have brewed not a single Black Mystery Key, at least 10 Mega Stones and 4 Black Mystery Boxes.
Overall Stats:

Sept. 23 - Mega Stone

Sept. 25 - Black Key