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Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 09:29 (7 Years ago)
Hello there! Gangar here with my first fan-fiction, feeling pretty excited. :S Feel free to post below any suggestions on improvement or ideas for part 2!

"Why is he like that?"
"What a creep."
"Is that even a Gastly?"

"Hey, HEY! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Shouting, Shaw ran to chase away a group of hooligans with their Pidgeys towering above a petrified Gastly. Snorting, the tallest of the group, probably their leader, swaggered over to Shaw. Tall and bulky with a grey bandana on his head, he blocked out the sun with his humongous shadow and Shaw felt a gulp down his throat.
"And who are you? Some nosy guy?"
"No, I'm his trainer." Shaw lied, pointing to the trembling Gastly that was taking refuge behind him.
"Some trainer you are, fancying some white Gastly." Laughing, he gave the Gastly one last fake-push, causing the Pokemon to flinch. Then, he sauntered away.

Shaw glanced back to the Gastly. Still shivering, it glared at Shaw warily.
"Hey, you alright?" Shaw asked. Small for it's kind, the Gastly was indeed a shade paler.
"You're still shivering, how do you feel?" Shaw asked.
"You stay right here, I'll get Nurse Joy."

Walking a few steps away, Shaw glanced back. Expectedly, the Gastly had fled and was nowhere in sight, noted Shaw dejectedly. No Pokemon seemed to like him, even the ones that had accompanied his parents through thick and thin over the years showed Shaw not even a sliver of obedience at all. Sighing, Shaw took off, heading back home.

Shaw knew that something was amiss the moment his house came into view. There were muddy tracks leading to the house and the door was forced open. Fearing for the worse, Shaw creaked open the door slowly.
"Mom? Dad?" Shaw's voice echoed through the house. The house that Shaw grew up in and known all his life suddenly felt like a stranger to him.
"Hahaha! Look who decided to show up." The eerie silence was broken by taunting, that came from the dark pantry. Stepping out from the shadows was none other than, the leader of the hooligans.
"Your dad was really weak. A Metapod? Really? It's basically useless in a battle. And your mom's no better, a level 4 Rattata. Really. A Rattata." Nodding to his Pokemon beside him, a Weavile, he grinned.
"I hope you're better than those two. Let's see what you got!"

Shaw never felt so much rage in his life before. Since young, Shaw had been a quiet and shy boy. He hated any sort of violence or confrontations. Then came along this mysterious man who thrashed the two people he had ever looked up to in life, and was insulting their defeat. His anger was boiling to a furious gurgle and he felt a growl coming up his throat. He had to fight, however he hated it. Not because of this man or anything, but because of his parents. He had to reclaim his family's honour.
Snapping out a Pokeball, he called out the only Pokemon with him at that point of time, a Growlithe. It was the only Pokemon that would bother looking in his eyes, but only barely, and Shaw used it to get past wild Pokemon during his errands. It had belonged to his father, but was Shaw's last hope now.
Father, this is for you.
"No... NO!" Shaw screamed as Growlithe's HP slipped to 0. The puppy Pokemon looked at Shaw one last time with brimming tears and fell to the ground with a loud thud, as Shaw fell to his knees in front of the Growlithe. The Weavile cawed with triumph and it's trainer broke into a wide grin.
"Good work, Weavile." The man praised as he returned the Pokemon back to its Pokeball, chuckling.
"That was a good fight, Shaw. You really have a lot of hidden potential, and as member of my crew, you can uncover those talents. So how 'bout it?" Holding out a hand to the defeated Shaw, he asked.
"Growlithe, why..." Shaw seemed to ignore the man completely, still kneeling by the Growlithe's fainted body.
You were the first and only Pokemon willing to fight by me, and I let you down. I'm so sorry... With tears in his eyes, he sobbed uncontrollably, quaking his slumped body.
"You don't want the easy way? Fine, I'll go the hard way." Grabbing a large sack and a cloth, he started towards Shaw.
Too tired with fatigue to fight back, Shaw let the man tightly cover his mouth and nose with the wet cloth. A tingling sensation filled his mind and he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Wait a min-" Shaw woke up to the sound of gagging in a musty, old room. Drowsy from the rest, he looked around. Withering from age, the room he was in looked antique. Creaking loudly when he moved, the windows and doors were boarded up and a dark hole in the ceiling was the only way of entry. Weak sunlight filtered through the cracks in the windows and Shaw could see the room was not well furnished. A lone chair stood in a corner and a closet lay along a wall. Muscles aching, he crawled over to the closet to discover a bunch of dusty, old clothes. Not just any old clothes, uniforms. Sailor uniforms. Shaw noted carefully. Deciding to go exploring, he looked for a way out. The large cavity in the ceiling looked promising but he wasn't tall enough to reach it. Pulling the chair over, he climbed on the chair and jumped. His fingers grasped the edges of the ceiling and he hauled himself up.
"Ga-urgh!" The gagging had finally stopped, and Shaw noted the sound came from his left. He was a in corridor lined with artworks this time, and the light was weaker than before. Everything was lined with thick layers of dust. Squinting, he gazed around, deciding his next move. This way. A weak voice popped in Shaw's head. Alarmed, he swung left, towards the source of the voice. However, there was no one.
Who are you? What are you doing in my head? Shaw thought. There was no reply and his shock had morphed into curiousity. Heading left, Shaw noticed that as he progressed, the walls were less dustier and the floors had more boot tracks on them, like someone has been here lately, Shaw deduced. Continuing warily, Shaw saw that the path split into two. Crap. though Shaw, What do I do now? surveying each path. The one on the left was brighter, with electric bulbs illuminating the road. The one on the left, however, looked as gloomy as the path he had trudged on.
Left. The same feeble voice popped into his head again. Shaw was mad at this intrusion of his thoughts and the feeling of someone going through his memories. "Who ARE you? Why do you keep DOING that?" screamed Shaw furiously. His roars echoed through the floors for a long time and Shaw felt dumbfounded for a moment. My echos don't seem to stop - this place must be huge. Still mad at the intruder in his head, he turned right, although reluctantly, refusing to heed the advice the voice gave and decided to ignore the voice from now on.
Wrong turn, Shaw.
LOOK OUT. Just as he heard this, he halted his steps abruptly and looked down. He was literally on the edge of a cavity in the floor. Gasping with shock, he peered into the hole on all fours. People were walking, sitting restlessly, or arguing softly, apparently waiting for someone. Someone important. He surveyed their clothes, donning similar designs with the man who had brought him here. Wait, where WAS that man? At the thought of that person, Shaw's fury rose again. This is kidnapping! How dare he! As soon as I get out of here I'll- IF you get get out of here. The voice was back, interrupting Shaw's thoughts with, well, another thought.
Reasoning that the source of the voice meant him no harm, in fact warning him about the hole in the floor and the thugs below him, Shaw thought What do you mean if I get out? What will they do to me
To this the voice replied, Turn left. Finally giving in, Shaw decided to backtrack his steps until he reached the forking paths again. Turning left this time, he started down the slightly brighter one.

So, what do you guys think? Again, feel free to post any comments about the story below and if I should continue this story. Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated and thanks for taking time to reading my fan-fic!
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 30/07/2017 17:57 (7 Years ago)
Ghost pokemon? Of course I'd love to see a continuation! (Y)
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 145
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2017 09:57 (7 Years ago)
"Laughing, he gave the Gastly one last fake-push, causing the Pokemon to flinch."
Normal-type pushes aren't supposed to affect Gastly! :P
Great story btw (Y)
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 01/08/2017 10:01 (7 Years ago)
Thanks @Venomoly!
@Raylong268 Pls no raylong