Forum Thread
[L] dracojax's lottery
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] dracojax's lotteryprice per ticket is 5k each pd, nuggets and items accepted using list in next post feel free to pm me to confirm number of tickets per item i will add all prices checks to second post.
Share the hashtag, #DracosLotto for 1 free entry for (once per person only)
prizes Include
1. Shiny unown A
2. Mega stone
3. Hollow Space (Map)
4. 11 fossil set (Armor, Claw, Cover, Dome, Helix, Jaw, Old amber, Plume, Root, Sail and Skull)
5. Griseous Orb
6. Cold Rock
7. 1 of Each gem (Bug, Rock, Grass, Water, Flying, Ground, Normal, Poison, Electric, Fighting, Ice,
Dark, Fire, Ghost, Steel, Psychic, Fairy, Dragon)
8. Star Piece
9. 5 mystery box and key (2x light blue, 1 red, 1 pink and 1 green)
10. 3 mystery box and key (1x light blue, 1 red, 1 pink)
depending on how popular the lottery is i might add random gifts (evo items, gems etc) to additional users who enter.
winners chosen using
Title: item to tickets ratio
psychic gem = 5 tickets
normal gem = 2 tickets
fairy gem = 2 tickets
all other gems = 1 ticket
mystery boxes/keys = 3 tickets each
1 nugget = 1 ticket
star piece/bottled message = 25 tickets
rare candy = 2 tickets
Title: tickets

001. Undertaker84 (hashtag share)
002. Suvichan (hashtag share)
003. Aarush_khurana (hashtag share)
004. Conqueror- (hashtag share)
005. Inuiza (hashtag share)
006. charmander02 (hashtag share)
007. Ghost_Rider (hashtag share)
008. King-of-universe (hashtag share)
009. Sahilgk (hashtag share)
010. spooky-hercules (hashtag share)
011. Goats (hashtag share)
012-018. Undertaker84
019-052. Goats
053-217. ~Lilo~
218-308. Goats
309. Lucie (hashtag share)
310. Xayah (hashtag share)
311. PokemonLoverz (hashtag share)
312-316. Ghost_Rider
392. BellathecuteEevee~ (hashtag share)
393. titaniumprincess (hashtag share)
394. mec88 (hashtag share)
395. Teri717 (hashtag share)
396. 3abbie3 (hashtag share)
397-681. HystericLevi
682-736. HystericLevi
737. Shinzo (hashtag share)
738. Rakah (hashtag share)
739. Prathampc (hashtag share)
740. sammy5555 (hashtag share)
741-840. HystericLevi
841. Braixie (hashtag share)
842. Rakah (hashtag share)
843. Raini01 (hashtag share)
844. Maggie-d (hashtag share)
845. PerfectJasper (hashtag share)
846. FlamingBlaze (hashtag share)
847. WingedGolem (hashtag share)
848. Ookie (hashtag share)
849 koreanlegacy (hashtag share)
850. ~TheAngelOfDeath666~ (hashtag share)
851. Red_Viper (hashtag share)
852. TheGoldenCharmander (hashtag share)
853. Luckylikespie (hashtag share)
854-1053 HystericLevi
1054-1112 HystericLevi
1113-1264 Goats
Title: And the WINNERS are
Here is your sequence:
855 - HystericLevi
370 - Shinzo - perm banned
247 - Goats
120 - ~Lilo~
1031 - HystericLevi
306 - Goats
517 - HystericLevi
914 - HystericLevi
396 - 3abbie3
16 - Undertaker84
137 - ~Lilo~