Forum Thread
Kitty: Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Kitty: DiaryMy grandparents are coming over today. I know they're nice, but sometimes they can be mean. I wish I could just do nothing. I have to go back to school again tomorrow. Another day of studies, work, and sweat. And all for 6 hours. I will write again soon.

Name: Kate
Age: 13
Watching: Jessie
Listening To: Pompeii-Bastille
Playing: Pokeheroes
Today I got accepted to be Co-Owner at The Poke-Mart!! I'm so happy! The Owners are: Professor_Joe, CyndaquilLuvsVan_Helan, and Me!!! So far, no one has posted there yet. But, that's only because when it gets later, less people go on. Well, I have to go for now. Bye!
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Name: Kate
Age: 13
Watching: Jessie
Listening To: Pompeii-Bastille
Playing: Pokeheroes
I am currently working on my animation skills. I made a Kitty Walk Sprite and posted it in a spriting clan. They liked it! I'm so happy! I'm going to start more animations!
See you later!

Name: Kate
Age: 13
Watching: Jessie
Listening To: Pompeii-Bastille
Playing: Pokeheroes
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a LONG time. I was a dope and forgot my password... -.- Well, I'll write more later. I have some catching up to do!

Name: Kate
Age: 13
Watching: Jessie
Listening To: Pompeii-Bastille
Playing: Pokeheroes