This bug has occured a lot of times to me.
I click Train with Charmander,and it does nothing.i keep clicking
clicking 100x,still nothing and randomly it gets clicked
It happened on my previous laptop too.
i have a good laptop now,but i do not have a good
internet.(internet might be the issue)
Have you ever paid attention to the server time when this happens
to you? Because whenever the index resets every 5 minutes (when a
new Pokémon for the front page widget gets chosen), all
interactions "freeze" for several seconds.
So, basically, my questions is: does this happen to the mentioned
Charmander only, or to other Pokémon as well, and does it happen
all the time or only at those specific 5-minute intervals?
Um, yeah. |D Not quite sure about when you interact through a
Pokémon's summary right now, but definitely when interacting using
the clicklists. Not for very long though. Like, 5 seconds or so?
This has been happening to me for months and I could never figure
out why. ><
I checked the time during the last SCE and indeed it happend a few
seconds after 20:05 20:10 and 20:15.
+1 Liirah - this lagging every 5 mins has been happening for months
now, I thought it got fixed when you sped up the clicklists but
since the server migration it's back worse than ever.
I hadn't noticed that it happened at the 5 minutes mark but I tried
it for a little while and I did find that for about 15 seconds
after every 5 minutes, it was happening.