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Whovians United

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs Whovians United
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:30 (10 Years ago)
Sooo, it's going to be quite a while until I get to see the first episode, and based on what happened earlier, I'm going to be temporarily un-subscribing from Whovians United. Just until I get to see the first episode and catch up with the rest of the world a bit.

I'm not upset or offended or anything, I just really can't stand spoilers. (Ever since the incident with the 7th Harry Potter Book...) I know we have rules about it, but sometimes people forget and I just don't want to go to my notifications and see a great big spoiler (or even a little one :P ). Especially after a week or two, the first episode will become old news and won't really be thought of as spoilers.

So, bye for now, but I will be back.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:37 (10 Years ago)
As far as I know, episode 2 will be out on Saturday... :d

No hard feelings JustMe, I totally get you. I'm not too scared of spoilers myself but I do have upsetting memories about HP as well. xD
I hope we'll get to see you here again once you've caught up. ;3
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 10:41 (10 Years ago)
thanks Finhawk! *calls the trolling friend on skype*
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Thu, 28/08/2014 17:00 (10 Years ago)
you wont believe waht i found! i found the original movie!
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sat, 30/08/2014 23:42 (10 Years ago)
Favorite Doctor: I cant decide between 9 and 10...
Favorite Companion: Again Cant decide between Rose Or The Ponds...
Favorite Enemy: Empty Child
Favorite Episode: oh Gods.. Never thought of this... um.... The Idiot's Lantern... and Fear her and Silence in the Library /Forest of the dead (2- Parter kinda)
Favorite Series: 1 And 5 And 6
Are bowties cool?: OH HECK YEA.
Anything else to add?: Im indecisive.
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 00:14 (10 Years ago)
Welcome to Whovians United piggy~ I hope you'll have a great time here. ;]
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 00:18 (10 Years ago)
Just to point this out,I was Ghost_Rayquaza,But I changed my name. I also plan on getting a Doctor who avatar and Signature. Oh how lucky I shall be ^^'.

interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 31/08/2014 17:26 (10 Years ago)
Thanks for telling me, I'll go edit the member list. :3

Also, just watched the newest episode and thus, spoiler alert!
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WAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Mah poor Daleks! ;A;

Too much emotions.... I just can't...

A dalek exterminating other Daleks... It's just wrong. So wrong. QnQ

Though I do like this new Doctor who was able to just let two people die without a blink of an eye. I'm just secretly hoping Master will come back and Doctor will team up with him and they'll travel across the universe causing destruction with their Dalek pet.

Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 73
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 18:01 (10 Years ago)
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I love how it was more Into the Doctor rather than into the dalek

Please Take a second and spend some time with my special pokemon


Custom Sprites By Kyriako
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 19:09 (10 Years ago)
That might be considered spoiler-ish. Would you mind editing your post and hiding that into a spoiler box?

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Though I do agree with you.

Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 73
Posted: Mon, 01/09/2014 19:10 (10 Years ago)
There, patched it up, sorry.
Please Take a second and spend some time with my special pokemon


Custom Sprites By Kyriako
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Tue, 02/09/2014 13:36 (10 Years ago)
i was watching the new episode and
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i love that the whole "i will come back" joke that we got from matt smith got into capaldi's season too
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 22:19 (10 Years ago)
Guess who got a selfie with John Barrowman yesterday?
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(btw, yes, I am in a cosplay. Yes, if you guess it, I will love you forever.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 23:27 (10 Years ago)
Guess who's jellyyyyyy~ xD

But that's pretty darn cool. .3. (And no, I don't know who you're cosplaying. Sorreh. :d)
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 07/09/2014 23:29 (10 Years ago)
Meh, I'm not surprised you don't know. I'm Agnes from Bravely Default, not many people seem to know what it is.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 05:04 (10 Years ago)
Well, I'm back. I have seen the first 3 episodes, and would have seen the 4th if it weren't for the silly TV people changing the time on me. Ever since Eccleston grabbed Rose's hand and told her to run, Dr Who has always been on at 8:30pm. Always. But then they went and changed it to 7:30pm and I didn't know. So at 8:20 I turned on the TV to get ready to watch, and it was already almost over :,( . TV people are mean.

Anyways, my thoughts on what I've seen so far:
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Well, I definitely like this doctor better than Smith, but Tennant will always be my favorite. It seems darker than previous seasons, which I think is good. The creator of Dr Who said that he wanted it to be a show that you watch while hiding behind the sofa, in other words it's supposed to be a bit dark, and a bit scary. I also like how Capaldi has brought back a bit of the sternness of the old doctors, like Hartnell. By this point the Doctor has been through so much sorrow and loss so it makes sense that he is darker and more brooding.
I must say, I have warmed up to Clara quite a bit, and like her more than I liked Amy, but again, Donna will always be my favorite human companion (K9 being my most favorite companion of course :P ) . I like how she doesn't just accept what the Doc says, she questions him, and tells him off and isn't afraid to give her a piece of her mind. She has a mind of her own, in fact she has a life of her own while not travelling with the Doc, and she isn't totally dependent on him like a few of the older companions.
As for the episodes, I am enjoying them. I loved seeing the Paternoster Gang again in the first episodes, Strax is always good for a laugh :P . I am rather intrigued to see what's going on with this Missy and Utopia/Heaven/Whateveritis, but I hope they drag it out a bit and don't make it too easy to figure out straight away. I was a little bit disappointed in the 2nd episode with some of the proportions not making sense (i.e the people's size relative to the Dalek seemed to change) but that's just my logical brain being fussy :P . That bit where the Dalek claims the Doc would make a good Dalek was interesting, as I seem to remember it being said a few times before (at least once with Tennant). It was a good episode, but I think I'm going to have to do some research on the Dalek timeline, cause I don't quite understand how they keep coming back, it seems like Murdoch and MacGyver all over again :P . The third episode was good too, nice to have a bit of light-heartedness to break up the dark every now and then, and that scene when they were in the jail/dungeon thingy was hilarious.
Hmmm, I have written quite a lot, I didn't plan to do that. Oh well, to sum it up, I like the Doc, I like Clara, Daleks keep coming out of nowhere and Strax is funny. Looking forward to more Who.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 104
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 14:00 (10 Years ago)
ive seen episode 5 plus the next time yesterday and i dont know what to think...
my brain is all wibbly wobbly timey wimey...
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 13:38 (10 Years ago)
... ... ... 48 members, and silence in the Whovians United Fanclub... ... ...

Hellooooo? Anybody out there? You haven't been hanging out in shadows with the Vashta Nerada or blinking around Weeping Angels, have you?

Anyway... I had the great pleasure or introducing Dr Who to a couple of boys I was babysitting the other day. I started off by luring them in with a promise of aliens, monsters and robots, then thoroughly confused them by saying it was about an alien who looks human that travels through time and space in a spaceship disguised as a blue box which is bigger on the inside. I showed them one Eccleston double episode (The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances), and one Tennant double episode (Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead). This was followed by a game of 'Are you my mummy?' (Marco Polo) and 'Who turned out the lights?' (shadow tag). When I was leaving, one of them asked me to bring some more episodes next time, but, in his words, "The one with the cool doctor with the spiky hair, not that other guy!" Lol, I taught them well! :D
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 14:09 (10 Years ago)
Yeah... I've been lazy...

Oh wait, no. I was upgraded. Which pissed me off because I wanted to be a Dalek not a stupid Cyberman so I went on a rampage to kill everyone. Deleting got boring eventually so I'm back.

You have indeed taught those kids well. Tennant will always be the best. I think I mentioned this before but they've been showing all the previous seasons on Finnish TV since summer and after the tenth Doctor regenerated my little sister simply announced she can't watch it anymore because the Doctor turned into "the stupid looking guy". xD

Also I confused this one girl by talking about DW and she decided to watch an episode. My job has been done. >:3

Da spoilers below.
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The search for the ultimate Doctor was quite interesting even though I was expecting another epic episode.

Tennant will always be my ultimate Doctor~ .3.

Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 102
Posted: Sat, 11/10/2014 14:39 (10 Years ago)
Its Been a week RIght? Can i talk about the New Episode? ^^"