Long ago,humans would keep coming in the world,awaking as
pokemon.This soon stop,Which means adventures stop.Queen Diancie
the 6th was a new queen,learning the basics.Outside the pokemon
world lies the shadow pokemon,The ruler,Yveltal soon heard that a
new diancie was announced,A perfect time to attack.His second in
command,Kage the shadow Entei was readying the perfect shadow
pokemon,To take over villages by villages.The only thing they were
after was the pink crystal,That keep everything in balance.If the
shadow pokemon were to take over the pink crystal,it would be
called "the stone oynx".It couldn't be turn back into a pink
crystal once it was taken over by the shadows.It would take a full
week in order for it to turn into a stone oynx which would
mean,Some heroes of the normal pokemon would have to journey to
rescue it.Right now,The shadow pokemon are nearing,only 3 villages
reminded normal.Your journey begins in the village of queen
diancie.Can you help the pokemon who are defending the region with
their life's or will you go in the shadow region and become
1.Only 3 pokemon per person.
2.Only 3 legends in team crystal
3.You can rescue a pokemon before they are shadowfi but they have 3
days to be rescued before they are shadowfi completely.There is no
current cure to cure complete shadowfi.
4.When you are in the shadow region,you have 5 days to get out or
you are completely shadowfi.Queen diance does pack yall each with 3
light bottles.To fill them back up,Leave then out in the sun for
one hour.
5.If your pokemon can mega evovle,you are packed with mega
stones.Though y'all are level 5 now,While you are out,you can
evovle by battling enough.
6.No op or Mary Sue characters please
Pokemon:Shiny eevee
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did):5
Moveset (max 4):Tackle,Growl
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did):5
Moveset (max 4):Scratch,Leer
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did):5
Moveset (max 4):Scratch,Growl,Ember
Name: Seth
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Snivy
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did) 5
Moveset (max 4): Vine whip, Razor leaf
Shiny?: Nope
Other: none
EDIT: I forgot about my pokemon, sorry!
EDIT 2: Changed my thing entirely
Name: Tajador
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Ho-Oh
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did) 5
Moveset (max 4): Weather Ball, Whirlwind
Shiny?: No
Other: I Like Trains
Name: Zigzag
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Sentret
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did): 5
Moveset (max 4): Scratch, Foresight, Defense Curl
Shiny?: Nope
Other: Instead of having a stripey pattern on his tail, he has a
zigzag pattern.
Name: Lilly
Gender: Female
Pokemon: Sylveon
Level: 5
Moveset : Tackle DisarmingVoice QuickAttack
Shiny?: Naw
Other: I changed the moveset because I thought my moves were too
powerful, but they'll change when she levels up
Ability: Frisk (I know Sylveons ability is actually Cute Charm, but
I don't really care :D)
Name: Sink
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Corphish
Level (start off at lv.5/only change level depending where you are
and what you did) { 5 }
Moveset (max 4): Bubble, Harden
Shiny?: Yes
Other: He's a nice feller when you get to know him, but to others,
he's just too happy-go-lucky.
Edit: Might get more Pokemon later if that's ok? ^^
You feel a disturbing
something at the end of this signature. . .
Name: Copper
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Pawniard
Level: 5
Moveset: Scratch, Psycho Cut
Shiny?: No
Other: He has purple eyes and he knows the land since he was part
of traveling Guild of pokemons bafore all of this broke out.