you walk by a shop that says Shadowwolf's sprite shop when you come
in your are greeted by a girl who says "welcome to my sprite shop
before you order please read the rules" she then points to the
1. no spaming
2. follow all pokeheros may ask for sprites with many pokemon but they take longer so
be patient if you do
4. if you ask for a sprite with more then 20 pokemon i might not
get to it right away or may take a couple days since im not good in
advanced spriting and that may require some
5.the password is colors
6. if you ignore any of these rules you will get a warning
7. Please no stealing anything i make . Do not take something that
wasnt ment for you
after you read the rules she lets you choose what you want
Pokemon in the fusion:(any number of pokemon. Please just dont say
all of them)
To what:(can be to another pokemons colors or just a differnt
Ok on it. Also next time please mention if its a recolor or a
fusion. Though ik its a recolor it can be confusing
(And then the computer im using decided to do a disk check. This
might take awhile. Ill do it as soon as i can
Username: MrChiwiWolf
Pokemon: Luxray
To what:(can be to another pokemons colors or just a differnt
color) Like Absol
other: I saw your other works and I like them very much but could
you please do the background transparent and give me the img url, I
mean this [IMG*][/IMG].
I would send a tip anyway but if you do the last 2 things I would
send a good tip xD
Ill be back home at 11:20pm est so ill get the sprite done 11:30
-11:50 if all goes to plan. I wouldve done it right away. But i had
a party to go to and then a fair