Forum Thread
Alolan Sprites
Forum-Index → Bug Reports → Resolved → Alolan SpritesThis has been happening for about a month now and after waiting to see if it would fix itself (probably not smart but my laptop is known to be a jerk sometimes) I am just posting this now and seeing if anyone else is having this problem!
Strangely enough a lot of the Sprites for the Alolan Pokémon are not showing up in certain things.
If I look in my own Storage Boxes, I can see them just fine. BUT if I say click to my Item Bag and then click an Everstone to try and give it to one of them, their Sprites are suddenly gone. Believe me I double and TRIPPLE check to make sure I am not just loosing my mind and that they are there-- but they are not. Yet if I go back to my Storage Boxes on my own again they are suddenly showing up once more.
It has happened the most when I try to give something an Everstone, try to put it up in the GTS or try to put it in the AH.
Obviously, with those being some rather big parts of the game as a whole, not being able to click on the sprites to do what I want is slightly frustrating. X'D
Here are screenshots to show and prove my point. I am using the same Storage Box, but it happens with all of them. There are always some Alolan Sprites missing:
Here's when I am just looking in my Storage Boxes. All of them are visible at the bottom as they should be:

Then when I want to try and give them an Everstone. They are suddenly all gone:

Again, except I'm trying to put them up in the GTS:

They're gone again.
It happens when I try and set them up in the AH.
Again, if this has been brought up before I'm sorry, I literally looked everywhere to try and find something about this.
I'm not sure if anything can really be done about it since I can understand the whole thing about Sprites being finicky. X'D But I just thought it would be nice to speak up about it, since it's...Slightly infuriating.
And yes, I did try and refresh the page multiple times every time this happened, and I even rebooted my laptop. Same thing happens.
I'm just not sure what to do at this point.
Also, sometimes in the non-storage box (i.e. GTS, Bug-hatching, AH) other sprites are messed up. Here's the thread if you experience that.

...The fact I never found those threads despite looking literally everyhwere (I am a paranoid goober X'D) dumbfounds me, but that kind of just further proves the point.
Thank you both, and yea I suppose we'll just have to wait and see! At least I know-- kind of-- what the heck is going on now.
Sorry for the repeat-offender-bug post. X'D I need to be more diligent at looking!
At least I don't seem to get that problem! It's just the magically-disappearing-sprites.
I wasn't too perterbed simply because you are doing a heck of a lot of awesome stuff with updates and things, so I just brought it up simply because it was going on for a while. XD
Thanks Riako~ !