Forum Thread
[L] Silver's Monthly Lottery (Closed~)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Silver's Monthly Lottery (Closed~)Hello everyone! ^^ I find myself often needing small things while being too lazy to comb through the different shops everyone has so I thought I'd simplify it myself by creating a monthly lottery. Below are some things you should keep in mind if you're going to enter:
✧Don't rush me - I'm a high school student completing the International Baccalaureate Programme. Unless I've accidentally skipped you over or have ignored a post for more than 24 hours (and have been online in those 24 hours), please don't PM/palpad me about this.
✧This is experimental for now. That means that I liable to change things round for each round. Obviously, nothing will ever get changed during a lottery since that'd be unfair to users that have entered. My future prizes/lengths of lotteries will depend on how the first few go.
✧Please try to be sure that you aren't going to want the ticket items back? I understand that sometimes, things come up but please don't put in tickets with the thought that you could just take it out any time.
✧The current lottery started on Sunday, 30th of July and will end on Wednesday, 30th of August.
What counts as a ticket?




✧ 30x

What do I need to while sending stuff in?

First, scroll down, copy the form and make a post here please so I have a record! Please do NOT send me anything until I've replied to your post and said yes - this prevents accidental breakage of my ticket requirements/sending in things I might not see due to having too many notifications.
What are the current prizes?

This month's prizes: More can be added if I get lots of entries!)


✧3x events from this box

✧Note: These prizes will go to the tickets drawn when I put the numbers into a random number generator. I will not discriminate against users that have already won something in the current round so it's possible that all prizes go to different users or that all prizes go to the same - it's all about luck.
Currently bought tickets:

✧Suvichan: 1-12
✧Jacharias: 13-40
✧Inuiza: 41-80
✧-trashpanda-: 81-290
✧MetagrossPrime: 291-435
✧Shinzo: 436-1135
✧MetagrossPrime: 1136-1210
Form to send things in:
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
[b]What I'm giving in:[/b]
[b]How many tickets I get with these items:[/b]
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
[b]What I'm giving in:[/b]
[b]How many tickets I get with these items:[/b]
Form for suggestion for future prizes:
Hey Silver! I'm considering entering in the future and I'd like to see this!
What I want as a prize:
What I dislike as prize:
Hey Silver! I'm considering entering in the future and I'd like to see this!
What I want as a prize:
What I dislike as prize:

Art credit: gelatin
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
What I'm giving in:1 Rare Candy, 3 normal gems
How many tickets I get with these items:10

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Send the items please~ ^^
Edit: Pfft, I'm blind xD Thank you! Do keep in mind in the future that my post does say to wait till I've confirmed it though ^^

Art credit: gelatin
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
Username: Csoxi
What I'm giving in: 114 dark gems
How many tickets I get with these items: 114?
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
Username: ThCPro
What I'm giving in: Aguav 9, Iapapa 3, Leppa 114, Lum 125, Nanab 6, Oran 117, Persim 129, Sitrus 125, Nomel 7 , Rabuta 1, Wacan 2, Salac 1, Mystery Key (Pink) 3, Mystery Box (Brown) 1, Mystery Key (Light Blue) 1, Dark Gem 9
How many tickets I get with these items: Dont know mind adding it up ? :D
@TheCPro, one sec! I'll palpad you when I'm done adding up since you've palpadded me anyways ^^

Art credit: gelatin
Last day to enter for this round! The prizes will be handed out around 9AM server time tomorrow :) You have up till 0:00 to make posts to enter (I'll be online again right before reset to confirm anything) and all tickets bought must be paid before I come online after reset for them to count!

Art credit: gelatin
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
What I'm giving in: 9 normal gems
How many tickets I get with these items: 9 I believe
I would appreciate any latias plushies ^w^
Edit 2: Since it's been 24 hours since KawaiiAnimals' post, I will not be waiting anymore. Here is the list of tickets randomly generated by an online generator (only tickets where the items promised have been given in have been counted):

Since only the first 4 numbers matter, it seems that Csoxi is getting everything except for the shiny petilil which is going to ThCPro ^^
Edit 3: Csoxi doesn't want the events so they go to the next 5th number which is also ThCPro's!
The next contest begins now!

Art credit: gelatin
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
Username: mellzarankkidd
What I'm giving in: 5x Normal Gems and 5x Dark Gems
How many tickets I get with these items: 10 Tickets

Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
What I'm giving in:30 random berries, 15 normal gems, Mystery Box (Brown), Mystery Box (Green), Mystery Box (Pink), Mystery Key (Red),
How many tickets I get with these items:56

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
@Suvansh, the 4 boxes/keys get you 40 tickets, the gems 15 and the berries 1. I think it's 56 and not 66? ^^

Art credit: gelatin
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
Username: Inuiza
What I'm giving in: 100× Normal Gems
How many tickets I get with these items: 100
Hey Silver! I'd like some tickets!
What I'm giving in:3 rare candies
How many tickets I get with these items:21

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.