Forum Thread
{Nev Draws For Shinies}
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → {Nev Draws For Shinies}I'm Nev, a artist in this ph community. I always get PD from art, but the only thing I use it for is Shiny auctions!
So I was wondering. What if I made a art shop that only took Shiny Pokemon as payment? So, I made this.
~You can pay with any kind of shiny, I wouldn't mind having multiple of the same Pokemon.
~Be respectful!
~Be patient, I have another art shop to run, and I have one week left of school.
~Pay after the art is finished, I don't want to break any hearts
Examples of my art
My Shiny Box
There is no form, just say what you want drawn, and the Shiny/s you'll pay with
Also, there's unlimited slots.
I rushed this so much, I'll make it better soon, I promise ;;

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