Soon her coughing subsided. "You, of all people, should know." She
spoke in a hoarse voice towards Death. (She's dying from an illness
she's always had.)
Hey, Red here! Just wanted to let you know that I would love to be
your friend! All I ask is for a bit of respect and you're set! My Humble Art Shop
"I can feel aura, but what you've got's much more impressive." She
nodded her head at Death, smirking slightly. "This stupid illness
has been sapping my power for years. Used to be able to summon
small blasters. Now, nothing listens to me."
Hey, Red here! Just wanted to let you know that I would love to be
your friend! All I ask is for a bit of respect and you're set! My Humble Art Shop
She then went over to Dream, sitting with him. She was starting to
get irritated, and if anything started, it would be best to get the
smaller sanses out of the line of fire first.
"No. I want to hear what he had to say. And if he has any problems,
he can tell me." She then turned to look at Dream, her smirk
cooling into a friendly smile once more.
(Sorry XD)
Hey, Red here! Just wanted to let you know that I would love to be
your friend! All I ask is for a bit of respect and you're set! My Humble Art Shop
"No, Genny isn't allowed to start any fights because if he gets
dust on the carpet Ink will murder him and I'll be forced to fight
her." Death says with a smile.
Geno mutters something, giving her a dark look, but doesn't say