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1 hour feed (deletion) cooldown

Forum-Index Suggestions Rejected 1 hour feed (deletion) cooldown
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 462
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:21 (7 Years ago)
So this idea occurred to me after I thought about how if you broke a rule via PM or pallpad, the evidence remains. So my suggestion is, after having posted a feed or a comment on a feed, you'd have to wait at least an hour before you could delete the feed or comment.
I know it might not be a convenient thing/feature to have, but it would give the opportunity for rule breakers and such to be caught easier, as they wont be able to delete evidence of rule breaking that easily, and it might encourage people to think before making a feed that might be rule breaking or harsh.

So whether this suggestion gets support or not, it's just a thought and idea out there.

Trainerlevel: 88

Forum Posts: 124
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:25 (7 Years ago)
For one, I think this shouldn't happen as people tend to make url or font errors when trying to make a post, I do this a lot, and by posting the same thing again, but corrected would count as spam, especially in cases where you get it wrong a few times
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 462
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:29 (7 Years ago)
@~The_Darkling_Mod_Wolf That is a valid point. Perhaps there could/would be some way to work around that problem? I'd like to hear other opinions on making the suggestion better.

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:30 (7 Years ago)
I'm kinda tied between supporting it or not.

Imagine you just made a terrible mistake in your writing (grammar/spelling wise) and want to correct it - or made a very unclear explanation of something and would like to do it better without having to make another post only to clear your explanation again? ;v;

On the other hand you're right about the rule breaking thingy.
Maybe it would be a solution that people who just joined and people were reported several times for stuff like that as well as people who have a set amount of warnings will have to wait an hour before they can delete their feed(s) and comment(s), while people that basically never misbehaved won't have to wait that long? Maybe only around 10 minutes?
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 462
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 10:37 (7 Years ago)
@Nishinoya. I agree with that, it is a valid problem. Perhaps along with the 1 hour deletion wait, there could be a way to edit the feed if mistakes was made, but that a edit history remained that only Mods could see? Like, if someone made a rule breaking comment or feed, and then changed it, the mods could still see the previous version? Though I'm not exactly sure how'd that would work coding wise.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 1,245
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 15:36 (7 Years ago)
I'm neutral on this.

I see your point and I commend on you suggesting a way to catch potential rulebreakers. It's quite a wise suggestion, infact. I also totally agree with the extra addition of a feed edit history, though, won't that just be a loophole? Users can't get a screenshot of the previously un-edited feed and by the time an hour have passed, they can delete it and get away without any punishment. If the history is made public for users to see, I really don't agree with that as not only I can't delete it but other users would be able to see my mistake and as a person with anxiety, I think of the worse on how would they think of me for such a small mistake.

I have my own reasons for not entirely supporting this suggestion, too. I often post really dumb feeds then would delete them a few minutes later. Sorry that I have to repeat a point but as mentioned before, I have anxiety and often post things on impulse then regret it a few minutes later and rushing to get the feed deleted before anyone set their eyes on it. It just feels really safe to know that you can post anything and take it back anytime you want, to have that power to take back what you said.

My final judgement; It doesn't affect me too much, I could just start trashposting on twitter if it comes to that. I have my doubts, however.
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 17:05 (7 Years ago)
I have been talking with some friend about this and this is what we thought. Rather than restict everyone with this, why not have it be something that is a punihsment where only those causing problems are restricted from deleting their feeds, editing their froum posts and also their comments.

They would have restrictions on they account where for 1 month. they would need permission from mods to do so. But also be warned as to not to spam the system.

Accounts with recent warnings / Drama Would be affected so if for example there's warning from over 2 years it wouldn't count.

Also the restrictions must be approved by at least 2 mods to make it seem fair that way it's not just 1 person making the choice which could be deemed unfair.

Also if the user continues to cause such problems, the restrictions could last longer for each infrigment.

How would that sound? Feel free to disagree but then it would allow normal everyday uses to remain unaffected.

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 462
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 17:14 (7 Years ago)
@Nexanda, that actually sounds like a good idea (Even if it means that I'd be affected by that too~). It's better than letting the rule abiding users suffer with it.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 157
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 18:41 (7 Years ago)
I do somewhat support this. But I also agree with the statements already made. So this wouldn't be that much of a problem if there would be an option to edit your feed. And to catch the people that are trying to get rid of evidence , there should be something that says something is edited ( Like they have on Deviantart and Youtube )
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 19:29 (7 Years ago)
perhaps something like a message that shows as "This feed has been deleted and will be removed in 1 hour." to all users except mods? This way, the feed basically functions as being cleared except to mods, who can view it.

I also agree with an edit history, that would be very helpful
Trainerlevel: 79

Forum Posts: 1,961
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 19:36 (7 Years ago)
The best solution would be from my post (on an old suggestion that wasn't worded well) here

Simply put:

A report feed/report comment button that archives the feed or comment to the mod panel. Kinda like the report button in the palpad: it sends the conversation (up to so many lines of palpad history)

The best way as I see it:

If you report the feed, it will be archived and sent to the mods, including all the comments up to the point of your report

If you report a comment on a feed, it sends the comment and the related feed to the mod's archives.

The archive would last as long as the archived palpad messages the mods have, and if the post or comment is deleted, the mods still have it, without risk of faked screenshots


Because no matter anyone's opinion on these users, being unable to delete something if you made an honest mistake is way worse, especially if you've been warned before and are trying to follow the rules.

What if you were posting a feed from your phone, and you didn't notice you mistyped "I'm on a pokemon hunt" as something way different (a one letter difference in your phone's autocorrect and that's an inappropraite word). Even riako made this mistake before, mistyping ditto as something inappropriate in the herochat.

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Trainerlevel: 56

Forum Posts: 1,742
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 20:15 (7 Years ago)
This seems like a good idea, but I think it'd be better if it was more like Shenanigans' suggestion
I also think Nessys idea is probably the best though

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Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 1,386
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 20:30 (7 Years ago)
Seems like a neat idea, but I'm neutral. Perhaps a reported post cannot be deleted only? :'0
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sun, 21/05/2017 20:33 (7 Years ago)
Support, it's pretty much BS that people can get away with rulebreaking just by deleting the feeds and making your screenshots useless.
No homo? None at all? Not even a little homo?

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 1,245
Posted: Mon, 22/05/2017 02:40 (7 Years ago)
Actually, I support the suggestion with Nexanda's and Nessy's addition. Especially Nessy's post since I remembered that thread and thinking that Nessy's addition was clever. [ Both correlates with each other but they totally have my support ]
Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 528
Posted: Tue, 20/06/2017 20:09 (7 Years ago)
I agree with this since I have known people to post something about another person (name shaming, or posting that someone blocked them), and delete it not even 5 minutes later. I think this should happen to allow MODs the chance to catch people in the act of breaking rules.
Trainerlevel: 119

Forum Posts: 2,893
Posted: Wed, 21/06/2017 05:00 (7 Years ago)
I give my support to Nessy's suggestion. I once accidentally posted the wrong link in a feed, and that link led to a very nsfw image. I caught myself just a few seconds after the feed was posted, and thankfully no one saw it. I deleted it, and re-posted the feed with the correct image. If I had not been able to delete the feed, I would have been in trouble, for an honest mistake. Having the ability to fix my mistakes before they get out of hand is an option I prefer to keep.

So, no support for this one, even though I understand where you're coming from 100%.
Trainerlevel: 102

Forum Posts: 8,536
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2020 11:33 (4 Years ago)
This suggestion has received less than 60% support and was moved to rejected.

Total votes: 67
Support ratio: 59%
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