Forum Thread
Danganronpa Fan Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Danganronpa Fan Club


★ If you're going to say something direct about that game that is likely a spoiler, hide it in a spoiler tag.
★ Please follow all PH rules.
★ If someone breaks the rules, please let me or a mod know! I'm only going to appoint people who ask, and who I trust, to be a mod.
★ Please be kind to everyone!!
★ Follow the form.
★ No mini-modding

★ Art contest: Sometime soon, we'll hold an art contest!! Whoever draws the best art wins something tba.
★ Character of the week: once a week, we'll vote on a character [I'll announce the avalible characters] and we'll feature them on the main post.
Club Members
Club Mods

Margreat: Club owner
My form:
Nickname: Tomato, Carrie
SHSL You'd be: Spy??? or maybe artist
Favorite Character: Aoi, Mahiru
Join Form
SHSL You'd be:
Favorite Character:
SHSL You'd be:
Favorite Character:
Nickname: Amy
SHSL You'd be: mhh not really sure tbh but my danganronpa oc is ultimate magician so i would say that :D
Favorite Character: uuh this is very hard but probably sonia and gundham c:

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
Nickname: Ann/Anime
SHSL You'd be: SHSL Otaku/Writer (as in author)
Favourite character: Kirigiri Kyoko
i like almost everyone except for kaede (which i myself, dont know. Hate at first sight? XD) and Maki (because of spoilers that i wont obviously spoil)
Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?